yeah maybe if you stopped spamming this bullshit i'd forget about sam hyde
would you say Sam Hyrde is in a kafkawesque situation
Very true. Sad bc World Peace was good. Not even an alt-righter.
What is this from
>Not even an alt-righter
but the show was only funny if you agree with his worldview
you realize Sam wasn't making fun of right wingers, right?
Million Dollar Extreme Presents World Peace
It's the skit that got the show cancelled
i am autistic
I would say he's in a Kikeesque situation.
You all are, Goys
>but the show was only funny if you agree with his worldview
another authority on subjectivity bravo newfags
Imagine being so much of a brainlet that you can only enjoy media after you have vetted the political opinions of it's creators.
Forgotten? It's sad that your comedic senses are so dull that you cannot grasp his genius. All the best comedians have some inner struggle they use to channel their material. In Sam's case, it's his repressed homosexuality.
Tell me, would a straight comedian come up with a hilarious bit like this?
And have so much inner turmoil that he uses transsexuals as outlet to deal with his gay demons?
If only you could comprehend how much he suffers for his art, just to make people laugh. It's the least you could do you ungrateful cunt.
>Sam Hyde makes a slightly risque joke about Jewish ownership of the media
>Banned from TV
>Black rapper make video where he lynches a white child
>Praised and paid
lol sam is this generations scott thompson
I still haven't seen the video this is from, I can't find it by searching. Anyone got a link
>C. Criztoff
Yup that's totally our guy!
Adult Swim owns the footage. You're likelier to see "The Day The Clown Cried" before this.
this would make sense if the show weren't overtly political. most of the sketches weren't even comedic, they were just political ads.
Fucking traps isn't gay though
which sketches are you even talking about
Jay Z also mentioned that Jewish people owns all the property in America in that one song and he got away with it. The only way you can pull that shit off is if you're ridiculously rich or a nig.
its called alt right christmas or some shit like that
it really isn't worth watching. It's 20 some minutes of painfully unfunny brooklyn liberals trying to act.
For starters:
The one that literally got the show cancelled. The "forgotten" part is just the punchline.
>Proceeds to complain about SJWs ruining media by casting black people in movies
Political ads for who?
>You can't enjoy media if it's political
Funny - Oliver Stone had a good run in the 80's.
Stephen Colbert seems to manage.
It's almost like you're an idiot with no idea what you're talking about.
What's wrong with his lips?
uhh no they really weren't
why do mde threads always have such psycho obsessed people who hate sam hyde
jews rock? it was kind of just an intermission for the wall show. the cut back to the AS execs was pretty funny and one of the few meta parts
Why do you constantly post this debunked image?
Are you the same person that posted that image of some dude that vaguely looked like sam sucking a dick?
Hello /r/ShitRedditSays.
That's not MDE.
I want him to stop being so gross.
>Proceeds to direcrtly to paranoid persecution fantasies
You're right about one thing - reddit is for faggots.
hilarious how a no-budget public access tv skit perfectly summed up the rise and fall of sam hyde
>baww a show don't cater for my political views Stupid ass drone
Yes it is. Sam looked a lot different when he had health insurance.
It's not. That's clearly a woman dressed up to look like h3h3.
I think.
He has about 300k in the bank.
How could he not afford health insurance?
Wait, Sam Hyde looks like that now?
>He has about 300k in the bank.
he does not
Because he's a fat alcoholic.
He got 250k from the book deal.
lmao you didn't know this?
Never seen him drink or talk about drinking.
>baww a show don't cater for my political views
but it literally did cater to me you dumbass liberal kike
People just don't understand Hyde's high quality meme.
Too easy
This guy isn't funny.
Which skit is this?
i just like to get to know you..but...for anyoen who likes ME...we can goooo
The banned one.
>literally no one knows this guys name
looks like sammy won this round :^)
>Imagine being so much of a brainlet that you can only enjoy media after you have vetted the political opinions of it's creators.
>You can't enjoy media if it's political
moving the goalposts, huh? anyway, there's a difference between comedy/art videos that are political, and comedy/art videos that are nothing but politics, which so many of mde's sketches were.
I love when people laugh constantly at their own jokes
Speaking of that book, and its 2nd pressing, and all of the fans who preorded it, and the fact that said fans have heard NOTHING from MDE or vapes.com about said preording or even what step they're at in the process of getting them printed and shipped...
Hyde's laugh is infections though, so it works.
>nobody knows sam hyde's name
>looks like sammy won this round
What did he mean by this?
Try to spin it harder faggot.
not u cause ur a dumb nigger apparently
Name 1 (one) sketch of MDE: World Peace where there are no jokes and it serves just as a political ad. A single one.
That's not him in the picture you fucking peanus weanus
It's from a cringy skit some leftist faggots did
What's the difference?
>many of MDE's sketches were
What political party?
only if you're a brain-dead faggot who is easily influenced by other people's emotions
Women can't be faggots idiot.
That's literally Sam before losing his show/insurance/career took its toll on him.
did you think this post was funny in some ironic way? i can assure you it is not. just stop posting dumb shit, retard.
i've never seen Sup Forums BTFO this hard before
It's a lot funnier than Sam Hyde, tbf.
Poor attempt at damage control Sammy. You fit the same mold as those closet case family-values Republicans.
jews rock, toss it, the about mommies telling their children about trump being bad or whatever
the toss it project was fucking gold
what political party did Oliver Stone endorse in his movies? what fucking retarded point are you trying to make, that you can only be political if you specifically endorse a single party?
and Sam was clearly a Trump supporter
>the about mommies telling their children about trump being bad or whatever
yeah that had to be the most hamfisted thing I've ever seen
>if you disagree with my retarded beliefs you're a brainwashed drone living in a dystopia durr!
Tim, if you're on here, give me back my show, please!
Remember when Sam cried about being bullied for liking Trump on AS and then it came out he was basically a shitter who fought the management over literally everything
There are two types of comedy which comes from anger:
1. Comedy which comes from anger at the world or internal pain
2. And comedy which comes from spite or resentfulness.
Number 1 is usually manifests itself in satire, or even abstract comedy which may only have meaning to the person doing it. Number 1's comedy is meaningful regardless of the message its projecting, because the person behind it is translating their defiance of whatever it is that they believe is wrong in the world, and the feeling from that connects with people, it shy number 1 is so successful
Number 2 however is comedy which manifests itself in, for example mocking. There is no real deeper meaning aside from the comedian just being angry and trying to ham fist his point that the person hes mocking is bad. Its shallow and lacks any real effort aside from juvenile rage or anger, and people pick up on that, they can tell someone is trying to turn their butthurt into a clever joke but are too assmad to really do a good job, and it really shows.
Sam is number 2, right
the thing is i dont like the idea of comedy coming from an angry person at all, but all of the "fun" comedians are just gross lazy people
>There is no real deeper meaning aside from the comedian just being angry and trying to ham fist his point that the person hes mocking is bad
There was a video he posted during the election where he says "Uhhh you're UGLY!" to Chelsea Clinton at some rally and then is escorted out. MDE chimps of course thought that was "based" "badass" and "genius."
the funny part about that is how many more people cared and booed when he said that compared to the point he made before that got him kicked out (which did seem possible at the time)
He tried to be Eric Andre and failed miserably
Are you referring to that specific incident, or his career in general?
Why does sam cause such butthurt
idk but its weird. like i swear there's one guy who knows everything about him and spams how much he doesnt like him
That specific incident, but Andre's humor is in the same vein as Sam's. Very absurdist.
more Harmonian if you think about it
bernie pozzin was so good
>I thought a TRUMP supporter left that bag!
>Get an entertainer removed from cable television because a small minority of his fanbase engaged in Wrong Think
So this is the power of Judaism. Woah.
probably for being an outspoken white nationalist who actually got on to tv somehow.
>small minority of his fanbase
How big do you think his fan base is? MDE has what, 50k followers on youtube?
You just contradicted yourself.
>Sam was clearly a Trump supporter
Patton Oswalt clearly supported Hillart Clinton.
Are his jokes about KFC not funny now?
Imagine being this bent out of shape because some wrinkly old rich cunt lost a popularity contest with a failed reality TV show star
How many of them are members of an early 20th century German workers party?
>not all nazis
>are you a freemason? Oh a 63th degree elder
>that part where he screams like he was extremely excited
His public skits were the best. Why isn't he doing those? The Yale School one was also gold.
You got cucked beyond belief
>>are you a freemason? Oh a 63th degree elder
it was kinda cute when he turned around and pucnhed him
what does a middle eastern religion have to do with your buttboy getting his show cancelled?
MDE was basically just an imitation of Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! that didn't understand that Tim and Eric were parodying the absolute dregs of modern television and modern conspicuous consumption because like all right-wingers they have no understanding of things beyond a basic ability to recognize and ape aesthetics. I am very glad that at least the less shitty members of MDE have moved on while Sam Hyde writhes in self-inflicted agony and obscurity because he can't stop being an idiot Nazi.
I thought the same. Still him dancing with that tall as fuck lanky guy was really funny.
World Peace should have been public skits like the Eric Andre show but without the whackyness.