>You raped a loli, Gary
>Undocumented sex by the way, the term rape is incendiary ok?
>Why is that?
>Is just is, is just is, just so that you know and you don't have to use that term.
>But isn't the term acurate, I mean you fuck her without her consent so it was rape.
>I raped her cause I couldn't fuck her legally, the atractiveness existed, you would've done the same thing.
>But if you have sex without the girl's consent isn't that illegal, isn't that rape?
>You are describing it as something criminal.
>No I mean the question is simple, isn't it illegal to have sex without the girl's concent?
>Technically, yes.
You raped a loli, Gary
>You're a burglar, Gary.
>Undocumented resident by the way, the term burglar is incendiary ok?
>Why is that?
>It just is, it just is, just so that you know and you don't have to use that term
>But isn't the term accurate, I mean you broke into the house and stole stuff so it was burglary
>I broke in because I couldn't enter legally, the loot existed, you would've done the same thing
>But if you break into a house isn't that illegal, isn't that burglary?
>You are describing it as something criminal
>No I mean the question is simple, isn't it illegal to break into a house without the owner's permission?
>Technically yes
What are you two on about?
well, when you put it that way I understand his point
Praise KEK
Lol jesus christ!
Liberals are industrialists useful idiots.
are you guys now gonna become the anti-PC police?
>kek have mercy on those who dare not to use slurs and slander on the non-whites
>hurr durrr, call it what it is
Gary johnson is literally the only hope to preserve the freedom values of the west
you don't have any expirience with authoritarians, Trumps will betraye all of the people that supporting him one group at the time,
get your anuses well lubed, Sup Forums and the internet freedom will come to an end under the Trump presidency
t. fucking bolivia
you cant vote :^)
>The only way to preserve freedom is to flood the country with people who don't value freedom.
I like this thread
lay of the blow paco. You're rambling again.
The mexican population will vote for more autocratic methods, only republicans care about liberty.
already have my visa though, I'll be in your country at the beginning of next year and probably I'll be marrying one of the white qt's since I'm blonde-sexual
"illegal" is not a slur
its an immigration status
if it hurts your fee fees to be called illegal then just fucking come here legally or don't come here at all
Ron Paul: I’m not ready to endorse Gary Johnson
First his son and now Gary.
Ron Paul is surrounded by retards, poor guy.
>The mexican population will vote for more autocratic methods
yes they do, they'll vote Hillary, Trump still can win them over if he offer more free shit
>only republicans care about liberty
until they elected Trump on the primaries
>You murdered someone Gary
>Undocumented euthansia by the way, murder is an incendiary term, ok?
>Why is that?
>Is just is, is just is, just so that you know and you don't have to use that term.
>But isnt the term accurate? I mean you killed him in cold blood with a shovel from behind. Isn't that what murder is?
>I euthanised him because I couldn't legally end his life! My lust for blood was there, you'd have done the same.
After we build the wall, we're going to build a second one on Mexico's south border.
You're not getting in, Carlos.
Tell me one candidate that wanted to put an end to the continuos influx of mexicans
There's nothing more important than demographic
Once you solve that problem then you can't talk about liberty, gun rights...
but the demograpics is the most important one.
There already IS one on mexico's southern border.
Mexico built it.
>You invaded Russia
>Undocumented military resettlement by the way, invasion is an incendiary term.
>Why is that?
>Is just is, is just is, just so that you know and you don't have to use that term.
>But isn't the term acurate, I mean your army entered the country without consent to took Moscow, it's an invasion.
>I invaded cause I couldn't enter legally, the potato fields existed, you would've done the same thing.
>But if your army starts killing in a foreign country isn't that an invasion?
>You are describing it as something criminal.
>No I mean the question is simple, isn't that an invasion?
>Technically, yes.
Johnson violated the NAP in that video.
>You're a murderer, Gary
>Undocumented soul-liberation by the way, the term murder is incendiary ok?
>Why is that?
>It just is, is just is, just so that you know and you don't have to use that term.
>But isn't the term acurate, I mean you killed him not in self-defense so it was murder.
> I killed him cause I couldn't liberate him legally, the bloodlust existed, you would've done the same thing.
>But if you kill a man isn't that illegal, isn't that murder?
>You are describing it as something criminal.
>No I mean the question is simple, isn't it illegal to kill someone without good reason?
>Technically, yes.
Trump won't do shit either, half of his term he will realize that a wall don't do much, best thing is to go after the coyotes and other human trafficker
also the best anti imigration policy is to kill the wellfare state, but Trump will not do that since most of his supporters are low IQ rednecks on food stamps, and since he is an authoritarian he wants people dependant of him
>You killed 70 teens
>Unauthorized communist removal by the way, killing is an incendiary term.
>Why is that?
>Is just is, is just is, just so that you know and you don't have to use that term.
>But isn't the term acurate, I mean you shoot those teens, you killed them.
>I killed them cause I couldn't get rid of them legally, the treason existed, you would've done the same thing.
>But if you starts shooting at them, isn't that killing?
>You are describing it as something criminal.
>No I mean the question is simple, isn't shooting at people just killing them?
>Technically, yes.
>wall don't do much
You are saying this like there won't be police patrolling there or that people are not gonna act on their own now that they know they have a president that supports them.
You can't win any election by taking out welfare
Johnson went full cuck. He's the main reason libertarians are degenerate as fuck.
>valid point, but I'll remind you I climbed Mount Everest.
>You shot an unarmed black teen
>Undocumented nigger extermination by the way, the term shot is incendiary ok?
>Why is that?
>It just is, is just is, just so that you know and you don't have to use that term.
>But isn't the term accurate, I mean he dindu nuffin
>I killed shot him cause he's a hood nig, the skittles existed, you would've done the same thing.
>But if you kill a black teen, aren't you a racist?
>You are describing it as if black lives matter.
>No I mean the question is simple, do black lives matter?
>Technically, no.
this people have mastered the art of digging through rock solid mountains without using any machinery, it's called human ingenuity, yes a wall wont do much
>You can't win any election by taking out welfare
great so we just accept solcialism now, we'll all ended up becoming employees of the state
>degenerate as fuck.
We wuz moles and shit
>the skittles existed,
Are more people going to vote Trump now that they see that a vote for Gary is just a vote for Hillary with a penis?
Rand Paul did nothing wrong
He attacked Donald Trump for no good reason and destroy his chances.
He could've been a good vp but he was to gealous of his father's movement.
Aqua Buddha.
Thats some swede-tier cuckiness right there.