hahahahahha fuck that cunt he got what he deserved
Radical preacher Anjem Choudary jailed for five years
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MI5 honeypot who will be released in 2 years.
Shit man why do you unironically post BBC sources.
Think about it for a moment (BBC) man sometimes you guys from Israel look like fucking Jews don't you?
Sent to jail to build credibility for the honeypot op
>jailed for 5 years
>5 years of indoctrinating prisoners
I'd expel him from the country.
So UK is gonna give free shelter to yet another musllim?
fuck you're right...
Don't fucking tell me you guys did not know that?
you don't believe in free speech unless you believe in free speech for the person saying things you disagree with.
It should be legal to say "fuck niggers they all deserve to die and the jews should be holocausted too"
and legal to say " death to the infidels islam will rule the world down with democracy bring in sharia"
that's how it is in america
Plus, most of the suicide bombers/terrorists are the ones who are former convicts.
Prison is the number one place for religious conversions. This is practically rewarding him for his hate speech. Either deport him or put him in solitary confinement 24/7/365
Hm, well, whatever. It's the thought that counts.
You're right, but let's just enjoy this rare moment where your fucked up laws are used to oppress people that actually deserve oppression. Be happy it's this cunt and not some salaryman going to jail for saying a mean thing about Bobo the refugee
If you kill the motherfucker it makes him a martyr.
If all muslims were martyrs, everyone would be happy.
What if there was an accident including an axe to the head.
So if you kill your enemies, they win?
That also applies to German lutherans but who cares.
I'd rather a pick because, you know, Trotsky.
Unfortunately the fact he will only be inside for about 24 months means its even more obvious than ever that he is a MI5 honeypot.
I wonder if the government and intelligence services have figured out yet that it was probably a bad idea to allow 3 million muslims, and 2500 returned jihadis in the country to live among us. Perhaps its dawning on them, or perhaps they are as thick as pig shit.
They're starting to use special cells for Islamists to stop this from happening. Pretty sure Choudary will get put in one.
Fucking making martyrs, eh? Nice try, Ahmed.
You tried and failed. 100% german confirmed
Sometimes, actually it happens sometimes.
The murder of Father Jacques from France triggered a Christian revolt and the formation of a militia, did you know that?
Pledgin allegiance to a foreign pseudo state we are at war with is treason IMO
Execute him
Hahaha does not that apply to Hillary Clinton and Barack Foderama?
So what did he do? Orchestrate a terror attack?
I can't imagine the UK actually holding people from the religion of peace to their retarded hate speech laws
>Spent years cleverly skirting around the law so he could preach terrorism but not be arrested
>Randomly decide to declare allegiance publicly for a terrorist organisation.
Did he have a brain fart or something? What did he think would happen?
Cool MI5 honeypot considering how many retards passed through his organization and then later committed an act of terrorism without being stopped by les intelligents serbices. The honeypot really works not.
But they're put together with other extremists. So while they don't get to "radicalize" average street goons, there will still be Muhammadans in the general pop converting goons to Islam and then it's just a matter of degree whether they "radicalize". At the same time the confirmed radical lunatics get their own space in prison to network with other radical lunatics. This new system papers over the cracks and not much else. I doubt it's going to have any effect on radicalization. In fact, they just recently pulled an Islamic instruction manual used by prison chaplains that was designed by supposedly moderate Muslims but somehow still taught jihad and was recognized as a potential source of radicalization itself. Islam is poison, and these containment policies won't work.
What about treason? (against country, not just government)
Also calling for someone's death is different to just saying they deserve to die
Just an idea, but why don't they put "bounties" on these preachers?
Just lie that this preacher is a nonce, and "accidentally" let the other prisoners have access to them.
Or if they're prepped for any backlash, secretly offer reduced sentences for prisoners who "deal with" the preachers?