45% is Trump's ceiling. He still can't win

45% is Trump's ceiling. He still can't win.

Hillary will win.

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I don't think Drumpf has gotten over 45% yet lol. I don't see it happening. It's over.

CNN has Trump at 49%, Clinton 48% today. Tough luck Hil Shills....

Trump is a retarted orange baboon. I'm honestly surprised he even got 45%. I fully expect him to drop to around 30% before election time.

Nice lie Trumpkin.
It's actually 45% Drumpf and 43% Clinton.

They said the same about Romney. Oh, wait...

All eyes on the first debate. If Trump attacks her from the left on trade and working Americans he'll get a boost. If he goes all Bengazi and Reaganomics bullshit, it's over.

Is that poll any better. Also thanks for correcting the record.

Thanks for Correcting the Record™

That's an even bigger lead for Trump though.

Except that's the ceiling for Trump.
Hillary has potential to go MUCH HIGHER in the polls.

Nate Plasticberg plz.



the debates will finally settle whether Trump is a Clinton plant or if he's legit
he can't fuck this up

All these shills thats crazy

>Hillary has potential to go MUCH HIGHER in the polls.

She hasn't gone over 50 herself

>B-but she has potential to go higher

Top Kek, what the fuck does that even mean? Stop talking shit you sad cunt.



The amazing thing is how he can keep getting back up to 45% by doing almost nothing.

Can't wait til the debates. He's going to destroy her.

They both have a 45% ceiling, idiot.

This election is really exciting because America has never hated both of their options so much before. If that 10% can vote third party...




>i'll make an inflammatory post with a silly picture of trump and a dignified picture of shillary
>heh, that'll show them

The shills are out in force today

Hillbots must be terrified of the debates. It will be fun to watch how she tries to squeeze out her memorized lines between two coughing fits or play down her obviously deteriorating health.

"So Hillary what will you do about X"
*cough*"I won't answer that beacuse you're a mysoginistic racistnazifascist"*cough*

she testified for more the 8 hours before the congress becuase of the Bengazi affair. She is a seasoned debater. I think she will do just fine vs a amateur like Trump

>inb4 shill

This is a good point. But this was years ago, when she had her health.

>Drumpf's ceiling

here we go again
is this the new talking point from the campaign?

They won't even be on stage at the same time. Trump is screwed.

>45% is Trump's ceiling.

That's because only stupid dumb WHITE PEOPLE support Trump.

I like this meme word, really shows how who uses it has absolutely nothing to say

F-fourty nine states is Trump's ceiling. H-he can't win them all.

H-he can't...

How does being interrogated on your crimes equate a debate?


How many uneducated black and Hispanics support Hilldog? 95%?

Really makes you think

Increasingly nervous

We've been hearing this BUT BUT BUT HIS CEILING since before the primaries. Your feeble attempts at demoralizing are pathetic.

*cough* *cough* *cough*

Oh No! Hillary Clinton has ANOTHER BAD Coughing Attack in Cleveland! 9/5/16


"Absolutely Deplorable" Hillary Deceived Congress Over Clinton Foundation Conflicts


Reuters cuts feed just as Donald Trump is being blessed by Bishop Jackson



What the fuck are you even talking about?

>potential to go much higher

This applies to either candidate you mongoloid.

Holy fuck that's so fucking disgusting


wote 4 trump

>45% is Trump's ceiling

Well yes, but Hillary will take ~40% and the other 15% will go to Stein/Johnson, ensuring a Trump victory.