You cant make this shit up

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Isis is better at enforcing laws than we are.

Good god take me off this planet.

Reminder that if you are against the burka, you are literally ISIS.

>Tfw ISIS is doing more redpilled things then Europe is.


something something about how France is the head of the caliphate

______ _____ ___ _____

>ISIS: 1
>Western Values: 0

ISIS knows that terrorists can hide behind burqas, what kind of fucking retards would actually allow """women""" to walk around in them?

oh cuckolded western whites who are scared of being called WACISS ABLOOBLOO

They have done this for one reason and one reason only. ISIS have seen that the west is putting increased pressure on banning the burka, a huge petition that got over 400,000 in the UK was circulating a few months ago, the burkini ban in France etc. They've done this so the left now has the argument "THATS WHAT ISIS WANT YOU TO DO!"

>Psyop from isis to make western countries not ban the burka and allow further security risks.

If ISIS is doing this, then we should do the opposite right.

>West trained crossdressers to infiltrate ISIS.
>ISIS bans burka.
West: 0.

The irony here is that the burka is an extreme security risk in any country yet only the most Islamic state deems them a risk.

>the eternal anglo strikes again

>tfw when you get fucked up by SAS in drag

never underestimate where the SAS will go.
How far, how deep or how dirty.

>yet only the most Islamic state deems them a risk.
Exactly, it's banned here since 2011. Death to kufars btw

Essentially they banned women. Nowhere does it say women can remove their garbage bags.

How will leftists cope now.

They constantly try to tell the world burqas empower women, terrorists ban them because they hide terrorists

>A proud liberal an hero's

How long does anyone think it will be before they'll be recognized as a country?

>even isis knows the danger of burqas to conceal ones identitiy
>the west is more ignorant than a 3rd world terrorist group

Memes did this?

>You cant make this shit up
Sure you can, their "source" is an iranian shia propaganda outlet.

Don't get me wrong, wish it were true, but an Iranian source when they are fighting a war with ISIS is not reliable.


Can we meme Isis into being worshippers of Kek?

See, this just proves that ISIS does not represent islam

You must be fucking kidding me

really makes you ruminate

verily, yon image compel thy mind to deep contemplation


Why is isis so islamaphobic?

It was only a matter of time before they realized they can and will get suicidebombed the fuck out by a rival using a burka as cover. Soon women will have to wear tight shorts and figure-hugging shirts as the female uniform in the caliphate.

wtf i love burkas now

Important detail.

Our Labour leader already does. When he wins in 2020, you'll see major powers starting to appease them.

Is this real life?

I don't even know what the hell is going on anymore

Not so funny when terrorists strike at you is it mudshits?

>Merkel's future 'guests' get ANGLO'd before they get anywhere near GREATEST BRITAIN

How will the Krauts ever recover from this?

>ISIS has better security than multiple euro nations

Swim back to algeria a stop infesting the greatest nation on Earth thanks

>If you ban the Burka you're literally ISIS

Checkmate bigots.

>How will leftists cope now.
with vanity and a lack of history comprehension. as usual

>the muslim kunoichi meme was real

more like "USA's CIA project ISIS bans burkas in an attempt to push their agendas on the Muslim world"

You know, I dislike the English, but I will forever respect how fiesty and brutal you can be.

Rome taught you well.

You're still a bunch of delusional cunts, but at least you fight well. Too bad you deny other people fight just as well...

As if it isn't already obvious that ISIS is a US plant, next they're going to release a statement giving support to trump

>see ISIS isnt like Islam because Islam says you HAVE to wear the burka!
>islam doesnt make women wear the burka, its their choice!
Pick one