
Artficial wombs
Kitchen bots
Betas wont give them free attention anymore
Feminism end in a decade
Women value will plumet
Im so excited to see these overvalued arrongant pricks face fall down

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You'll have to pay heavy import taxes for them, but I agree with you my HUEHUE friend.

Indeed heavy taxes here in HUE

Watch masculinity plummet with it as there is no longer any need for competition. Sex bots are among the worst possible things that could happen to the human race.

>Artficial wombs

These things will spawn a whole new generation of fucked-up people who will make the millennials look like übermensch.

that's not exactly true. masculinity is negatively effected by this mentality people have that they need to please women and get female approval, including via sex. if men don't give a fuck about women they are naturally more masculine.

I cannot wait for these things

Inb4 banned in America

I would just move wherever they aren't banned

Welcome to the future of artificial wombs! ayy lmao

you think men are so brain dead that their main motivation is pussy.

That is literally the main motivation for all men throughout history, save for gays and rare exceptions.

How's this any different in substance than your pillowfu?

What do we want? a warm hole!
Where do we want it? Doesn't matter!

Okay men half of you bend over.

You can breed an artificial womb


>Having some trypophobia inducing cunt around the house all day

While I embrace the idea of sexbots, OP, that incomplete skin just makes her look diseased. Get that shit out of here.

Wow you almost got me but I noticed your flag at the last moment

not if you dont get any sex
and i hope you meant to say not giving a fuck about their opinions and feelings makes you masculine, because not giving a fuck about women entirely is just a way to cuck yourself
all species seek female approval and sex


>lifting for the sloots

fgt detected

Masculinity is just a way to secure sex, though. Once sexbots come out it just isn't necesary anymore.

Wow so many beta males who can't exist without women because they're so dependent.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

The need to be bigger then the other fucker is as big as the need for pussy.
Only massive betas link masculinity with need for pussy

>female approval
no, wanting sex is not the same thing as wanting female approval but the way it is in our culture generally translates to that. people think the more sex they get, the more of a man they are. this is cuckening because you essentially hand over your self worth to what women think of you.

if you just want sex but not for female approval it's different.

Sorry amigo, but sexbots will NEVER be as good as women. Fucking a good looking woman is literally the best thing in the world.

How much of a cuck do you need to be to need anyone's approval

"sex with robots" is a deciving definition, its not "sex" its masturbation with apliences, the same way a person uses fleshlight or even porn

>Only massive betas link masculinity with need for pussy
>Implying the purpose of masculinity isn't to attract females

>Fucking a good looking woman is literally the best thing in the world.
There are 9/10 women who suck at sex and there are 6/10 women who are good at sex.

every time you speak to someone you probably seek their approval in some for or another, or try to create an image of yourself in some way. the vast majority of people are like this to some extent and very few are capable of acting true to themselves and natural.

different circumstances though m8. Casual sex is about seeking womens approval of your physical form, that's why it's so common among young men; they need to refine what makes them attractive according to societies standards (i.e. women's standards). Women do the same thing for men.

Sex in a relationship is still looking for approval but it should be a mutual approval, i.e. it's a mutual appreciation of the love between partners. That is why the best sex is between consenting partners in the missionary position; it maximizes pleasure for both partners because the clitoris is naturally stimulated.

what if it's running a sentient, self-aware AI with human-level intelligence?

"masculinity" is just what men act like when they are being true to themselves. it doesn't serve a "purpose".

as opposed to the men to the men pathetically allowing themselves to be doormats for pussy.

And then jews and SJW will force predictors to program them to mix your genes with those of other races in the name of diversity


>s opposed to the men pathetically allowing themselves to be doormats for pussy.

t. Le cuck psychologist

in order to get laid, you need approval dummy

>Women value will plumet
i literaly can't wait for this, i just hope it will happen within our lifetime

So glory, honour, valour, exploration, discovery and a myriad other things don't exist?
Men were literally handed a wife for half of recorded history and it didn't pussify them one bit.

>Casual sex is about seeking womens approval of your physical form
and reaffirmation of masculinity. the more sex you have, the cooler guy you are. it's actually one of the most cucked things in culture because it hands all this power to women. and it's not even feminisms fault.

that's not to say you can't be masculine, get laid a lot and be a cool fucking guy, but to do so you need to remove the notion that your self worth hinges on getting laid.

Protip: Masculinity is an instinct that has evolved to make you like and do things that attract females. Men don't like lifting just because, they like it because instinct links being fit with better mating prospects.

>What are whores and alcohol.
A woman can literally hate your guts and they will still sleep with you if you have the right equipment for the job.

kind of but you shouldn't care about having that approval or not. it's the difference between alphas and """"alphas"""".

t. retarded teen

you wouldn't even be able to look me in the eye irl. most men are so abjectly pathetic, it's a joke.

yeah the equipment they approve of
never said they need to love you
love is for betas

Men like lifting because it gives survival advantages. Being better at rape is a minor part of this.
>Implying male instinct has changed significantly over the last few centuries due to a decline in readily available pussy.

the pussy will leave its pedestal

The concept of half of the entire human race suddenly losing it's massive intrinsic value just based on how they were born irrelevant to intelligence, physical prowess, or achievement is a wonderfully egalitarian concept...

So naturally feminists hate it with a burning passion.

I cannot wait.


Oh yeah, totally agree but those guys stand out from a mile away because they are the ones who actually get laid whenever they want. I still think it's necessary to go through a short phase in your mid teens to early 20's at the absolute max where all you want to do is have sex with girls and impress them.

It's fundamental to get it out of your system at that point because the longer you put off going through that phase, the more repressed you become.

The ideal stage, which comes after, is knowing that you could sleep with plenty of girls but choosing not to because it is immoral and degenerate.

> patriarchy for thousands of years
> its pretty good desu
> (((women))) start complaining
> muh equality, etc
> feminism takes over

a few decades later...

> family structure obliterated
> women are whores
> no suitable waifus
> feminism is ruining everything, even the beauty of women
> men assert it's the fault of women (only thing they've asserted in 100 years)

> all blame is assigned to women for fucking things up
> no blame put on the men who allowed this to happen

and here comes (((the solution)))

> beta autists rejoice
> males "can't wait for these things"
> its the "best thing ever"
> will be a hundred times superior to biological women
> masculinity declines, who needs to be a man when you can just fuck a robot in your closet
> avalanche of devolution continues

So will be the history of our species. Here's to the clever spacejews. We've been outwitted.

aventually robots will catch up to human intelegence, self awareness and emotions and then, there will be no difference between them and human clones, only the they will be considered a living thing, and then we get to play god, creator of life

Even a chink with a 1 inch dick can get laid. There is nothing more beta than a woman.

Money or mind-inhibiting drugs are a great alternatives to having a big dick for the lesser endowed among us.

Masculinity is a way of survival you dumb limp-wristed sissyboi

God forbid aliens ever invade. All we're gonna have is a bunch of weak, safe space requiring bitches

Then you backpedal and admit masculinity serves a purpose.

your using the retarded language based feminist definition of masculinity ie liking lifting and cars and the colour blue etc. masculinity is something that can only be felt from people, it's merely how men naturally act when they aren't cucks.

I for one welcum my copy of the perfect yummy mummybot.

Not him. I had to step in to correct the record on your retarded comment. Attracting females has always been a side effect of simply being male.

>how men naturally act when they aren't cucks.
i.e. an instinct that has evolved to make you like and do things that attract females, as I already said.

maybe you're right about that. i just think our culture should find healthier outlets for masculinity then fucking sluts. fucking sluts should just come naturally.

>you think men are so brain dead that their main motivation is pussy.

100% men's main motivation.

if you want to understand it like that, i guess it works.

Feminist death squads hunting wife bots who are not only better armed than they are but have men protecting them.
It'll become an insurgency that will only end with the enslavement or genocide of the female gender in humans. Of course the latter implies artificial wombs.

"If a man could fuck a woman in a cardboard box, he wouldn't buy a house" -Dave Chapelle



Serious guys our most base level instincts are to ensure our own survival, have kids, and make sure those live past us. Everything else is just the curse of high level thinking and being able to trick ourselves into thinking there is more to life.

Once you've had pussy that motivation goes away. Simply fuck your wife in the morning and the rest of the day will only be interrupted by nature's call.

Pretty much what this bongbro said.
Otherwise man would only act "masculine" when around women, which is obviously not true.

Men and women need to be paired up at a young age and married. I'm talking like 14, 16. The culture needs to move away from the marxist mindset of "working on my career" and "having experiences" and "just living my life" and focus on creating families while they are still young.

this is just how you've cucked yourself into thinking because you worship women, and because you don't get laid so you hype sex so much in your mind.

Legalize prostitution.

Easier, cheaper, faster. Lower women's value tomorrow.


The most straightforward way to get positive attention from women is indirectly by seeking, POWER, that's what guys who are actually successful do

All the mlady faggots who buy women shit and directly supplicate themselves are just doing it wrong

Woman have evolved to want masculine man because being with one would increase their chance of survival.

Man became masculine, because this is how you get shit done.

You got it ass backwards.

Ok then. Tell me what grand purpose life has.

I'll wait right here.

Just make sure you don't get a faulty model:

Women don't even like feminism, it's a small minority of overly outspoken fatties and uggos.

i don't purport to know entirely but if you think the sole purpose of reality is muh dick you should go to /r/africa because it's nigger tier thinking.

after i smash that pussy it's usually when i'm the most serene and want to do other stuff, any stuff.

i mean wanting a pair of massive boobs on my face all day every day feels like a goddamn curse, not like a purpose.

I'm all for this!

>You can program them to be/do whatever you want.

>No more "get back in the kitchen, bitch!"

>Abject servants and, if they're built to be strong enough and programmed for it, excellent bodyguard.

>Can be programmed to engage in and enjoy any kink or fetish your heart desires!

>If their program starts getting corrupted by liberalism, feminazi-ism or SJW bullshit just hit a button to reset to factory settings and start over!

>Permanent girlfriend!

>Can be ordered in any skin/hair/eye color, preferred body shape/type.

>Can be programmed with various basic personality types: aggressive, passive, intelligent, dumb. Everything from Valley Girl to College Professor.

Yeah, I can see that, once these are available, women of the world will become the true foreveralones.jpg.

>Fuck! Payback's a bitch!


yeah nah, i don't want to haggle shit with a whore

i want a preprogrammed roboqt that knows my fetishes


the most straight forward way is to not be faggot that seeks things to reaffirm his sense of self worth. your desires should come from yourself not the desire to impress others. nu-male cucks and psuedo-masculine dudebros are virtually the same thing, the former is more pathetic, but they both live for other people and particularly women.

>yes, goyim buy Goldberg brand sexbots!

>i'm grile btw

Just like this one:

We get them from Paraguay no worries bro

Greeks predicted that over 2 000 years ago.
>be Pygmalion
>Womens are whores and witches
>lose interest in womens
>Make an ivory statue of a idealized woman.
>"muh waifu"
>Aphrodite give life to the statue, he fuck her/it and have childrens.
A submissive woman made by the hand of man, while naturals womens are repulsives witches.

Thing is, you need a certain amount of power or at least security as a man in the world just to avoid worrying about the future since no-one will take care of you except you.

So for many men, seeking power and/or wealth is a sensible idea even independently of any desire to attract women

Look I get it. Thinking that we are somehow important or special outside of animal norms is very comforting, and generates a sense of value. However that's the same insular, self-important thinking that allows things like religious nuts to develop concepts like an afterlife. The embodiment of "I think I'm so important I cannot imagine the idea of existence without me" ideology.

The important thing to remember is that this is how we, as glorified animals, think and moderate accordingly. Hell even your base level community college marketing drop out knows this. We like food, we like sex, we like being a reasonable temperature within cultural and racial tolerances... These are all important things to remember when moderating human behavior. You have to remember the average person is kind of dumb or at the very least basic in their line of thinking, and then half of them actually are dumb. So attempting to approach them and bridge the issue with grand ideas isn't going to work. We have to realize the primary incentive driving ALL of society and our grand machinations as humans is the desire to survive and breed. This is the primary problem of Western Society right now. We've perverted and twisted these base level ideas around to form a modern perspective, totally ignoring the thousands upon thousands of years that the natural model had been working and working spectacularly well.

In order to actual build the grand human works (space travel, science advancement, cultural works, fucking all of civilization) you have to fix the base of the pyramid. Which is sex, survival, and gender relations. You cannot pretend that we can out think our way out of this massive problem.

What? lol...

The whole point of the male species is to woo a potential mate. Gaining female approval IS a part of "masculinity".

It is the current year you idiot, who cares?

It's legal in Nevada.


I just want a maidbot to do housework and act as a mobile vpn. Occasionally I'd probably just dress her up in something cute but that's it.

Traditional family + domestic helper that doesn't complain, ask for raises, steal from you, fuck up chores because they can, commit crime as a side job or call the cops on you for looking at her funny

If Aliens exist they wouldn't be backwards savages since they probably won't need to take resources from us. There's literally no reason to take over Earth for "muh resources" when mining asteroids is a million times more efficient.

There's no more need for masculinity once Robo-Communism exists. Robots will do everything for us. There will be no more need for the barbaric "competition" that you so desire (which is basically just wasting your life studying something you don't like such as STEM to slave away 16 hours a day in a shitty office job you hate to then kill yourself 30 years later). Then everyone will have all the time in the world to study things that matter to them- Philosophy, Art, Music, Science. Everyone will have time to work out and enjoy themselves and play sports and live harmoniously.

I cannot wait for my glorious robot overlords. They will make my life grand and easy, just the way I want it. And if you don't crave that? I'm sorry, but you're in the minority.

Perhaps the majority of women will have to make themselves productive and useful for once.

Being a housewife doesn't pay the bills, nor does a little part time job in a cake shop.

well but this creates a shitload of collateral damage too and heavily impedes the advancement of mankind as a whole

i mean, this whole topic kinda collides with transhumanism too. i was thinking about it the other day.

are the globalist jews actually, ultimately right? do we need to cast aside burdens like culture, emotions, needs and embrace a collective globalist mind? do we need to lose any individuality and true diversity and become a mass of efficient homogenized slaves for the greater good?

what is the purpose of mankind? or life itself? is there an intrinsic value in living or should we evolve forever and get to the top? of what? should we become a collective megagod that will copulate with another collective megagod and bring life to another universe? or should we just chill and enjoy the little things that us, apes in trousers, actually enjoy?

dude what a mess lmao weed

The feels.

But I want to be the immortal robutt.

Sexbots wouldn't eradicate mens need for companionship. It is just another way of jerking off.
No biggy.

>the whole point in my existence is to impress women
no wonder you don't get laid. your so influenced by the eternal jew and you don't even realise.

this fedora tipping is just an opinion, it is a post on Sup Forums, it is an attempt to reduce the complexity of reality into a simplistic half-truth to find some axiom around which you can understand the world.
though obviously i agree gender relations are fucked and sex is a huge part of that. but a large part of that is instilling in men you need to be fucking constantly to be happy, it just translates to giving women more power in society.