Should she fire her agent?
Should she fire her agent?
>if you need to google search the meaning of a movie when you get home, it was a failure
t. brainlets
pretty sure she got the role only cause she's fucking aronofsky
>cast JLaw to attract normies to your obscure arthouse oscarbait movie
>movie bombs harder than Nagasaki
I mean I hope they weren't surprised by this revelation.
thats good, 3 or 4 more flicks and hollywood will give up on her
No she should fire whatever trailerhouse that make the trailer portray the film as a paint by numbers horror flcik
Since when have reviewers rated films based on accessibility instead of quality? I'm not saying mother! is necessarily a great film, but I'm noticing that now more then ever before, critics are increasingly giving out ratings based on their enjoyment of the movie, as opposed to whether or not it was actually good. Absolutely ludicrous that actual great movies like Wind River get rated lower then hypetrash like Spiderman and IT.
Horror fans are so fucking dumb, they deserve this for not connecting the name of the director with what kind of movie this would be
>if you need to google search the meaning of a movie when you get home, it was a failure
hahaha fucking plebs
So is it actually bad or were normies expecting a normal movie and got something else?
The latter, but it wasn't amazing
since I wont see the movie anyway because nothing about it from trailers look interesting can you just spoiler it for us?
I dont know man, it drives me nuts though.
Look at the movie Fist Fight
>Dumb comedy staring Charlie Day and Ice Cube
>Well acted and actually had some really funny moments
>Gets garbage review because the critics all act above these kind of movies
I wish that reviewers took into account what kind of movie it is. Like don't rate a raunchy comedy as shit just because you don't like raunchy comedies.
This is how I would review movies:
Logan Lucky:
>Great film and great comedy
Fist Fight:
>Meh Film but great comedy for people looking for raunchy comedy
>Garbage movie and garbage comedy
Its hard to describe without going into massive detail but the movie is the entire history of the earth, religion and mankind retold within the confines of the house
JLaw is mother nature, Javier is God and the house is earth
>amerifats are so retarded that they don't get shit even when they slam the message in your face at the end
It's a big allegory. Javier Bardem a poet (and allegorically) is God, the house is Earth, and Jlaw is Mother Nature.
The first scene is a woman burning, and then Javier Bardem putting a crystal on a pedastool, reversing the destruction of the house.
The first act of the movie is the story of creation. Ed Wood and Michelle Pfiffer are Adam and Eve. At some point Eve breaks God's crystal (The original sin) and shit goes haywire. It ends after God creates humans (Getting Jlaw Pregnant)
The 2nd act is her about to give birth. God ends up inviting humanity into his home (His "fans") and quickly all hell breaks loose. Soon they start hurting each other, Jlaw, and destroying the house. To give context to how crazy this becomes there there is a scene of Kristen Wiig executing people in one room. This act ends with Jlaw giving birth to Jesus.
In the final act humanity kills Jesus and eats him (Just like the Catholic Rite), and then the violence/destruction of the house ramps up and Jlaw snaps and burns the house down. It cuts Javier Bardem (Completely unharmed because he is God) carrying a burned and dying Jlaw upstairs and taking her heart out, which produces a new diamond. He places that on a pedastool and the whole process starts over with a new woman as mother nature.
Thats what I gathered. I pretty much had it all figured out when the movie ended, and the rest came to me after thinking about it.
>>if you need to google search the meaning of a movie when you get home, it was a failure
This is why David Linch never had a career, right?
(regardless the fact that you like it or not, is beyond the point)
I don't understand, something representing some other media makes for a good movie? when did originality die
>David Linch
>if you need to google search the meaning of a movie when you get home, it was a failure
This is why every movie is dumbed down to the least common denominator
>David Linch
Brainfarted. Lynch.
But this does not destroys my point.
>this does not destroys my point
>when did originality die
When it didn't sell as well as rehashes.
interesting idea but was it well executed or did it feel more like random bullshit happening for no reason
i like how the "deep" movies that people watch are just normal movies
You mean Ed Harris, though the movie would be better suited as an Ed Wood vehicle
>if now we are just greentexting for the fun of it, well
You sure cracked the case you fuckin master detective
>It's a big allegory. Javier Bardem a poet (and allegorically) is God, the house is Earth, and Jlaw is Mother Nature.
pfhhahaha this is pathetic
thank you. I would have never gotten any of that from the trailer.
Typical that the obvious, even ham-fisted, Lovecraft references went completely over audiences heads.
I'd bet my net worth that her agent advised her against it. She probably insisted on it because she just wants to become a serious, arthouse actress instead of the meme "im just a regular girl!" joke that she is
You realize she is dating Afronsky right?
That proves my point even more lmao
>tfw you actually want to see mother now
Why are '''they''' trying to take down JLaw?
Fucking this
>from the director of Requiem for a Dream and Black Swan
It's like a whole parade of red flags that the movie is gonna get batshit and try its hardest, successful or not, to disturb you and devolve into insanity in the later scenes
I loved it personally but normalfags are fucking retarded. Probably the majority were Jlaw hunger games fangirls, aka cinema troglodytes
She did pretty well though. Bardem was as always masterful.
le epic normie filter for da win! I love hamfisted, film school-tier metaphors now rotflmao xD
Aronofsky is a hack
JLaw is absolute shit outside of David O'Russel movies
The screenplay was just nonmainstream enough to attracts pseuds but too harsh for a mainline audience
The filmmaking is very bland
The allegory is bad and hamfisted
Wow that sounds fucking retarded
t. brainlets
go back to your GOT threads
That sounds absolutely fucking dreadful
she took herself down
Allegory is the lowest form of art.
Why is Arronofsky so hit or miss? Why can't he just make good movies?
This is a very good question. I agree about it sounding interesting. I mean, it's not some re-booted mindless jump scare movie, it sounds like an original thought. So the way it was executed would be a big thing. I'll hold my judgement until I hear the answer to that. Or I DL it. I fucking hate cunt face Mcgee so I'm not paying for any oof her shit movies.
he was too busy fucking Jennifer lawrence
Blame audiences you dumb fucks. Audiences have been saying forever that critics only care about artsy shit and not whether a movie is actually enjoyable.
>"They only care about how fresh or original it feels instead of whether it will be a good time for audiences."
Now you're trying to say they shouldn't care if they enjoy it. Amazing.
Isn't that better than just a shitty geneirc horror movie though?
hahahahahaha Yeah, no. Any negative shit she gets is her own fucking fault. She needs to just shut the fuck up & do her fucking job. If she thinks she doesn't have to, well, this is what happens.
generic horror doesn't sell you on anything different
this one did
>he brings JLaw upstairs
I'm pretty sure he drops her on the kitchen table, which is one of my biggest issues with the movie, because he says he's bringing her back to the beginning, which is why he should've put her in fucking bed.
I haven't seen the movie either, but:
Antonn Chigurh is God. He has a baby with J-law aka mother aka Mother Nature.
The baby is having a grand ol' time crowdsurfing among a cult that starts living in the house, baby is pissing on everyone and loving life when suddenly (((they))) accidentally kill the child. The rest of the movie is irrelevant
o so it's the kind of flick you need to be on the 3rd day of a crystal meth binge to even understand
5deep7me so it's gonna sweep every award
It's not very deep though, nor do I think it's intended to be. The plot itself straightforward allegorical adaptation of the creation story with some psychedellic elements. Just that what's shown on the screen isn't as straightforward
Is there any real point or insight to it, though? Is there anything left to think about once you've identified the references? Or is it just "oh, that represents that, she represents that concept, okay"
The relationship between nature and god, and god and humans, and humans and nature is interesting enough. The movie is certainly more allegorical than plot-driven, but it is suspenseful in the first and second acts and when the movie goes full Children of Man at the end, its impressive cinematography and pretty thrilling.
You really have to know by now that the majority of Sup Forums will latch onto any negative aspect of a film and wail on and on about it. Its a completely serviceable movie. It's better to watch something (even if you pirate it, I don't care, not shilling) than to let all the screaming retards on this site tell you what to think.
Wish I could find one of her tits
where are the webms?
Why does every film that isn't by-the-numbers plotted fly over the head of plebs? Even if it's a sub-par film, why is the reaction always so fucking hostile instead of "just another bad film"?
It literally offends plebs to not be conventional.
So what happens?
Hey baby gets it's neck snapped & eaten, and she gets the shit beat out of her
her gown scene is the only reason to watch this movie
legit 9/10 body
>JLaw is so repulsive she can't make a gang rapey scene hot
Time to pack it up.