hillary coughed some green shit out into her cup yesterday
what did she mean by this?
hillary coughed some green shit out into her cup yesterday
what did she mean by this?
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Fuck that is gross.
That is fucking disgusting, maybe its just cough drops.
thats not cough thats the souls of people she devoured trying to get out
I swear she was about to throw up right before that
They are trying so hard to deflect this shit rofl "Turn it off, shes awesome"
likely a cough drop, that phlegm shit usually rises to the top of the water pretty fast
its bill's soul
he'll be pack in prime condition come friday
if there is a kek, Trump will see this and bring it up at debate
holy shit she layed an egg
under raped poast
Reptilian blood
Except there are TWO green blobs
What could a person hack up that doesn't float?
We must talk about the tongue hole.
Why is there a tongue hole?
Reptilian inner substance
Just when you thought it couldn't get any better...
green slime is typical for a infection of the lung or the bronchia, got this once too after I smoked while havong a cold, can't recommend
this is fake and edited
It's a piece of confetti in front of her face at the convention
it's a cough drop. you can see it get in the way of whatever she's doing with her disgusting tongue just before she opts to get rid of it in the glass
the "second" blob is its reflection on the glass
it's lies in their physical form
Nope it is not.
she is a reptoid
That's just the refraction/light in the glass/water. Moves way too fast for being something she coughed up. Get real.
>She's awesome, not sick
Do they even try and be unbiased anymore?
I for one am proud that she can be so brave. It takes a lot of courage to give public speeches and run for president while dying. It's nice to finally have a candidate who can't keep from coughing for no discernible reason. Remember to elect death this November. #hackwithher
Then how come nobody noticed it yesterday when the original link was posted
Jesus it looks like she spit olives into that cup
she coughed Pepe's eggs up
Pepe in inside her.
I think that's only some light reflecting on the glass tbqhfam
I think the fact that she presented herself as a rattling old vampire whose insides are liquid with decay is a MAJOR blow to donald trump and im not sure how he can recover from her amazing performance of struggling to speak while choking to death on her own phlegm.
That's fucking disgusting, i would eat my own shit before watching that video again, jesus christ
This is all well and good, joke fodder, etc.but the reality is that her health issues should have long ago disqualified her from being considered a legitimate candidate.
Lower vein thromboses, ok, fine. Lots of people have those, and unless they break free and hit your lungs or brain they are harmless and don't affect anything that would prevent you from acting as president. Yes, she is on Coumadin, making that more likely than not, but still...as long as she doesn't fall and get a serious bruise on her leg everything should be ok.
But she also has had a cerebral thrombosis, caused by a concussion. That has left lifelong brain damage, which the public has not been fully informed about. All we know is what can not be hidden. Blurred vision, imbalance, memory lapses, mood swings/irritability, petit seizures, and throat spasms.
The problem with this is that these things are all going to get worse as she ages, not better, they are all symptoms which are made worse by stress, and she is asking for the most stressful job on the planet.
I am sorry, if her record were freaking spotless I could not vote for her. She is way too much of a mental health risk. She has admitted to having brain damage from the concussion and ensuing thrombosis, and she shoudl not even be allowed to run.
>what did she mean by this?
God I love advance memetics. I lolled 10/10
Because the internet hate machine works in mysterious ways.
Hillary's doc on standby
That is absolutely disgusting. Its like she didn't even spit it out, it FELL loosely from her mouth.
Did you guys watched "The Act Of Killing"
every time Anvar is lying about the genocide he starts coughing, in the last 2 minutes when they interview him on the roof for a last time you can literally see his body/system breaking down from all the bullshit he keep repeating over n over again, first he coughs, than he chokes and vomits....thats whats going on with Hillary, evil is trying to break free from her rotten body
Green light falling out of her mouth
Hey drumphtards, hillary might be ragged flesh hanging on a frame of dying bones but at least she doesnt have retarded hair
I initially thought it was the mad old bitches dentures
this honestly. It sank right to the bottom.
She likely has a sinus infection or something. In the changing of seasons, mostly the fall I get fucked up allergies like this. I wake up and my nose is packed with green snot.
her lies become so dense they've materialized
Theyre called esophageal egg pods, its how her race reproduces itself at the start of the auttumn cycle, but i wouldnt expect a bunch of basement nerds to be familliar with reproduction
Well, can america afford a president expelling green slime when face to face with based v putin?
Where there hell was Doc Choc yesterday when his services were needed?
this is fucking disgusting
That's disgusting. I don't care what it is. How long will people defend this woman? She's literally proven to be corrupt as fuck, and now her health is a serious question.
I mean seriously what the fuck do you cough up that sinks right to the bottom like that?
Ughh as much as I want this to be Pepes eggs inside her, I can see that.
Its still fucking disgusting. She should have bent down and spit it into her glass.
This was a calculated distraction to draw attention from the shit running down her veinded legs.
I work as a nurse at a hospital and I see plenty of patients that have pneumonia, copd, aspestos lung cancer, etc and what she is spitting up is hard mucus from her lungs.
This is not just phlegm, this is mucus from deep inside her respiratory tract and that is why it sinks.
She likely has some sort of lung infection, possibly cancer.
The snot thickens
>this video does not exist
Thanks for making sure the record was correct.
Just think, if she can stand up so bravely before disease thats turning her into an effigy of agonizing malody, isis will be no problem!!!!
She has cancer
CTR fags from the mighty KEK you can expect the shrek.
Okay after watching this over and over, that is definitely NOT a cough drop. There is a second bit that is feathery that falls out of her mouth, and that is not a trick of the light.
Sleeps 18 hours a day, can't walk up steps, tells fbi she has brain damage, always looks hungover af, can't talk without coughing fits, shits and pisses herself, takes tons of drugs...how is this old gasbag actually running for president?
You can clearly see it hit the water, sink, and then stay at the bottom of the glass, anyone Who says it's a reflection is blind, retarded, or a shill.
Do you think she has to release her health records?
This is fucking sick and just plain bizarre. I think if they were cough drops, or other thing you store in your mouth like that, they would muffle her speech.
Two out of three here mate... MAGA
I'd say it's come kind of lozenge/cough drop. It falls to the bottom too readily to be phlegm.
>has multiple several minute long coughing fits
>she's awesome not sick
Sure am glad that being awesome precludes being sick these days. I'm going to go out and learn some wicked motorbike tricks to cure my cancer
Dont be so ablist
Maybe it was in her tongue hole.
Oh man, that was fucking disgusting to watch, thats the exact type of shit leftist voters decide based on.
It's like a fucked up Weekend at Bernie's.
We need a better shorter video with zoom and with red circle around green substance and upload it to different accounts. Also webms, also upload it on twitter and with Hillary hashtags.
t.Russian coordinator of alt-right conspiracy
>hillary coughed green shit
lol brah shes a reptile.
Trump said before that both canidates should release health records, then again who knows what would be retracted if hillary released her "official" records.
If she releases her true records it would kill her presidency
its some egg like piccolo from dragonball
Wtf is goin on with these clin- tons
What does this mean?
It's on the official video.
Nice dubs.
two tho? it would muffle her speech
what disgust me more than whatever green shit are the commentaries are those supposed to be journalists?
Thanks, cunt, now (((they're))) going to think they've been vindicated and the meme will never die.
Did she cough up a Pepe tadpole?
Even if it were a lozenge, who the hell would start a speech with one in their mouth?
This x 100 bumps
(((Mika))): "Don't worry guys Hillary Clinton is awesome!"
I don't care what she spat in the glass if anything, but I'm just amazed half of America wants to elect her president. Not only has she proven to be incompetent and irresponsible as SOS, but now she's obviously suffering from some serious illness too. Can't the Dems just kick Hillary to the curb and make her running mate Herman Cain the candidate.
Nice trips
It's cursework, ten thousand occultists in tandem flinging binds and chains on her voice and exposing her corruption.
She must have a mild chest infection.
That green stuff is bacterially,infested,phlegm.
She should breathe steam for several days.
(((they))) have leeched all the life from her and filled her with lies and corruption and her body cant take it anymore. she is rotting.
No she makes a face like she got some hocked up shit in her mouth right before
Checking those sweet trips
You're probably right, but how much did she speak before that? I can't actually remember the original video. Looking at other pictures, though, it doesn't quite seem to be solid. Definitely a dense mass, but I probably wouldn't call it solid.
Some kind of incredibly hard phlegm, but I haven't played around with enough phlegm to know to enough about the buoyancy of it
>tfw you memed pepe so hard that he mind fucked her and laid his spawn in her
they're cough drops, at 0:16-0:18 you can see her pushing them to the front of her mouth, she then spits them out into the water cup.
she's sick and probably far worse than a cough/allergy/whatever bs excuse they give.
That said you guys are stupid to think its anything else but cough drops
Judging by her coughing she's had "a mild chest infection" for a long time now, Conchita. And it seems to be the least of her health problems.
oh sweet lord merciful that shit cray
Plegm wouldn't be that hardened.