The acting in Twin Peaks season 1 is porn tier

The acting in Twin Peaks season 1 is porn tier.
Will it get any better?







absolutely not



Is that the mayor of portlandia? Is he funny in this show because he kills me in that.


It gets worse and worse, but you won't stop watching it.

You have to understand that Twin Peaks is not what you've been told. Twin Peaks is only about 10% moody atmospheric horror. The show is pretty much 40% murder mystery procedural and 50% soup opera parody.

Sounds perfect

I don't know

Can you repeat the question?

You're not the boss of me now

And your knot's so big

Yes, but not until the movie.

life is un4u


No, it will get worse as Harry gets to "emote" in Season 2. And it will peak in Season 3 with Chrysta Bell.

Yeah, it's pretty bad in season 1 but as the show progresses it gets better. The acting starts having some lovecraftian undertones in season 2.


The Lovecraft influence is heavy from the beginning. Many of the long shots at the school have an eerie feeling and the way certain shots shift lead to the feeling that a dark power is at play even in such an idyllic locale. Once you see the horror the mother experiences its undeniably Lovecraftian on an emotional level with the simple inanimate object of a fan representing the truth and knowledge that cannot be fully comprehended without putting yourself in danger of being destroyed eternally.

>tfw you start having twin peaks black lodge tier dreams

man those sandwiches looked so good

They look good if the bread is fresh. Considering the fact the he was just coming back from a travel probably means that the bread was old and dry

No, but it gets instantly better if you put a sewater on and drink some tea while you watch

I literally had to great drunk to force myself to watch the last 5 episodes of season 2.
Now I can finally watch season 3


I wish.

This show is godawful. I forced myself through five episodes, wondering when it would get good. No wonder it got cancelled.