>"If God is all powerful, then he cannot be all good. And if he is all good, he cannot be all powerful."
>"Does anyone have any orange slices"
>"If God is all powerful, then he cannot be all good. And if he is all good, he cannot be all powerful."
>"Does anyone have any orange slices"
Other urls found in this thread:
I wonder why Kathleen the cunt even hired Terrio when he's just going to get fired anyways.
>middle school philosophy vs unfunny quips
all capeshit is terrible OP
how would marvel/disney handle the first encounter banter between supes and bats?
>dc: Next time they shine your light in the sky, don't go to it. The bat is dead, bury it. Consider this mercy.
>tell me, do you bleed? - you will
>marvel/disney: uh im putting you on time out
>you and what army?
The philosophy in BvS is mostly a smokescreen to hide the character's geniune intentions. Lex exposes himself over and over again.
>it's a Sup Forums pretends a shitty movie is good episode
>I bet your parents taught you that you mean something, that you're here for a reason. My parents taught me a different lesson, dying in the gutter for no reason at all... They taught me the world only makes sense if you force it to.
>I'm sure your daddy told you that one day you'll be a famous Baseball player, too bad kid because I've already scored a homerun!
You know that the guy who wrote that now works for Disney right? I mean, you'll have to calm down with the false flagging now
I honestly don't understand why people hate BvS as much as they do. It's no masterpiece but it's amazing for capeshit and better than anything marvel have come out with. It's at least a 7/10
>look mommy i can philosophy
The difference between kino an a flick.
who are you quoting?
OP and Zack Snyder
>>tell me, do you bleed? - you will
I still can't believe writing this terrible is real
>implying it's not chilly as fuck
Mavel nu-male won't understand the meaning of an insult and threat weaved into one though.
>>"If God is all powerful, then he cannot be all good. And if he is all good, he cannot be all powerful."
For Sup Forums to be impressed, just go to brainyquotes.com and start at philosophy.
You now have most of your monologues and inane speeches sorted.
You're also about 14 years old at best.
If OP thinks the BVS quote is any way insightful or deep he's a child impressed by basic philosophy.
It is. It exposes the ignorance of militant atheism and the hypocrsiy of it.
found the christian
These people aren't Sup Forums though
its been confirmed time after time
Literally too smart for Marvel capeshitters
of course christ cucks are the ones stupid enough to enjoy this movie
Go away marvel muslim
>Dr. Husain is Captain Britain!
Get on i09's facebook now, some faggot is trying shit on Based Russos and claiming Gunn is better lol i wanna call him DC pajeet to but watch them ban me
>dc: Time is not a thing, thus nothing which is, and yet it remains constant in its passing away without being something temporal like the beings in time.
>marvel: I'm iron pickle!
iron pickle is in the house tonight!
needs Ant-Man with orange slices
we've been a Christian board since Trump won
Awful colors like every Marlel flick
>Plagiarizing a Latin philosopher from 2000 years ago
Yeah, no.
>Edgy and entry-level philosophy or lol reddit quips
Not sure which is worse. Both a cringe inducing. The Dr. Strange quip is good though.
You even included the flying lawn mower.
How's this?
You're not wrong
its like the early work of mekas
normally this makes any movie look good but this actually looks pretty bad
People """hate"""" Civil War because of how successful it is, that guy's just baiting
>whats your superpower
>Im le rich
>i need ... friends xD
>you're too strong to be trusted!
>we need to be held accountable for our actions and serve the people by being maintained and controlled by the words governments!
>no, we need to go above and beyond the law to do what is best and what is right, and that means not obeying or swearing allegiance to a government entity due to conflict of interests
>it broke the Avengers
It fucking ended with one guy scratching his knee. The status quo was preserved. It's such a garbage filler movie.
I loved Captain ISIS in that movie. Rules of course doesn't apply to him because he knows what's right. How does he know what's right? Because he is always right.
This is the logic these films operate under. Circular nonsensical garbage that after one second of thinking all fall aparts.
Here we go, the point was that the Avengers were shaking to the core and are no longer a team because of divergent philosophical approaches, if you cant get that i dont know what to tell you
>unironically using facebook and posting your facebook opinions on Sup Forums
Yeah, no. I only use it to shut down trolls.
That can be applied to anyone who puts on a mask to fight crime though.
The divergent "philosophy" thing was so shallow the writers had to asspull another brainwash plot tool to justify a forced conflict.
When in doubt, just have someone brainwashed. No need for logic or character building. Just brainwash him and make him to do something stupid while also maintaining his moral good. Bravo!
Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel.
Save Martha!
Superman struggles in BvS precisely because of this. He is no longer sure on what is right. While Marvels draw an absolute line between right or wrong, BvS instead emphasizes on how good actions leading to diresome consequences may not be so good after all. I can't think of anything in Marvel that operates on this level of introspection. Again, right is right and wrong is wrong. There is nothing there to discuss.
Superman is pushed to the point of almost abandoning his cause because every action he commits to is somehow manipulated by others into something bad. No matter the best intentions, he still ends up making bad. Steve Rogers of course operates under the code that is he right no matter what and luckily for him the Marvel world is willing to bend over to serve his ignorance. A cartoon world bending to cartoon characters. How insulting.
Being all powerful doesn't mean someone has to do bad with it. This argument is stupid.
Did we watch the same movies? Pretty sure you're giving BvS and MoS a little too much credit. Even if it explores these details, and poorly and briefly grazes by to make it seem like its doing heavy philosophy to make people think, but falls short of actually doing it. Of course this vein effort will be praised by fan boys
>oooooooookay. Awkward!
Yeah their is clearly no bias in those descriptions whatsoever..
>if God is all powerful, he cannot be all good
What? How does this make any sense?
Literally 3deep5me
What makes you think that? Other than saying that it's stupid.
cap= classic Sup Forums
super= shitskin neo4chan
>DCuck Delusions
Maybe we didn't? Because the BvS I watched, had Superman abandon his world and decided to search for clarity where no other people are. There he was reminded of a past conversation with his father who also shares a story of him with the best intentions ending up harming others anyways. Clark asks him how he managed to live knowing that and he replies with the love of his mother. This gives Clark clarity on what really matters and he returns to Metropolis to save the woman he loves, who will act as his link to mankind.
Furthermore, Bruce lacks this father figure which also enables him to sink deeper and deeper into grief building up imaginary enemies around him. Perhaps this is what Clark would've turned out without his father's guidance. This sort of insight into character is what makes BvS great. It approaches them with raw honesty and properly rebuilds them into stronger people.
>I bet your parents taught you you are special
5 minutes later
>Martha? Why did you say that name?
>tfw he used that monologue on all the young women he raped
Might aswell post the scene.
Look how Jonathan's story lines up with what has happened to Clark in the film. Also note the following scene of Bruce in the family house dwelling in the absense of his father.
>"That's my father's shield"
>turns to the camera
>"Make sure you tune in to Agents of Shield's epic Final Episode this Thursday on ABC and watch The Winter Soldier on his last mission!"
That was a strange scene, don't know what marvel was doing with that.
And you consider this good writing?
This is one of the most cookie cutter and overused tropes in film and tv.
>protagonist is in a dilemma
>asks for advice from elder
>instead of legit advice the elder shares a story that will help the protagonist find the answer
It's the exact same thing as TANGERINE.
I don't care how mad it makes you. We were discussing how ignorant and morally bankrupt Marvel is the way they treat justice and how BvS properly highlights why "being right" is far from as obvious and easy as Marvel world wants you to think. I mourn for the children growing up on Marvel's morally bankrupt films.
>most overused trope in film and tv
>in film and tv
You stupid motherfucker, have you ever heard of archetype? This is a classical element of storytelling, one that has seen use in stories spanning cultures of all continent across millennia. MoS and BvS follow in the tradition of the greatest stories of all time, it is the monomyth of the modern age.
Read some Joseph Campbell then maybe you can have a real conversation with the big boys.
Worst thing about GoTG2 - how it was part 80's action film complete with the gore and part cute Disney film for kids.
The balance simply doesn't work at all. Gunn wants to make an 80's nostalgia film but since this is Disney he must also bother with baby Groot and lame ass quips every three seconds. It's not ripe? Can anyone explain what was supposed to be funny about this?
Is the joke that this is from a DC film?
Steve wrote a letter to Tony asking excuse and Tony forgave Steve since he let them escape. Steve even said in the letter he and his new team will be always there for Tony, he just needs to ask.
War Machine was going through physical therapy and everything points out that he'll be able to walk fine in no time.
So nothing changed.
Epicurus. A greek philosopher.
If you accept that there is evil in the world and bad things happening. Then god can't be all knowing, all powerful, and all good.
This shit blew minds in the bronze age.
>War Machine was going through physical therapy and everything points out that he'll be able to walk fine in no time.
Wow, they can't even show a small ass sacrifice like this. How fucking tragic. I guess the kids don't want to buy the toys of a cripple. Civil "War" my ass.
i don't know about the first one but my edited one comes from the whole dc fans on Sup Forums are pajeets joke
>>This shit blew minds in the bronze age
>long before Christianity and Epicurus
>American """""education"""""
Wow what a blue and orange film
Civil Airport Fight
Nigger has a robot suit. Haven't you seen M.A.N.T.I.S.?
Fuck if I knew I would get a robot suit for that I'd get shot by a forehead laser too.
Don't worry, he'll have a quip about how it sucks in the next Avengers.
Didn't they digitally edited Harley's shorts in the SS movie to be smaller in the trailer?
Cap's irrational behavior with Bucky isn't any worse than Supe's irrational behavior with his mother.
This is the same studio that also constantly give Wonder Woman panty shots. Sure, Gal doesn't have any ass, but they edit in post.
That's a stunt double
Yes, it is?
A man wanting to protect his own mother at any costs is one thing, now a dude wanting to protect another man like that? Shit, nigga, that's gay as fuck.
No wonder Tumblr see Cap and Bucky as some sort of gay romance that the MCU just don't have the guts to commit to.
I know, i'm just saying. They try to create the illusion that Gal is sexy and hot.
They even managed to create the illusion she has boobs. Some crazy movie magic, i tell ya!
Unironically, most of the MCU has better dialogue and characterization than DCEU, and it's not even close.
Just compare how subtle and intelligent is the connection between Sam and Steve in the first scene of TWS to how hamfisted and prosaic the connection between Clark and Bruce is when they meet at the party.
Lets be honest, Cap and Bucky have more romantic tension than Cap ever did share with that girl from Revenge series. Forgot her name.
By the way, why the fuck were they trying to do with that subplot anyway? What a lazy thing. Felt like an after thought.
If it were me, i'd just go with Black Widow or something, since they seemed to have some sort of chemistry in Winter Soldier.
Clark and Bruce aren't friends in BvS. There's no connection there other than the thematic shit of them dodging their shit and vilifying one another.
>wow dude you running
>yeah yo! you run too lol
neither are Sam and Steve at the beginning of TWS
In the eyes of Clark, Bruce is a mad vengeful vigilante who may have killed people. In the eyes of Bruce, Clark might very well mean the end of them all.
Tell me exactly, how does this compare at all to Steve meeting Affirmative Action employee of the month?