
m8 no one here gives a shit about blacklivesmatter, this isn't cuckmerica.

Other urls found in this thread:


Americuckkk would be better in this case. Leave it to a Brit to have no sense of humour.

People of color like you don't care, but white Brits do

>Black lives matter JewKay
>Global warming affects us nignogs more

You can't make this shit up


>And among the least vulnerable to its effects
Ironically, UK possibly has the MOST to lose from climate change.

The UK's weather is heavily dependant on mid Atlantic currents to keep its weather moderate. Changes in temperature could possibly cause slight shifts in its direction, sending the UK into a new ice age as it quits receiving warm air.

>police doesn't kill nogs in Britain
>blm still finds something to moan about

Does Soros have no shame? Also all this is supported by our childless feminists PM who complained the justice system treats negroes too unfairly

>have history of robbing stores at gunpoint
>get caught yet again
>receive twice as long sentence as the white man who never did anything until now
UK needs to pay reparations for importing nignogs to US

Sounds good, all the dindus and pakis would go home.

>group of 6-7 whites peacefully protest on a runway, causing minor delays
>thousands of niggers riot on the streets of america costing million in property damage, mostly to black businesses

Got to start slowly to see how far you can go each time before escalating the situation gradually each time they 'peacefully protest'
Allow this and next time they'll be holding passengers from their flights. Allow that and you'll have your airport robbed in no time.

The best thing you can do to silence this nonsense is to (unironically) shut it down before it grows.

>everybody ignores them
>literally isn't a thing outside of London because blacks are almost entirely in London
>somehow cucked

ok mr 60% mix man.

>by 2050 there will be 200m climate refugees
lol they said this about 2010 too. my prediction is 0

>Handful of Uni Kids lay down on a runway.
>Get arrested
>"Haha look how cucked you are"

I remember watching a BLM protest in the USA where they held a bridge for about 5 hours while the cops just stared at them. Maybe you have the luxury of fucking about in America, but over here, we havent got time for kids to fuck about in roads, we move them and get on with it.

Climate refugees wtf? Check your climate privilege GB.

Right, you just let them fuck around on your airport tarmacs.

If American customs agents saw people running around on a tarmac, they would be lucky not to get shot on sight.

>held a bridge for five hours
they put their hands in pvc tubes filled with gravel or other dense filler

cops have to wait for the tools to cut them free

and at least when Americans protest they don't fold like wet paper bags

>Climate change is now about race
>UK is the least vulnerable to its affects

>implying there were no london chimpouts

Its hardly 'letting them' if they were removed within the hour isn't it Pedro? They dont have a right to protest on a runway. However, in certain states in the USA, I see that people clearly have a well practiced right to block the public right of way for nearly a quarter of a day.

Some white boys will do anything to get some black pussy.


Dont give me that crap, what kind of slow ass resources are available to your cops that it takes 5 hours to get some fucking saws and bolt shears.

Better yet, move them off the fucking road while you wait so people can get on with it.

>Don't fall for the brexit meme, UK is still cucked.

You invented BLM, elected a nigger president (twice!) and have compulsory Social Justice courses at university. You invented feminism, social justice and queer theory. You have 55 million blacks, over 60 million legal spics plus another 30 million illegals and your white population is scheduled to become a minority by 2030 (and is already a minority for under-18s). Your police and government have abandoned whole cities in the face of nigger violence.

But we're the ones who are cucked. Go do your homework for your compulsory college course on diversity and dildos.


Not gonna lie, i would of just got out my car and punched them in the face. While proceeding to move them with the help of my fellow bongs.

yes the polar icecaps will melt and europe will be unaffected

>A nationwide referendum shows that the majority of Brits are based
>7 cucks in London prove otherwise

American maths.

"Climate refugees" is what they will call poor, uneducated brown and black people looking to move into richer white countries. Today it's just "refugees" or "asylum seekers" with some vague overseas war as their pretext for moving half the globe away from home, whether they're coming from Syria or Turkey or Cameroon or anywhere under a hotter sun, regardless of whether there was a war or not. "Climate refugees" will simply be the next name for migrants after the current trendy name. It has nothing to do with war (not new) nor climate (not changing that fast) but with colonizing Europe and America with Arabs, blacks and other non-whites.

Notice how all of them are white?

you have to cut each link numbnuts
it takes hours

pic related
the drum is full of fucking concrete
this happened in my state

you really have no clue

What the fuck is a climate refugee?
Is that like the weather survivors?
Or the seasoned nature veterans?

There's a nice, big field next to the road. The police should have dragged the protestors off the road and into the field while waiting for tools to cut them apart.



what i don't get is why they don't just get like 20 cops and play tug of war with this human garbage chain. the pain in their hands and shoulders would make them let go of the chain.

Sure a few might get hurt but people are killed by delays of ambulances in these type of protest.

thats when you keep driving, see how brave they are

>The weather is racis!

How does anyone still take BLM seriously?

>m8 no one here gives a shit about blacklivesmatter
Your London business airport was still blocked for hours

Two dumb libs stuck to a drum of concrete. Seems like the thing to do is move them off the road and then leave them there, arms stuck in their drum of concrete. Don't cut them loose. In fact, let Tyrone know where they are and that they can't move because they were dumb enough to stick their arms in concrete. Tyrone might come along and teach them a few things that they apparently did not learn earlier.

American BLM is idiots but at least they know how to actually be disruptive.

uh oh, if they start attacking moneyed interests they could get shut down.

Don't bite the hand that feeds you BLM!

That has to be a troll account. Funny as shit though. Thanks, leafbro, I needed the laugh.

Fair enough, I'll give you that.

Still, why didnt one of your red blooded American motorists just get out and stop them, I keep hearing about how they dont take shit, but they would be patient enough to let these two lardarses mix up some concrete and fill up a drum in the middle of the road? Or will you tell me that they made it earlier and carried it there?

it weighs 1,200 pounds dumbass
you try to move it

they had to get earthmovers

Its legit.

They already are on the verge of because of them siding with the Palestinians.

they made it earlier and carried it there in a truck

>here's hoping they try to seal their arms in drums of quick drying concrete next


Sounds good. Get earthmovers, put them on the side of the road, and leave them there. The important thing is to leave them and not cut them free. Never cut them free. Let them suffer the natural consequences of their folly.

they also chain themselves to their own parked cars

which I guess isn't as hard to remove

these people are fucking retarded

>not letting the angry people who's flights have been delayed go out and beat the fucking shit out of the arrogant cunts.

What still baffles me is that no motorists stop it? Does road rage not exist in the US? I could easily see skin head workers wanting to get home just fucking sliding these cunts out of their way so they can drive around them. Or punch their lights out since they wouldnt be able to defend themselves.

Nice airport security

I know they can't due it due to muh human rights and muh damages
but for christ sake look for a good pickup truck with a towing hook and drag those barrels liberals and all of the fucking road
if they sue you just remind the judge that they shouldn't be so retarded to get themselves stuck to fucking barrels full of cement
who knows the tards might just learn a thing or two about actions having consequences

people were really pissed it was major news in my state

cops were on scene almost instantly as it is an interstate highway

We don't actually have many skinheads in America. We do, however, have angry black men who want to get to work.

Because they can and will carry out asymmetrical warfare against their host countries.

And only conservatives can stop them, because liberals won't, not even as they are being slaughtered.


>Nice airport security


>Not blaiming China for pollution
>Not thinking about all the Indian and Chinese cities that will flood

Africa will get fucked because China will move their entire population there.

we need a Razer pepe tbqfh


but its true, why were these wiggers allowed to get onto the tarmac? could any psycho do the same thing?

This picture makes me want to get out of my car and stand next to them, shooting them in the face over and over with a pellet gun while they scream and cry because they can't move.

>Canadians call earthmovers "bulldozers"
>Canadians call skylifts "cranes"
>Canadians call God "Bagger 288"
The French have really corrupted your language.

Haha that's what the Chinese might hope, but that's not what will happen. Pic related.

That shit just wouldn't fly round my way, you have scraps and punch-ups in no time. I've seen people pick fights over more trivial shit. But then again, no nogs up near me either, so It wouldn't occur.

No need for fancy drills that would take forever to get through all that cement.

Just cut their arms off with one of these.

Thanks for the pic m8, wouldn't have understood you otherwise.

The UN always optimistically thinks that the infant mortality rate and average life expectancy in Africa will improve.

Well... you wouldn't because the post doesn't mention an axe?

I'm just not sure what an axe looks like so I was grateful.

>tip barrel forward
>tip onto top
>tip once more
>dislocated shoulders

Dangerous living m8, keeping a pic like that on your PC. You're going to get a visit from the home office one of these days.

Don't worry, if he's smart he will already have gone through the necessary 2 weeks of training to obtain his Weapon Picture Handling License.

What a bunch of cucks.

If you injure them, you're saddled with a 6 figure bill for their healthcare.

>black health matters
>let's obstruct traffic, so doctors and healthcare workers cannot get to work

bunch of white people embarrassing themselves again


This has got to be a troll picture. Bern victims shake at the thought of touching scary guns with their fingers.

>Minority white by 2030
Dont act like youve got it better Bong. Youre gonna be a minority by 2050

she is a trump supporter

This guy gets it.
We already accept nearly all of the nignogs from erithrea, a country that is extremly stable for african standards(no fights, no dictator killing millions for fun, mostly homogenous population without racial tensions, no massive famine and so on), where the only reason they flee is because they dont want to serve in military for some time as their constitution says, which somehow counts as war refugee.
The government dosent care if these people actually need help(somehow people from south africa and ukraine arent war refugees), they just spout some buzzwords leftists eat up so they can replace the native people with a group of people that will make sure that they will keep their power.

No one gives a shit about it here either except niggers and liberals....the same people who give a shit about it in your country.

That story is a microcosm of leftism.

Pampered students crying about "muh rites" when a real working class (black) man has a fucking job to get to

Notice anything? Always blue democrat states with a few exceptions. That shit doesn't happen in my state despite having a high black population. There was a half assed anti Trump protest here a few months back and they tried to jump a fence. They immediately got beat down and thrown in jail by the cops. Our Northern states aren't as cucked as Europe but they're trying.


What the fuck is a "climate refugee"? Are people fleeing from the sun now?

Iv started considering moving to Greenland or Alaska to escape this

Pakis and blacks wouldnt go because its cold and barely anybody lives there so I wouldnt see as many cunts

I would walk up to them and piss on them and continuously drink water so I could stand there all day pissing on them.

>climate change is a race issue


I can't keep up with these memes

It's just non-sensical, emotion filled language

People fall for it though. THAT's the bit I can't wrap my head around. People actually fall for this shit, even """smart""" people

>"intellectuals" will support this movement
>the media will legitimize this movement
>our already cucked police force will be even more pacified

Also sexist, friend.
Next they will say that it is a homophobia issue.

they also think that as africa expands the welfare system can keep feeding them even though its breaking apart already

the moment the food aid slows, a billion will die

there needs to be laws for dealing with tribal people, like bear

don't feed them or interact with them

Climate refugees lol Go fuck yourselves.

>feminist postcolonial science studies
>leading to more just and equitable science and human-ice interactions

>human-ice interactions

>but white Brits do