Fuck me, this has aged so badly and quickly. How could anyone have written...

Fuck me, this has aged so badly and quickly. How could anyone have written, acted out and film that shit with a straight face just a couple of years ago? It's not like it was 1960's. Jesus.


it was a different time...

>I'm a pessimist
>What's that mean?
>It means I'm bad at parties.
>(Chuckling) You're pretty bad outside of parties...

the show always knew Rust was kind of an insufferable crazy person so I dunno what the fuck you're moaning about OP

I thought it was well written and still holds up. I think you are just trying to shit on something people like without understanding that sometimes. You should let people enjoy things.

>all those fedoras in the comments saying "omg I'm an anti natalist too and this EXACTLY how I feel!"

>Show introduces babbies first pessimist philosophy
>op is still too retarded to understand

this show was so good

>the show always knew Rust was kind of an insufferable crazy person
>hurr durr I was just pretending to be retarded

Bullshit. They unironically wanted to try sound bleak and dark,

>I watched my hero Jordan B Peterson on Rogan's podcast and now I cry about nihilism. Praise Kek!
I'm on to you, you fucking optimist!

>>hurr durr I was just pretending to be retarded
lmao when the fuck does that happen? He's a broken man who finds peace when he finally solves his white whale. It was always bleak and dark.
It sounds like you're just some retard that expects the show to spoon feed you more of something you dont even know you want

>It was always bleak and dark.

In the sense that it identifies with Russ's character. it doesn't just look down to him detachedly and compassionately. Like "look at this guy's rambling, it's so sad and tragic". They're like "my boy's whicked smart, isn't this shit he's saying blowing your mind and shocks you???". Yes it's made clear that he's a broken man, but most geniuses are supposed to be like that, and it's also made clear that Russ is supposed to be woke as fuck.


Marty spends the whole time in the car with him reacting like any normal person would. Rust's outlook is interesting but very quickly becomes a fucking drag on everyone around him. Sure he might be a great investigator and occasionally adopts a righteous moral stance (like with Marty's extramarital affairs) but he's still a self destructive and completely unpleasant personality to be around for an extended period of time. Obviously nihilistic edge lords will flock to the character and claim he isn't flawed just based but that really isn't the stance the show itself takes.

Also unrelated but Woody doesn't get enough love for his work on this show. Without his everyman to play off Rust never would have worked. Still vividly remember the look on Marty's face the morning after seeing the tapes, with just expression you can see the guilt he carries for never really solving the case and can tell this man has now seen things he'll never be able to un-see.

>Obviously nihilistic edge lords will flock to the character and claim he isn't flawed
who has ever said he isn't flawed?

Yes, Russ is an asshole, but he's not wrong. That's not how they make it seem. Also Marty was supposed to be the reaonable one? lol. We're supposed to laugh at what a dumb fuck he is.

Everyone was already memeing about Rust's edginess when it aired, nothing to do with ageing.

watch it again
the show identifies with a perspective in between marty's and russ's, it does show him as flawed, you are supposed to cringe at times.

I love how triggered christ-cucks are when any amount of doubt or nihilism is presented on screen, even in an obviously flawed character.

>it's also made clear that Russ is supposed to be woke as fuck

Just because a point of view is presently seriously or intelligently, does not necessarily mean that it is endorsed as correct. He's just a dude in a dark place who also happens to not be a total idiot. If nothing else, the fact that he is able to later move on towards a more positive outlook on life should be enough evidence that the show doesn't really agree with his nihilistic perspective on the world.

>watch it again

OK, maybe I will... or maybe not lol. It's 10 hours not 10 minutes.

I wouldn't say either character is "reasonable" just that Marty isn't an autist like Rust

One is socially inept but philosphically versed and very intelligent. The other one is a man of the world but an ignorant peasant when it comes to abstract ideas.

My projection is that people of that guy you responded to's ilk tend to delight in Rust's viewpoint and then out of shame and damage-control they berate the show for """forcing""" his mental attitude onto the viewer.

I seriously hope the guy's just a highschooler because anyone older with that mentality is just doomed even by fa/tv/irgins' low standards