Welp. Looks like I'm moving to Europe.
Welp. Looks like I'm moving to Europe
Good, get the fuck out bitch. Trump train's coming. Now check this 7
Good fuck off
Don't come to Brazil, please.
Welp. Looks like I'm moving to America.
We don't want you.
In case you didn't notice, Europe is turning right, as it should.
Maybe canada wants you.
Why Europe or similar white area, rather than culturally diverse and enriched Mexico?
Good. We'll need space for all the white Europeans who might want to come in.
no fucker, move to mexico to live with those shitskins you love so much.
Now I want to move to America
Fuck off we are full.
not welcome here either, cunt.
Go to mexico, since it's probably not coming to you anymore.
Go to Germany, you will get some free apartments there if you are strongly "tanned"
WTF how can this be happening? I'm literally shaking right now at the thought of this racist, misogynist, bigot actually becoming president.
Why not Mexico? Or the Middle East?
What are you, some kind of racist?
kek wills it
>not liking trump means you're a leftist/liberal
When will this meme end
Good! Enjoy your "diversity" bud. Kek wills it.
Glenn Beck?
yes, move to europe. Not canada
Stop talking. Just leave.
Check these to confirm Clinton will shit her pantsuit on stage.
It's gotten to the point where I cant tell the difference between CTR and sarcasm
fuck off we're full
Bigot. Why do you want to move to a place that is even whiter than the US? Are you really so blind to your white privilege? Fuck off racist, you are not welcome. Go to Mexico
>trump winning
>moving to Europe
I'll be happy to take your place burger
Would Texas ever actually secede? I'd love to live in a independent Texas.
No, don't come here, we are full.
We also don't like libtards anymore.
This girl is a hot tomale
No check these
He said Europe M8
how about you stay the fuck away, americunt?
Also your margin in this pol is (+\-) 3.5
>Americans move to europe
>Europeans move to America
Would be interesting
k bye kek
You should fuck off to Canada with the other cucks
Welcome! Donald Trump will make it easy for all Europeans (read: whites) to immigrate to the US!
fuck off parasite, you're not welcome here.
gott mit uns.
what I am more surprised is that even with dem stacked polling now trump has a slight lead.
>Europeans move to America
does that imply refugees?
Fuck off, you parasitic filth
I hope so.
Interesting ID there.
please do
hahah oh wow killerys trustworthiness keeps dropping.
Come on down, buddy.
This honestly reminds me of the primary when he BTFO Cruz and Rubio
>he is not a TRUE conservative
And don't come back.
>I'll move to this area with a higher density of white people to escape white nationalism :^)
Is that just something you hope for or is it based on something he's actually said?
On behalf of canada we dont want this faggot either
>white non-muslim
pick one.
She's winning in practically all the swing states. Trump may actually win the popular vote but Hillary will cuck him with the electoral votes.
Nope. I don't care if the stormtards give you a free pass for being white. Frenchman are the niggers of whites.
The very notion of scores of communist motherfucking rats leaving this country in droves upon Trump winning is too much excitement for me to handle. I don';t know if I could be that happy.
fuck off cuck we don't want you
Nice digits my man.
>anti trump thread
>1 post by the OP
jesus you CTR shills are so blatant
Stay the fuck over there, shill.
t. African American aka nigger of niggers
>*steps into courtyard at high noon*
>Hillary: "N-Nani??"
Well if you don't favor him over Clinton, you are a leftist/liberal.
And if you do favor him over Clinton and are still disappointed - who the fuck did you expect to lead?
enough with the divide and conquer bullshit, we are in this together for trump
Post Nanodelegates, son.
Enjoy the refugee crisis.
CTR here polls don't matter g-guys :^)
For trump!
Are you sure? You don't even know if he's a transgendered half nigger Muslim yet? Doesn't that sound enticing?
For Trump!
No, fuck off, move to Africa.
>implying europe's not going to close borders
>implying europe won't elect leaders such as based Geert to keep pisslam out.
It's gonna be the same as the USA. There is no place for you but your own ancestral homelands.
>implying europe's not going to close borders
>implying europe won't elect leaders such as based Geert to keep pisslam out.
It's gonna be the same as the USA. There is no place for you but your own ancestral homelands.
nobody needs a libshit like you over here get the fuck out to africa or asia
Enjoy your cultural enrichment and inevitable AIDS, faggot.
I really hope this is true, because there is a huge amount of smart educated white people here in EU wanting to leave this sinking ship. The US could benefit immensely from this brain drain if immigation was made easier.
Stay the fuck out of Scandinavia. We don't want more lefties and degenerate western culture.
Good. GTFO
>be american
>60% whites
>be french
>80% whites
>be german
>95% white
Take a seat Amerika
>pic related
>Welp. Looks like I'm moving to Europe.
Have fun living with all those "refguees". You'll be rape, groped, mugged, or blown up within the first two years.
>people actually consider voting for Johnson and Stein
Let's trade places. I offer you my socialist shithole.
Good luck with trying not to get murdered by Clinton's henchmen
Cmon on over Jacques. Unless you're nigger French, then stay away.
NO, youre moving back to africa.
>welp looks like i'm moving to another white country and not south america or africa
uh racist much
>be german
>95% white
Bullshit. Germany was 91.6% white in 2012. It's almost certainly fallen since then.
Looks like I'm moving to Trump's America :^)
Wanna switch homes?