Brit/pol/ - Filter and ignore the neet shitposter Edition

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BBC Parliament

>Today's Papers 6/9/16

>Some clues as to what David Davis means by Brexit

>Brexit minister says it is 'very improbable' UK will remain a member of the single market

>David Davis reveals Government's Brexit strategy

>David Davis vows to build national consensus on Brexit

>Ignoring Leave vote would be outrage MPs told

>Sturgeon seeks UK 'coalition' over European single market

>Lord Ashcroft: This is what Britain really wants from Brexit, Mrs May

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Reminder New Zealand is shite


This accurate lads? I feel like it is.

>In a new poll carried out by New Zealand Republic, a republican pressure group






Remember the fallen lads

nth for Suzanne Evans Granny Nips.

Feel kind of sorry for her, the globalists chose her for a false flag that didn't even work.

What did she die for?


In all seriousness, why is Australia so eager for a free trade deal? Is it more to do with economic incentives or Anglosphere ties?


I did have someone like that, but I was told it was only a short term thing.
All they did was go out on walks with me once a week to get me to broaden my comfort zone or something.
Eventually it stopped and that's when I was told I had to go see someone in a doctor's office.

Whoever made an user go back to /britfeel/ is a piece of shit.

So I went outside today, and a fucking dog was hanging out of my neighbors top floor window. Couldn't get up there, the dog was gonna an hero. Half the street was watching, someone called the fire brigade, and someone else hailed down a passing police car. After lots of debating, people running to get ladders, I started climbing the wall. Then some old cunt remembered he had a key to the house, went in, and pulled the dog in.

At least I got a day off work.

hello i am a visitor from a foreign land

how does brit/pol/ feel about our current PM?

Colony of Natal.

what would you have done if you'd managed to pull it out of the window?

Did you see his posts?

He was being a self pitying fuck in the presence of people who have had the same issues he had.

>In all seriousness, why is Australia so eager for a free trade deal? Is it more to do with economic incentives or Anglosphere ties?

We're looking for an island to send our prisoners to

Can't say I trust her completely. But so long as she recognises that clinging on to power means pleasing right-thinking conservatives she'll do nicely

They actually put all that shit outside the polling stations and people still voted leave?

That's actually pretty impressive. Our will is pretty strong.

After we joined the EEC, Australia lost it's number one export destination and it fucked up their economy, especially their agriculture. To recover they had to reorientate their economy towards the east and China.

Given the choice between working with Britain or the Chinks, what would you choose?

I think that's how it is anyway.


What's wrong with /britfeel/?

It's the only reason I visit /r9k/.

Also, he was being a miserable twat. Having mental illness isn't a free pass to sit around whining all day.

Kek, pretty accurate. And I voted for them at the last GE.

Is the Queen in hospital?

>Hook man gets five years
>Probably gets out in three

Just bundle him into a plane in the middle of the night and toss him into the North Sea ffs

But you'd have no population left..

Why are news outlets pushing a narrative of neo-nazi's?

I've seen two stories today about it

>Inside a 'neo-Nazi village'

and this

>German Woman Helping Migrants Targeted By 'Neo-Nazis'

>A woman has told how she has been the victim of a terror campaign by Nazi sympathisers due to her part in Germany's efforts to help migrants.

>Graffiti calling her a 'traitor' and saying she 'stinks' has been daubed on the walls, and she has also been abused online and on the phone.

>Fearing for her safety, she called the police. After a few minutes, the men cycled off, calling her a "hysterical woman" and saying they were in a "free town".

If you watch the video, the "neo-nazis" are two fat blokes on bicycles eating ice-cream

I don't think we have room for another 23 million people


>a foreign land
We know it's you, reddit

She's making the right noises, but hasn't had a chance to do anything yet.

Stop reading/watching the BBC/Sky.

It's just bullshit user.

Everyone is a nazi now



>Having mental illness isn't a free pass to sit around whining all day.

Have you never met someone with depression? They barely get out of bed.

I did too, mate. I'm glad Farron is the leader now, because it reminds me why I shouldn't vote for them again.

>He was being a self pitying fuck in the presence of people who have had the same issues he had.
People who have genuinely had the same issues he's had would be more sympathetic than to barrack and abuse him in the way that some of you cunts did.

Been asked to come into work early tomorrow for a staff meeting, think I might be losing my job. What jobs do I start applying for lads?

>false flag fails to sway the vote
I still have hope in the people

>After we joined the EEC, Australia lost it's number one export destination and it fucked up their economy, especially their agriculture. To recover they had to reorientate their economy towards the east and China.
>Given the choice between working with Britain or the Chinks, what would you choose?
>I think that's how it is anyway.


EU fucked up our trade with europe and we only had China to export to.
Ideally the whole EU would collapse and we could trade with everyone there again.

Obama's thinly veiled threat at the G20 makes it pretty clear that it's in Britain's best interest that Hillary not get elected.

They want to make people fear that unless they kowtow to the liberal left then the fourth reich will rise

rate muh empire lads, took me all night

>Having mental illness isn't a free pass to sit around whining all day.
Isn't that what pretty much happens on /britfeel/ anyway? I haven't been on it in a long time since it just makes me feel even worse, no help at all, and now it seems brit/pol/ is slowly becoming a copy of it, but at least here people are helpful towards those who are down, shame that user in the last thread got so rude when people posted genuine solutions and advice.

We were. And then he refused to listen and carried on with his whining bullshit.

And that's not how it works, people who have been through it and got over it know how to get better, and you don't get better by people feeling sorry for you. You get better by people telling you the truth.

I don't trust her at all. She's routinely lied to the British people, and now says people who do not value tolerance and diversity are extremists (Liable to be dealt with by the police as such). She says Sharia law is useful for solving problems within British communities, throwing out our 1000+year old legal system of common law for a third world ideology designed for Arabian tribesmen. She's pure cancer and a globalist remainer should not be PM following a vote for Brexit. There's nothing for her to conserve left, I think even Merkel's party the CDU is against gay marriage, our current Conservative party takes a stand on absolutely nothing.

They fire people in staff meetings? That's brutal.

Kill urself m8 you're no good to anyone.

If you don't actively desire white genocide, you're a nazi apparently

Oh wow, you guys are delusional.

She's already said free movement will continue with EU migrants. People will just need to have a job to go to first before moving here.

We didn't care about what Obama said before Brexit, what makes you think we care now?

lol. Besides we have 27 countries lined up to buy their shiny and wonderful goods from.

Mexico, gib gold and televisions pls. Thank you.

Looks fucking cool.

Pretty shit desu

You guys had better pull through and get Trump in

did you fucking ally yourself with the eternal anglos?

Yeah, had to cuck the Japs out of an alliance but it was worth it.

>mfw they joined the USSR

>what could have been

Not being fired individually, think they're closing the whole store. Had suspicions for 6 months because our profit margins are shit

>She's already said free movement will continue with EU migrants.
No she didn't.
>People will just need to have a job to go to first before moving here.
Work permit system means you can restrict them to specific jobs where we actually need staff. No more poles taking the summer jobs that used to be done by students.

Can you go Mosley fascism in HoI4? I might have to buy it if so

Did they sort out the AI yet, it was fucking garbage on release and im not even that heavily into /gsg/ stuff.

>Be Japan
>Defeat the Soviet Union with 16 divisions

Fucking stupid casual bullshit.

Self pitying faggots are not, have never been and will never be welcome in brit/pol/

There is nothing wrong with discussing mental health but this is not a blogging platform nor is it a support network for lonely pussies

brit/feel/ exists for precisely that purpose, if you want to have a whinge about your bullshit teenage, student and neet woes go there instead

We already knew that lad, Hillary will just drag us into another destabilising paki war for Israel

Can't help it lads, they've got their hooks in me

>'I want to stamp on refugee faces'
>06 Sep

>Campaigning with Germany's 'neo-Nazi party'
>06 Sep

At 0:42 in you can see some Antifa cucks


>BREAKING: Panic at Buckingham Palace as air ambulance lands and police swarm


I'm scared :'(

>You get better by people telling you the truth
Lots of people clam up when that happens. You can't just charge in and expect someone to instantly get up and be cheerful. They need time. And most people lie every day.

Can't accept reality


Yeah, I agree, the only thing keeping her "on our side" is the fact that denying Brexit would be career suicide.

It's extreme, but I wouldn't be terribly surprised if a major international incident was used to keep us in the EU.

Do you honestly think they'd wheel the Queen out the front?

Literally Who?

I bet brexit did this am i rite?

You can go fascist as any nation, and Mosley has his own portrait (pic related)

Yeah the AI is somewhat competent now

Durbanite reporting in

Fuckin sweet, I'll torrent it and see if I like it

>A spokesman said: "We were called shortly before 12 noon today to reports of an RTC between a car and a cyclist on Constitution Hill.

>"The cyclist, believed to be a male, was taken to hospital with what are thought to be life-threatening injuries.

Nothing to worry about, it's just a pleb.

>a whinge about your bullshit teenage, student and neet woes

brit/feel/ described perfectly. Fuck that place.

/brit/ and /britpol/ are the only ones worth visiting

Why does Britpol hate the BNP?

Not that they exist now, but why did you hate their existance previously?

Did they bring up her death on the vote night coverage when her constituency voted leave?

I like mine better. Currently invading the Soviet Union with nukes.

I trust David Davis.

If he gets moved in a reshuffle, I will lose a lot of faith.

We're all sophisticated Tories here, I mean COME ON

>you don't get better by people feeling sorry for you
You also don't get better by people demonstrating no patience and being cunts to you.

I've got depression, I take my mirtazapine like a good goy and try to get on with my life.

You have to catch them at night, the threads are much more fun. Favourite biscuits, dole stories, music recommendations. Daytime threads have gone right down the shitter because of a certain someone and everyone who gives him attention.

For me it was because their economic plans were very left leaning and fascism is for plebs in general.

I have another question too.

How do you guys feel about Enoch?

If you try to give me the answer of "He's terrible because he made it impossible to discuss immigration for decades" save your breath. At the time of his speech the vast majority of public supported it. The fact that a political class and media ostracized him for voicing genuine concerns of his constituents isn't his fault at all.

They deter Normies. They distort the bigger picture. They make people ashamed to be patriotic

Because they speak our words, with no knowledge of why we speak them.

It's confirmed that Theresa May will be leading the negotiations.

His posts'

When someone mentioned CBT

>"useless bullshit"

When someone says it corrects neg thinking

>"What if I don't want to or can't? Why should I have to change myself?"

>"Fuck you. Cunt. It's not fucking fair. Why do I have to face my problems? Unless someone has a magical pill that changes everything It's pointless"

When someone said he should help himself because he is ill

>"Why am I ill? Because I don't fit into society's perfect dominant, outgoing, extroverted, confident vision for a person?"

And we are the cunts?

Nah, just terrible management from regional.

I didn't desu.

I mean, I wouldn't vote for them, but I'd rather have them than the Greens.

>saying she 'stinks'

Steady on.

Seen a few docus about him and think he's a hero we needed but didn't deserve.

The man is a fucking cartoon

Oh thank God. When... the inevitable does arrive, I think I might have a fucking heart attack.


It's an MI5 honeypot

Literally just voted to keep the Union jack on their flag, don't believe that shut.

Down with May.