This really makes you think, doesn't it?

this really makes you think, doesn't it?

I think that growing up in a first world country is a hell of a chance, regardless of the social class.

if the person who grew up in the shed had paid any sort of attention in school, universities would love to have that person studying there.

You'd think being poor would actually make them work hard since they have nothing.... oh wait welfare and mental pandering

Those houses on the bottom weren't like that when the people first moved in there.

They got a mortgage they couldn't pay off, then when it seemed like they were going to get kicked out, they ripped all the copper and wiring from the house to sell along with some windows.

Delusional idiot beaner, get a job.

the lower one should say: "People who grew up here enrich us with their diversity"

The people who grew up in the top photo actually paid a mortgage and took pride in their home. The people in the bottom photo got that house for free on the government dime, and treated it like it was free.

You learn your values by watching what your parents do. If your dad disappeared and your mom has no self respect, what kind of opportunities do you have?

Oh, and lets not forget the inherent IQ differences that limit the lower photos people from getting these so-called 'opportunities'.

>niggers and other poor people don't do upkeep on their house or cutting the grass or w/e
>This means they don't have the same oppurtunity

really makes you pondor

>soft bigotry of low expectations

Most ghettos are within walking distance of major CBD's. My grandfather used to say "There are two things every man can afford. Manners and soap."

What's their fucking excuse? They don't listen in school then drop out. The opportunities were right there.


>implying whites in the south live that lavishly

Fuck you OP, I was raised in a trailer but was taught good work ethics. I watched my dad go from a dog food plant technician all the way to mid continent manager at an oilfield company. I grew up with nothing and then finally had something, and even then my parents never gave me money and taught me to work. Now I'm going to college and living in an apartment while working a full time job, paying for everything myself. I worked hard to get where I am, and I'm not about to be told about any fucking privilege.

Looks like they did not have the same toolboxes.

I'm white, been poor all my life. I have poor white friends who make minimum wage, and can barely afford to live. It isn't about skin color, it's about opportunities.

If the second property is in any major city other than Detroit, it's probably worth twice what the first is.

>being poor as fuck
>still get children


The house on the the top can be in a poor rural school district. Plus if the kid is white or east asian, he has a harder time getting into college and paying for it.

The nigletts can still ignore the gang banger nonsense going on around them, study hard, and apply for a million grants and scholarships. Then he he as affirmative action to help him get into college. Can probably get into Harvard or Yale as a C student, if he has a good enough sob story.

ITT: Rich privileged people in denial

So... you is tellin me that the people living in the bottom house didn't have schools or job opportunities in their area?

Really activated my cerebellum

Well no one 'grows up' in the bottom picture. That is an abandoned house.

Poor people get government housing but the houses themselves have to be up to code.

>get subsidized housing
>get subsidized food
>get subsidized education
>get affirmative action

If you STILL can't do it with all of that then join the fucking Army. I just don't understand what people are complaining about. It's nothing but a lack of effort.

You call that poor? Black Americans are spoiled brats, the poor people in my country live in metal shack villages that are filthy and have no power at all, black americans are disgusting spoiled brats look at that nice house that running water and electricity.


It blows my mind how many people have heat, water, electricity, food, shelter, and a fucking iPhone 6 and complain about what they don't have.

What opportunities didnt the ones one the bottom have exactly?

The house at the bottom doesn't look bad to me. It's fucking HUGE. And let's be entirely honest, how much will it cost to get those windows replaced? Let's argue for the sake of argument it's $50 per window. That cost is lower than the cost of getting new floors and therefore well within the budget of moving to a new area.

The problem with the area isn't the housing, it's the people who live there. Of course poverty is a problem, but crime correlated less with proverty (especially violent crime) than with race.

And FYI, if you're whining about "muh opportunities", then make all schools up until at least high school level tax financed. With "free" education, there's nothing left to complain about and all other problems can truly be delegated to the source, as inequality of opportunity has been eliminated.

It really makes me think you're a faggot.


hmmm good point guess ill vote to have open borders and amnesty now

this thread has undoubtedly made my neurons pontificate this matter

Nice and true post. Even their government gives them lots of gibsmedat.

People in the top picture didn't destroy their houses, unlike the people in the bottom picture.

>Muh social inequality
>lives in a first world country

whoever whines about that hsit should be thankful for winning the birth lottery already.
at least there's no risk of getting beheaded like every mexican or stabbed to death for an iphone.

you people have it too easy

That's sad, they went to all the trouble to make their house wheel chair accesible (not to mention the ramp is fun for kids intrisically) and the fuck-sticks who moved in wrecked that placed and the next door got burnt down.

More opportunity then ever communist. The internet is changing the world.

>American flag
>Statuette of Mary
>Wheelchair entrance
So he's a patriotic, pious, white, wheelchairbound American. According to the media he's everything wrong with the country: an zealous, ultraconservative biggot.

I'm so happy he moved away and was replaced by a diverse youth.

Well, I went to public school, never got an allowance and payed for all of my things through jobs, got zero scholarships, joined the military (which is full of hood rats anyway) and landed a 90k job in air traffic control at the age of 24. And am currently going to school part time for forestry. As long as someone's parents let them go to school they had the same opportunities as me

>They went to the same school
>They had the same teachers
>They took the same tests

And somehow some groups turned out to be better then the others.

If going to school taught you one thing then it is that doing nothing will lead to nothing.

Rate the place where my parents grew up.

Of course a BRBRBR would say that.

>50$ per window.

This fag has never owned a house.


S a g e

pay attention, niggers. This.

Even if we assume it's higher, a house with broken windows will be much, MUCH cheaper. It's a fixer-upper, but it's entirely doable. The problem is that "diverse youths" will destroy those windows almost as soon as you've replaced them.

I probably don't know how much replacing a window costs because I've never lived in a 'hood where throwing in windows was common practice. Let that sink in for a moment.

I used to work as a cook with guys form Africa and Haiti.
They used to say the same thing about black Americans.

>Houses in the suburbs don't catch fire.
Okay then

Someone should replace the bottom picture with one of those nice second homes that some people were convinced by the government to rent out to black people that got totally destroyed by them.

Second house seemed like it was pretty comfy until it got negrofied.