Sup Forums is a Christian imageboard
Sup Forums is a Christian imageboard
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It's a Kekist board.
Kek is just a meme, l+
Then why is no one here Christlike
It's a real faith, Cuck, and it's done things.
Do what thou will.
t. backward Utahian
Indeed it is.
Because > crossposters are constantly invading the board.
sorry m8, it's a meme, and you fell for it
And so did you fall for the Semitic lie of Christ.
Get out, you blasphemous Londoner crypto-kike.
you don't know the first thing about Christ. If you knew about him more intimately you would see His Truth.
Sorry, no, Sup Forums doesn't believe in the jews or their jew cuck religion
fucking lol, all your useless Kek can do is "do" gets. why don't you retarded heathens quit being idol worshipers and praise the one true God?
That is the Egyptian Gods way of communicating, he sends terrible happenings into the earth so that we may succeed in saving our race.
>red pilled
pick one
christianity is the ultimate red pill
a fucking leaf
and this
Christianity is being led by the nose by a jew
Good goy, spread the other cheek, never rebel, pay your taxes
>never rebel
>things heathens think about Christians
killing is never okay
Remember to leave the usury to Us, good goy
Yes, be a good little lamp, sheparded by the jews
If you're meek you'll inherit the earth, if your enemies kill you, you win
Give away all your goods, good little goy, money is evil! Leave the shekels to us...
try harder, fedora heretical neckbeard, you're not even good at trolling
What a good goy, you are! Your handlers must be so proud. No one is as dedicated to the dead jew as you. Keep worshipping the dead jew, maybe when you die you can be happy!
not him but youre pretty autistic bud
We don't need to hear how you bang and finger your dead friend.
that gave me a good chuckle
You can be a Christian and kill your enemy. You will be forgiven for your sins, sometimes you must kill so that your children don't have to.
its still not as funny as worshiping a dead kike on a stick
i was at church on sunday, always the best experience. I love church it was "högmässa" and as usal they had a choir. My hair always rise over my whole body when they sing old church music, no modern music can come close to that. And there is always fun to talk to the church assembly. And the priest often teel some good advice embbeded in histories about god to the assembly. And evryone is always welcome you just need to show up, the church will always take you in.
>maybe if I say it all the time it becomes true
What about the alt-right seems Christian to you? Its rituals (how its members celebrate and share their views - at rallies and on forums largely without Christian influences), its iconography (MAGA, based Pepe, racially charged memes) and its philosophy (Social Darwinism intertwined with ethnic nativism) are all post-Christian - it is a worldview shaped by the internet, globalisation and secularism. In fact, I would argue that the alt-right offers a white nationalist secularism that competes with the multicultural, sexual fluid secularism offered by the progressive left. Neither of these newly legitimized political philosophies, popularized in tune with the 2016 U.S. presidential election and media cycle, is actually in any way seriously linked to a religious movement or even originally religious ideas.
It's both of these things. KEK is but an angel of the Lord.
I'll say a prayer tonight for Anonymous and ask that KEK unleash his fury on our adversaries. Remember prayer is very important for matters of memes.
>he worships the Kike on a Stick
Loving every laugh
Did jesus really had to die fellow christians? We could have just stayed under the law of moses ?
Sorry, but it is not.
jesus is a faggot meme
>falling for the jesus faggot meme
>b-but goy! jesus "king kike" kicked other jews out of Synagogue - therefore NOT a jew!
>jeus "faggot kike" also called his racial brothers "synagogue of satan" - there fore NOT a jew!
>also jews really hate jesus - therefore NOT a jew!
I'm white, 100% Croatian, muslim convert
Islam is the only true red pill to western degeneracy and tyranny
One of my friend is named Christian.
t. christcuck who needs an invisible friend to comfort him, while jamal comforts his wife.
heathens posting their heathen memes
You're My father Damned right
wtf i hate jesus now
praise to kek!
Jesus was from Judea, he wasn't a Jew. This is literally all explained in the Bible but you have obviously already made up your mind so you wont find out. Do you see where the problem lies?
Yes, because Christianity is hedge and defense against islam and atheistic degeneracy.
Yahusha loves some sinners as well as saints....& those in between