If there was to be a true lovecraft film to be made, what story should be adapted?
If there was to be a true lovecraft film to be made, what story should be adapted?
>i enjoy cosmic horror
What if Cthulu wasn't just a story?
something with non-euclidian madness!!!! i'm so scared that i was driven inssaaaaaane!!!!
The one with the ear shattering fart noise.
i can't even fathom the unfathomable. aaaahh my sanity
what if Shrek wasn't just a story?
The dreams in the witch house. That's my favourite one so I want that one. Wouldn't mind a short film about the outsider though
Something with giant tentacles coming down from a rift in the sky and people's eyes bleeding and stuff. Bits of subliminal shit like the Event Horizon hell scenes, flashing on and off. And then some tosser stops it all by doing something, I dunno.
>If there was to be a true lovecraft film to be made, what story should be adapted?
The Metamorphosis by Kafka
*ear shattering onions*
That would be really meta
It looks like we hit rock bottom, but lets push the shitposting further and see what happens.
quite Josephellerian posts, if you ask me
So event horizon, the void, sunshine and the matrix reloaded mixed into one movie?
At the Mountains of Madness, but not Del Toros version.
He added stupid shit like Cthulhu being in Antarctica and a love interest
the world is to Orwellian to produce a true Kafkaesque masterpiece film based off of lovecrafts work and it couldnt be cthulu too mainstream so itd have to be the evil clergymen
is this post kino?
Spoken like a true Whedonite