Why did boomers ruin the future for millennials?
Why did boomers ruin the future for millennials?
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Millennials ruined their own future by being lazy and entitled. If you are not willing to do what it takes to succeed in the world someone who is will replace you. All previous generations worked hard and broke their backs to make a life for themselves. Millennials seem to think its just handed to them. The world wont stop and cater to spoiled children and not everyone can be president get over yourselves.
>inb4 the hate on me starts all I did was tell you the truth your parents should have. You are not special and you get out of your life what you put in. If you succeed or fail is your own choice regardless of outside forces.
kek. Murica 20 trillion in debt
>lazy millenials
kill yourself
Don't you see OP. Even with how shitty it was, our time is through. Gen Z is going to make millenials the new Boomers.
wow. i didn't know boomers were on this board.
Millenials are the generation with the best education, financed by massive student debt, yet they still earn less than previous generations inflation-adjusted, can't afford houses and families.
It wasn't boomers who voted in Obama when the national debt was $10.6 trillion. In eight years it has gone to $20 trillion. When we fail its on him and his supporters.
The more people who have a college education the less that education is worth. They made a glut in the market and business adapted by lowering pay since there were more employees than they needed. The more people have a thing the less its worth.
>muh math
2008, 18 years to be eligible to vote. Only those born 1990 or earlier. Regardless of where you make the split for millenials, you are cutting out a large portion of them.
god americans are fucking stupid
I kind of see millennials point. I am 32 so I guess I am just barely a millennial and I am just now able to afford my own home after working at a pretty good white collar job since my mid-20's.
Everything is more expensive. I can get why people complain. I just don't get why tend to give up on their dreams because the chips are stacked against them.
They didn't think they were
They thought getting rid of tradition would help the world, it was shortsighted and selfish.
But hey thought it would be a better world
"Boomers" didn't ruin things for "millennials". Both groups have cultural and behavioral tendencies that put them at odds with each other.
Boomers are a large generation that is getting older, and they want to keep the retirement welfare that was promised them.
Millennials went to school on loans, but were never taught what it takes to succeed, so they have little chance of paying those loans back.
Both groups are getting fucked over by the global elite. The Baby Boomers are over-represented in the elite, but they don't make up it's entirety. Mark Zuckerberg is a millennial, and he's had a hand in many of the problems we are facing.
If you try to blame one generation for the hardships another is facing, you are just being blind to the people who are really causing the problems. If the previous generations did something wrong, learn from it, and don't repeat it. The challenges millennials face don't compare to what people faced during the Industrial Revolution, or the World Wars. If we can't solve our problems, it's because of some deficiency in our selves, starting with not realizing who is causing the problems in the first place.
You can afford a home after seven years of work?
Here in Munich, you'll need a forty year (not exaggerating) mortgage for a three room flat with an average white collar job.
If you have a bad hand, you can still play. Maybe even win if you put in the effort, like you did. The problem is they outright stopped dealing cards somewhere around 2007, yet we're still expected to place bets.
I see your point. It's not easy.
You gotta do what you gotta do though. Giving up and eating ramen in your parents basement at 25 years of age or older isn't exactly going to show up the Jew.
I guess technically getting into an expensive mortgage and playing their game isn't exactly showing them up neither.
I guess you can always go into the woods or just sit at your parents house and play vidya and shitpost all day. I am not judging one way or another.
Baby-boomers into 92% white country that went to the moon.
Millennials born into 62% white country in debt and falling apart run by baby boomers.
I'm a millennial and nothing was ruined for me
>be 27
>have good job
>100k in investments
>130k in bank
>2 cars
>2 motorcycles
>a house
>paid off 90k in student loans by myself
Grow the fuck up. You retards suck because you'd rather sit around blaming other people instead of taking the bull by the horns. Lazy fucking millenials
>taking the bull by the horns.
You're a fag.
Manager at your local Wendy's?
Well played.
Boomers and millennials are the worst generations ever produced by society.
it wasnt boomers that past the 1965 immigration act either
The 'Greatest generation' fucked up this country more than anybody
I'd use the term "best" very loosely. Most degrees are worthless.
End social security and Medicare. They're irresponsible and unaffordable.
Because mankind is selfish and doesn't care about future generations, mostly.
god its my parents
You mean since the boomers right? almost every generation has made things better for their children.
>lying on the web
What do you do? I want that job.
While I fully blame boomers for buying their retirement on a loan to be paid by future generations, most millennials rather blame others instead of fixing their shit. Don't refuse to move, don't refuse to take jobs that aren't you dream job, don't major in degrees that have no Market value, don't take massive debt so you can go to an expensive uni straight out of high school when you can go to community college instead.
You wouldn't say that stem and medical, finance, biz, isn't the best it's ever been?
t. Trust fundie
If only someone had advised them to do these things....
This. I am a "Millennial" I worked hard so I graduated with zero student debt and a comfy six figure job. There are more opportunities than even in my opinion, but everyone around me is playing the blame game.
Don't tie yourself to the system. If you have a huge mortgage and children, you will be a slave, unable to protest or take any risks that might leave you out of a job for a while.
dont worry guys us gen Z will do a much better job then these lazy millennials
I'm 18 btw
This picture is going to give me a brain aneurysm
>I'm 18 btw
Yeah right. Get off this site newfag
No you didn't, trustie.
What do you do besides shitpost on Sup Forums?
He's a 6'3" chef at Wendy's
What do you mean, no I didn't?
Boomers love to label Millennials as lazy, but Millennials work twice as hard as Boomers to get half as much.
The positions and hours that Millennials work are more demanding than the positions and hours that Boomers worked when growing up.
Millennials also make a fraction of what Boomers made when they were taking on those same careers with less education.
Boomers are the most delusional generation because they want to believe that the quality of the market had no impact on their success.
You're not gen z gen z are all kids and babies right now not full grown adults born in the 90s. People thought early 90s was gen x until millennial caught on in history everyone will lump you with the millenials
With a 10" cock?
software developer, work with a bunch of millennial kids. they are all pretty good and have well paying jobs. A few of them do whine a bit to much about their school debt, and to shut em down and red pill them during a happy hour.
Oh, undoubtedly
What do you think I meant?
Oh - do you perhaps think that when people say they earn six figures, they're including the cents digits? If so then your confusion is understandable. I congratulate you on your webbed digits, they must give you excellent swimming ability.
Boomers taught their kids you can be whatever you want but forgot to mention the hard work part.
Are the baby boomers in the picture for or against the rationing of care that they are about to receive?
Get pickled, delusional boomer faggot.
They told them any work gets a participation medal
I managed to pay my student debt off in less than five years, but that's because I was educated in a country that was almost but not yet quite as insane as the US at the time in terms of college tuition, so my student debt was about $30k. I feel very sorry for the young people graduating today with such ludicrous amounts of debt.
millennials are ruining the future for their descendants so hard they're not even producing them
>Horsey criticizing boomers
>he's a boomer himself.
I have a BS in accounting and a master's in taxation. I don't consider myself all that educated, to be honest. Many masters programs are a bit watered-down because most students work full-time and they're just going to get enough credits to get licensed.
Don't forget the participation trophies everybody got in any competition.
Don't forget that middle schools are getting rid of letter grades and using numbers instead so that the stupid kids don't lose self esteem.
generation millenial? more like generation entitled whining losers
It's a shop
>guaranteed replies
How about generation suck my dick?
t. Going to die before all the bullshit he did in his life comes back to haunt civilization
Is it really that hard to believe? Look up the average starting salary for a programmer at some of these bigger companies.
Also I went to a school who tution was 2,500 a semester, but it took me 2 extra years to complete because I was working to pay that so I'd have zero debt
Please. you faggots can't figure out which gender you are, you won't have a chance in the job market.
we are the all singing all dancing crap of the world lol
Like clockwork, every single time.
>vote big governments, open borders, welfare, lower military spendings, progressive tax and nice generous retirement bucks for 30 years
>fucking kids, u r all just lazy and entitled, unlike me, who bought a house in the suburbs by the time i was 30 by washing cars
Gen Z here to save the day. I'm almost 21 btw, you faggots can't get the year ranges right.
>implying your typical millenial gets a Microsoft job
>implying Microsoft isn't importing cheaper Pajeets in hordes
So what you're saying is it took you 6 years to finish college? A bit slow, aren't you?
Here is my issue. They take on the debt willingly. So stop bitching about it. If you don't want the debt, don't take it on, don't go to college.
>but muh future income
Be a fucking plumber or welder.
IF you get a degree worth a shit, you will graduate with a 60k job, maybe 40k if its a so so degree.. and that better be pure shit degree. If you can't pay back 100k over 5 to 10 years making 60k, and increasing annually, i'm pretty amazed you managed to get a degree at all.
Its an investment (depending on degree), with a pretty good ROI.
Bitching about college debt is no different than bitching about why you cant have investments, such as stocks and bonds, for free.
>greatest generation = based
>boomers = lazy cucks
>gen y = lazy cucks2
>millennials = lazy cucks3 with no more cash
it'll only end in war, then we'll start again
>1998 fag here
Literally, how do you reconcile blaming us for being 'lazy' whilst giving us fucking £50,000 debt straight out of university. The cost of living is ridiculous and house prices are through the roof. I don't even know what you mean by us being lazy, as well. In what way are we lazy? I've had a job since I was 16 and I'm a first year at university. Obviously personal experience is pretty negligible in yhe grand scheme, but I really don't see where this "lazy millennials" meme is coming from.
It's all very well and good to sit on your fucking high horses, with your free university and pocket change priced houses, but it's different for us. Because of you. I don't even want free education, I just want subsidised education. Is that fucking much to ask that I only have to pay £4,000 per term rather than £9,000?
People are more upset about boomers pushing the college meme and then using the government to fund it whilst jacking up the price
1990 here.
We're really sorry about Nick Clegg. We had no idea he'd perform such a volte-face on tuition fees.
>working hard
pick one
Most millennials are lazy and entitled and were raised by their Gen X loser parents to believe they were special snowflakes destined for greatness. So they go to college and study art, psychology, political science, and communications and expect to become a captain of industry and realize that reality is much different.
Turns out the degree isn't worth the paper it's printed on and the employer is onlu going to hire the guy witha minimum 3.0 gpa and not the guy who cruised along with a 2.0 and this is even if they need help at all since there's an ocean of other retards just like him
So what does he do? He blames everyone but himself for his stupidity. Since he's alive, he clearly (((deserves))) the lifestyle he feels he's owed. He'll dust off his shoulders and work harder, no, he'll shout and whine until he and others like him find the one conman who's willing to listen and use your laziness as a stepping stone to power
Fuck millinnials. Fuck all of them
it wasn't all the boomers
it was the righteous right
you'll see
>just in time to see all my dreams crushed by the financial crises and end up doing a wageslave job
>welfare that was promised them
Boomers have had welfare all teir life, they got paid more for a job a monkey could have done than people who actually have an education today.
The average income in Seattle is $102,000 (or $109,000 for Redmond). You should be cozy with that though and succeed as a painfully average middle class American.
The point of the thread was that your counterpart in 1984 with that same education (or less) was probably doing a hell of a lot better than you once you adjust the dollar. His income would be lower on paper but a lower percentage of it was going to his house and living expenses.
Yeah, that legacy will live on too. If the Lib Dems hadn't done that, I'd consider voting for them. Can't be trusted though, despite Tim seeming like a decent guy.
Yeah, because your typical millennial is a whiny loser who can't do anything other than be an entitled bernie faggot. I have friends like that. One that complain that a 20 hour part time job at petsmart is way too hard, and they are waiting for their art career to take off. Another who I've lost contact with, because their entire life started to revolve around pot. So he and his wife both work minimum wage to support themselves, their child, and a pot addiction.
The point is that a typical millennial could get a high paying job. I know I'm an outlier, but you should be able to leave college with a $60 to $80 salary easy.
Class settings suck. They bore me and I have a hard time doing work that bores me. Sure, I could have worked harder to get a full ride scholarship, but that's painful. I prefered taking it slower and working internships and entry level programming jobs instead.
Explain the wars that I fought that boomers started and didn't have the backbone to prosecute, and then explain why I keep getting asked if I killed people in my job interviews?
Fuck off reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I just wanted to go to college to do science and now I'm just wasting my youth to get a stupid piece of paper that's going to get offshored to Pajeet anyways.
Gen X is getting screwed by both boomers and millenials.
do the math.
victim culture
>all these children that didn't just go to a business
>start working
>when the boss comes around, look him straight in the eye, shake their hand and tell them they've found their newest employee
>now making 190k a year
>never stepped foot in a college
Millenials just don't know how to work. I fire you kids every day because you whine about absolutely everything.
Last I checked the military was all volunteer faggoy, there was no draft and you weren't threatened with prison for not enlisting. You signed on the dotted line
Better get good grades then faggoy but don't get upset someone has the same skill set as you and will do it for less money
Holy shit, that's a completely inappropriate thing to ask someone at a job interview.
For most people it's essentially a graduate tax now, which is a disgustingly anti-intellectual notion. Most people won't manage to pay it off, so it will function exactly like a tax, and remember how they wanted to penalize early repayment?
It's astonishing, a UK university education is now as expensive as a US university education, but in many cases it is of inferior quality.
>tfw i'll never have enough money to open a medieval roadside tavern for weary travelers and wizards
Because in most businesses, it's HR that does the hiring now, not the boss. HR is cancer and the only thing I agree with millenials on
I hope Medicare and social security are ended within your lifetime.
Hr is full of useless women
I hope that your interviewers ask you if you're a real nigga the next time you have one.
Honestly I would kill for some education reform. I'm fucking miserable right now because I'm accumulating debt and live in a city where I can barely afford the rent and have to ask my dad for help (which makes me feel like shit.)
What's worse is that here in all the college towns in Colorado, prices are through the roof but they can get away with it because of trust fund kiddies from California. We have really strict zoning laws, so even if you have a 4 or 5 bedroom house, you still might only be allowed to have 3 people in it.
It's decimated an already struggling housing population up here. I pay 650 a month for a shitty small room, and that's considered dirt cheap. Most people around here pay 800 for a small room. Fort Collins isn't as bad, but it still suffers from the same issues.
I wish aid could be based on how often people ended up working in their field they major in, it'd be awesome to watch all these shitters going to college for free because they can shit out a 4.0 in a liberal art get dropped. Stuff like this is important, but not so important that everyone else has to be brought down because you didn't know what you wanted to do with your life.
Pajeet will do your job for pocket change. You see it all the time in CS, and it's becoming more and more popular in big engineering fields.
I think you severely underestimate the impact globalism has had on most people.
I hope so too since they're both shit and SS is effectively a ponzi scheme now except there's no way out of it amd the conman can make you pay more into it if they run out of money
jesus christ this
it's like the choose on purpose the dumbest fucking cunts to select people