Cause of Racism

So is there a particular reason why nobody goes into reasonable detail about the cause of racism? I mean I read these so called psychology articles and they always give weird explanations like self esteem, repressed sexual urges, etc. I always felt more along the lines that you were raised a racist or made one by experience.

Any of you guys have your own explanations or experiences? I'd care to hear.

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>Cause of Racism
Protect the group. Racism is natural.

Distancing yourself from certain groups that follow a pattern you don't like means you are sexually oppressed?

People form stereotypes to quickly judge other people. It's an evolved trait. A bunch of stereotypes coalesce into racism.

Now liberals will tell you this is wrong and bad. However science shows stereotypes are quickly abandoned if they aren't correct. And it's good for you to avoid people with questionable intentions.

Upbringing matters a lot. If your whole family is racist this will obviously influence your view of the world.

In Germany, however, the majority of the population is generally very liberal (except for older folks). But since the refugee crisis started people you would never have imagined suddenly became very critical of immigration, some of those who were already red-pilled became incredibly racist.

racism is backed by facts, user

That seems highly akin to being raised into a homogenous group oriented enviroment though or being driven to find a group on account of experience. I know on some part we do it instinctively though as kids, where boys and girls separate into their own groups, but with matter of race it seems less prevalent upon instinct and more relating to being raised into it or seeking it on account of experience.


Thanks pardner.

Racism is the most natural thing in the world. As social animals, we prefer to stay with people who are similar to us, phisically and mentally.

In case of niggers, people are also racist because they are too much diverse and are obnoxious. There is a reason why they are hated my anybody else and even themselves.



cheers goy.

the facts are out there

Brown people look like walking shit.

not being able to compete for girls imh-o

I wasnt racist till I spent a couple weeks in Cook County Jail (Chicago)

I grew up in mixed neighborhoods. Had some black friends. Still do. But a niggers a nigger.

the only reason you did not see them until now

is because the left is trying to hide them from the eye and ear.

A nigger stabbed my 14 year old cousin in the heart 6 times over a girl. That's why I'm racist.

I love based Jews like you! Ones in jewmerica are mostly traitors and Cucks.

but what they do not know

Tragic! This why I support segregation!

is that they are engraving on their own grave.

People notice patterns of behavior. It's subconscious and over time it becomes conscious. Simple as that.

cheers goy.

racism is healthy, and niggers reaffirm it everyday

The cause of racism is human biodiversity
Or you can just say race


where do you live? do you want to meet up?

Knowing this. You have to realize the reasons why people hate the Jews then right?

Curiosity strikes me. What should my reaction be if a member of a despised community deviates from the norm? Along with that how do I make sure it's not a ruse?

I would have a beer with you. I have plenty of Jew friends and they know how I feel about the whole situation.


I rather not right now. I'm about to visit my family.

People want to feel like they belong to a group. For a group to exist they have to exclude others.

it's no surprise that people hate who is responsible. We hate globalists jews here too, because they are the ones who support the "free Palestine" movement.

come to Israel then

All liberals want constant validation and friends. There is nothing more important to them. The more "scary" the person the more they want to be their friend as well.

A German-American in Israel. I can't see it ending well for me senpai. I get filthy looks from the Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn when I drive by them in my "nazi sled".

If they don't act like the norm, it means they want to impress and gain respect from the others. just give it to him to encourage the behavior, so more people from that community will do it. about the second question, there is no way to know, unless they act weird, or avoid some circumstances.

the Hasidic community is a minority. unless you go to a place such as Jerusalem, you wouldn't have an issue.

I live in Tel Aviv, you'll be okay. We get plenty of white folk here

They aren't in Williamsburg. I have family there so I go there occasionally. My female cousin decided to try and have a conversation with one of the men one day and didn't understand why he wouldn't talk to her. I told her to ask him if he's "accepted Jesus into his life" (obviously a joke). She found it funny but not for the same reasons I did.

they are extremely isolated. They refuse to talk to us too, most of the time.

I wouldn't mind going to Israel. I hear the country is beautiful. It's just in a shitty neighborhood if you know what I mean.

And you STILL have that name from the day Hillary gave alt right speech

Most of "racist" people aren't even racist according to its definition, it's a buzzword like fascism, thrown around devoid of its original meaning.

I'm not racist as I don't necessarily consider other races in terms of superior/inferior, I don't care, but I'm probably "racist" because I see differences and want to preserve homogeneous communities rather than destroy humanity in its various expressions.

My last name is actually pretty universal. There has been a famous Jew with the same last name as mine. It's not a typical Jew last name. Also a lot of Italian immigrants have changed their last name to mine. I might be able to go undetected.

Hasidic Jews are scum! Many are chomos,

yes i do? those thread were gold


dunno if it helps but before coming to germany i wasnt racists at all and was pro multikulti.
after spending few years in school with abduls and ongo bongo i started hating them.
no respect for others
flirting with 10 year old girls while being 16 and up
unwillingnes to work.
also all of them become muslims when is rahmadan time so they can basicly to nothing at school.
i also saw them picking on germans kids.
they would never pick on one of our eastern euro kids because they knew that they would get btfo.

you can actually go in there in specific hours. they wont harm you or anything, just ignore you as much as they can.


>every time we meet one of these bears in the woods someone in the tribe gets mauled or killed
>maybe we should start being more careful around bears

Liberals are too under-evolved to recognize patterns.

yup, they live on welfare in here, and are unwilling to work, nor to join the army (which is mandatory btw). plus, they refuse to recognize Israel as a country.

Well here it is from my viewpoint. I used to be one of the dumb well meaning white kids who was fed the blue pill about niggers all my life. I believed it for the longest time because i never had to actually interact or live around nig nogs. It was not until my early twenties we moved to Poughkeepsie NY and i became redpilled pretty damn fast. Where do i begin? Blacks live up to every negative stereotype about the. Your old "racist" grandparents where not bigots. They where wise. VERY wise. They knew the true nature of the nigger. I was fed lies from birth about them like most kids. You have to live around them and deal with them to really know the truth and most white liberals live in VERY white towns safe from the nig menace. You have to smell their nigger stink,listen to their loud obnoxious monkey mouths,be a victim of theft or assault,have them lie to you,use you even rape you a couple times. The point is it is not racist to hate and distrust blacks. It is wise and sensible and could save your life. Burn the coal pay the toll nigger lovers.

cheers mate.

You're more confident with someone that's similar to you, be it on both culture and race. Racism somewhat of a natural defense mechanism.

You got niggers in Israel?! How the fuck did niggers get in there?! How the hell do the Ultra orthodox Jews put up with niggers? Why?!

I never understood why Israel would want to be a country there anyways. I get the whole holy land thing but seriously it's like if someone handed me a plot of land in the middle of the Bronx displaced a bunch of dindunuffins then I had to fight them off for the rest of my existence and couldn't truly enjoy my life.

see, babies do this really neat thing called "imprinting". the people they imprint on in infancy will be their people forever.

I'm racist because of how shitskins constantly demonstrate their incompatability with civilization both domestically and abroad

Hasidic Jews=Jewish version of autistic niggers. I kind of wish someone would gas them desu senpai

This desu.

Although it goes both ways, children are more racist by nature, but since they're less conditioned by society they also don't hold any biases towards people who aren't like them other than that they think they're ugly or weird.
Myself I wasn't racist as a kid, but I also didn't like hanging out with nignogs because I just simply didn't feel comfortable with them. Never really thought about it desu, so I'm sure that it wasn't society that told me that niggers are bad people.

there are, but believe me, if they will start with the WE WUZ KANGZ, they will be dead right away. besides, they are a very small minority, and niggers do not immigrate to here anymore, so all left is to put them all in prison

pic related is a orthodox in the latest pride parade the queers did, to answer your second question.

because it's the only place we have.

Aren't they the assholes who live off the state and refuse to serve in the military and openly deny you even have a right to exist?

if they live off the state, they win't get shit.
besides, women here are also racist, so no mixing and getting blacked is happening here.

and the assholes are the orthodox jews.
literally act like niggers

Even different breeds of dog have different temperaments. And different dog breeds do fight with each other...

Good! I had a Jewish prof who was married to a dindu. Such a cuck! She even gave me an A on an essay in which I blamed the Jews for slavery and quoted Farrakhan. Sad!

if he race-mixes, he's not a real jew

You could have Madagascar. Good isolated land with few native savages.

Because REALITY is racist you dumbfuck. Get out of your shitty little bubble and look outside for once.

our religion and history bound us the Israel. for us, there is only one home.

Racism is largely a male impulse.
Women will fall into the arms of almost any male provided they aren't a complete monstrosity. Men would compete with one another, (especially more likely if both parties have heavily contrasting physical traits), and the strongest would get the woman and pass on their genes.

This is a large reason why black guys like to rub it in white men's faces when they get a white girlfriend.
It all boils down to men being the more competitive sex. Evidence of this is how much more driven and ruthless society was before women were allowed to vote. Women just don't have that protectionist instinct that males have developed for millions of years. I mean shit, look at Merkel.

besides, we worked too hard on it to give up on the land:

Diversify isreal for the good of human kind. Show us the way

Neither of my parents were racist when I was growing up as a child. It wasn't until I was in my teens that both started using nigger, but by that point we'd been living in Georgia for 16 years. I have always hate niggers, from as far back as I can remember. This one particular story will never fade from my memory:

>be second-grade me
>early 90's
>there was a niglet in my class
>always threw rocks at people, didn't tie his shoes, and wore his pants backwards because Kriss Kross was the thing at the time
>had a very nigger-shaped head (like a monkey)
>one day we're walking to the gymnasium for PE or whatever
>I was always at the end of the line because my last name starts with an S
>I remember watching the back of his head all the way to the gym
>All I could think about was how much I hated him.
>Wondered what it'd be like to smash his skull with my hands
>Imagined me doing so with him lying on the ground screaming
>It made me feel better

Pretty fucked up for a 7 year old to think but since that time I've always hated niggers, and I had no outside influences other than observing their culture.

a good thing for humanity is to get rid of Islam.
it is a cancer that spreads, and fast. and we have 0 tolerance for it.

WHAT? You need to embrace EVERYONE'S culture, you bigot idiot. What kind of a reverse world do you live in??

It is develop in coming into contact with blacks.

>So is there a particular reason why nobody goes into reasonable detail about the cause of racism?

Literally an evolved self-preservation response that you learn about even in a shitty high school psychology class. At least they still taught you that everyone's actually born racist twelve years ago.

the finges you wrote with. they never held a gun to protect your country. the eyes you see with. they never saw someone get stabbed in the streets by a muslim. the nose you smell with, never smelled the gore and stench of your friends body. you lived in Norway, a white country, and never lived need these abominations. who are you to judge?


You don't judge all muslims by just a few incidence. You have seen a few muslims so that gives you permission to shit on all muslims is what youre trying to say?

i highly recommend Noam Chomsky for you

people are racist towards africans due to the behaviour of africans.

of course, the go2 argument....
the pic should explain itself...



You're an idiot if you think this is how we should treat muslims.

I was a strict egalitarian anti racist until I started educating myself on the differences of races and the genetic differences that are very coo mom knowledge amongst bioanthropologists, not to mention the strategic biological advantages of racism.

you are an idiot if you think Islam is the religion of peace.


More Americans View Blacks As Racist Than Whites, Hispanics

>Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist
>Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans.

They adapt very good wherever they go. I have many muslim friends. Nothing good can come out of focusing and targetting muslims in the way you're acting.


it's their religious duty to spread sharia, even if it means lying to people.