>post against youtube ad revenue on Sup Forums
>get ignored.
Total echo box right goys?
I'm 23 post straight without any break.
Google bots won't break me.
Post against youtube ad revenue on Sup Forums
once I get passed 100 I'll post the montage.
Keep on chugging that youtube ad train goy.
this has to be the longest post in Sup Forums history
its still me
talking about the untalkable
talk about youtube or google ads and you might as well be dead on Sup Forums worse than trump or hillary!
hey though I've got one really long screen cap
I think googles plan is to make it too big to post!
believe in a shill board? cause you're in one!
mention the word google and you're a ghost!!
some asshat should have commented at this point.
just means I'm right! no argument on anybody's park seeing as you're all shills.
this is about as far as I'll go.
Will post tomorrow and document this fenomenon
Usually combos are broken in the 2-3s. this is post 32 with no other comments.
Is google really this untouchable? where they say the clinton foundation and trump supporters run wild even a single mention of youtube ad revenue as both running scared?
will have to post in shill threads. I may have found the salt. at least this long screen cap will lead some to believe.
>implying a 32 post combo isn't the best on Sup Forums.
Fuck you.
Posting Pritis.
Sup Forums is so shilled any talk of youtube and ad revenue I can combo all day!
too late
where google rules you will remain silent
>implying you can check my 33 post combo
where shills won't roam I will grow,
So why is Sup Forums so happy to Ad for youtube?
>Muh redpilled youtubers
>Muh favorite youtubers?
why is Sup Forums such a good goy?
Didn't see it because I filter threads that contain the word "redpill"
too bad when it tries to expose the "redpill" for the obvious ad it is.
>topics that are discussed daily
No, user, it's just your threads that are shit
Sup Forums had threads on it when the news broke.
Consensus was private companies can do what they want.
The fuck you expect, we aren't communists here m8.
Start a movement on Reddit, seems more up your street.
>threads are shit
>muh favorite youtuber
>redpill me on X
you really sure about that?
you really got to try hard to get through those shill threads and even then it takes a bit not to be buried.
Is mt thread shit? maybe. Is it as shit as the shills on here? no. Specially those youtube Ads. which is my point youtube at thread get like 300+ replies that shit is worse than reddit and makes jewtube more money than the current election.
imagine if you've gotten paid for posting on Sup Forums. bonus pay for every (You) you got. Rewards for every thread that reaches autosage stage. man id be rich
I'm more comfy as an user honestly.
I just don't like so many goytube shills and feel I should speak out once instead of lurking like I do.
if I have to take my time from lurking I'ma shove it in you're face.
I'd get nothing takes 35-40 posts to even get a replay cause google shills.
Problem is that it's a little-discussed topic because of how few alternatives there are.
Microsoft is shit, but Windows is a great operating system (although quality peaked at XP, 10 is a buggy mess).
Google is shit, but there isn't anything that other search engines can do better than Google (DuckDuckGo at least is almost as good in most situations), and YouTube has the fastest video load times and the most comfortable interface.
ITT: autism
Fuck off kunt. That's my thread.
I MADE that thread.
Do NOT take credit for my work.
Either pay up or fuck out.