>>This "the parties are the same" narrative is a total untruth perpetuated by the politically uneducated.
Truth or not?
>This "the parties are the same" narrative is a total untruth perpetuated by the politically uneducated
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Generally the right and left wing establishments have been controlled by the same ruling elite. There were some outliers, but they were dealt with, i.e. Kennedy.
Trump is an outlier, and will be dealt with in time.
If you look at candidate history you'll see some interesting correlations, like being members of the same secret order fraternities like Skull and Bones or the Masons, they all go to Bohemian Grove every year, etc.
The establishment is the establishment, thus bipartisan system is a layer of conflict to distract the masses.
If you think back for decades, no potus candidate has gotten the kind of media backlash Trump has, no one on either side has ever been close to this level of character assassination, that should tell you all you need to know.
It depends on what you're implying by "the parties are the same". I have no doubt that the people of the RNC and DNC have distinct views on political issues and how to approach them. However, I also believe that for both sides maintaining the status quo (and thus their cushy political positions) takes priority over electing officials to support their political goals.
What this means for us, the people, is that the end results of high-tier elections are uncomfortably similar. And if you dumb down the past 2 elections you can argue that both choices were the same because neither would have been good for the American people. Obama is Obama and Romney was a loony.
Before Obama you were a respectable country, but now you're riddled with SJWs and liberal vermins.
I guess no.
At this point I'm pretty sure they're all in it together and are just using their team mascots to distract the people.
Metal Gear Solid was right all long. The system is fake and we've been had.
They're all the same...except Bernie!
At the end its the same, however, that same only means "politically educated people", which is actually OK, unless you want to try something more experimmentla, sort of government naif, and have a dog for president to see how it goes
The RNC is the shadow of the DNC. Their views are about 30 years behind the DNC and the DNC's views are about 30 years behind the elite Ivy League schools.
The divide between the RNC and DNC is a myth. There is an actual difference between trve right and trve left though.
Truth and untruth. Both parties are pretty much corporatist at this point, they disagree on some fundamental things like 2nd amendment.
It wasn't true until Sup Forums singlehandedly hijacked the Republican party.
There is no difference with a politician. Trump is the only choice. Isn't it funny how everyone can unite to stop him, but these same people can't unite to make our country great again..... the jews are scared, the media is scared, corrupt politicans are scared. If trump loses there will not be a full revolution, but a small rebellion. It will be clintons first job as president... to kill or not to kill angry americans
Yep. We did it back in 1964. Barry Goldwater is M00t.
Parties disagree on how to fuck the common citizen.
Both of them control political discourse in USA, they hardly ever let outsiders in, and they both bend over to big businesses. Liberal-leaning left and right don't recognize themselves as parts of these parties.
America isn't stupid they say? The Mexican wall will solve the problem they say
Wow! and the Mexicans are going to pay for that shit? Hahaha, you can believe what you want hahaha
Anyway, yeah. I believe the system is fucked up in the US atm
both parties are the same is true
they only disagree on irrelevant things which makes the average citizen think they are opposed
Fuck i was on to something and forgot it, it was not that good anyways and i would make a stupid disclamier,
Good times, Moot would go on to win the Korean War as well as invent anime.
The leaders of the worlds economy
European Union -> Is this the solution on democracy? I will never have any clue of what the fuck is happening in Brussel
I think this world is fucked up
We Norwegians don't want to take a part in this world, we don't want to fucking getting ruled by everyone else, thats why we are not a part of European Union. Just wake the fucking up, capitalism is fucking disgusting. Greed is fucking disgusting, this world is fucking disgusting.
>they only disagree on irrelevant things
Health care is irrelevant? Environmental regulations are irrelevant? Taxation is irrelevant?
That is indeed relevant, but make your own fucking money, without not stealing from everyone else.
Only a blind man would deny that the political elite is heavily entrenched and favours its own continuity over interests of its electorate.
It's not so much "left vs right" anymore. There are slight differences between traditional left/right parties, but they are only slight. Vote for either and the policy is largely the same. Obongo is a good example. Claimed he would stop the wars in the middle east, and look at what he accomplished. The modern western political arena is "establishment vs anti-establishment", where you do have a real choice.
The parties don't mean much anymore when it's no longer about your economic status and political views and has become a minor religion that people are born into.
This dude I like
War is disgusting
There is no "Free-Will" anymore, the "New World Order" is fucking disgusting
>New World Order
I'm not a part of it, and I'm about that
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