What are some other movies that were surprisingly prophetic?

What are some other movies that were surprisingly prophetic?

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confirmed underage

Wow, I even forgot about bombings in that film, OP.

wtf is that


It was written before 7/7, and probably started filming before then too.

The world you're looking for is kafkaesque i believe

It's happening

Why is it prophetic though.

The UK was under constant threat of IRA bombing for decades.

In the same way Camp of the Saints was prophetic. Migration and bombings were occurring but not the same type or degree.

BvS predicted Trump

>Migration and bombings were occurring but not the same type or degree

Imagine believing this

Hmm...maybe it has something to do with processed, sugar-laden foods packed with preservatives and a sedentary lifestyle enforced by urban planning and overworked employees working long hours sitting on their asses to exploding worldwide obesity rates?

...nah. That can't be it. It's a mystery.

prophetic and redpilled movie

>first baby to save humanity is born
>it's black

More likely it's the estrogen in food and water. The male fish are going senile aswell.


>those long takes

>By Cuarón’s estimation, anyone surprised at the accuracy of his movie’s predictions was either uninformed or willfully ignorant about the way the world already was by 2006.


unironically yeah

Nobody is doing it on purpose. Assuming malice where pure greed and disregard for the public health is the most obvious cause is dumb.

Xenoestrogens are causing problems in some of the smaller ecosystems (fish and amphibian reproduction) but aren't anywhere near the levels that would be needed to alter humans.

>stuffs a Big Mac down his fat gullet
>wipes crumbs from his gut
>sips soda
>shuffles over because sweat is building under his ass
>yeah it's the Jews and their estrogen bombs that fucked up my hormones and my speed count

>Sid doesn't want the truth
>Sid doesn't care
>Sid wants to blame the Jews

>types a strawman

>Assuming malice where pure greed and disregard for the public health is the most obvious cause is dumb
why not both? mass replacement migration for instance can absolutely be seen as both a desire of megacorporations for extremely cheap labor and there is an undeniable presence of urbanite intellectuals, mostly jews, who justify this process with pure racial hatred that cannot be denied categorically (Tim Wise, Bill Kristol). It's certainly both

Most first world countries have obesity rates over 30% and overweight rates over 60%. And even the poorer nations are inflating like balloons as western food comes in.

There is no malice there though, only the desire for expansion of wealth and growth of industry. They see the white population as a losing bet, one which doesn't reproduce properly and could easily be replaced by a larger and more willing consumer base. The solution would be easy: have more children and take a stand. The machine follows what favors its survival. It doesn't plan, it reacts to external stimuli. Gays didn't get Hollywood as an ally until it became the "cool" thing to do. Conservative traditionalism could experience a resurgence on every level if it becomes mainstream.

you're welcome?

>They see the white population as a losing bet, one which doesn't reproduce properly and could easily be replaced by a larger and more willing consumer base.
but that was artificially constructed as such. The repeal of Hart-Cellar was a purposeful policy decision to undermine the white majority and to create multiculturalism done knowingly against the wishes of the majority white population.

>only the desire for expansion of wealth and growth of industry
and most of these industries are run by Jewish elites. Hollywood, Media and Banking, at the least are. But we can see even as far back as the 30's with Father Coughlin, one of the most per capita listened to men in broadcast history, that they are willing to give up profits for ideology. Coughlin called out Jewish control of Banks and Media which is an demonstrable fact, and despite the profits he gathered for NBC they were still willing to create entire new lines of legislation just to shut him down.
It's more complicated than just the bottom line.

Wall-E is the goal. The ultimate in human culture.
All those primitive losers in poor countries who walk places and have families and do things in reality instead of destroying their eyesight in screens every day...man...I feel so bad for them! I hear they even live with up to 10 people in a single household! Can you imagine? Not being lonely all the time?

chemicals in the water making boys gay(er) etc.
jones was right

more complicated than that. read Biohistory. Lifestyle in and of itself can totally fuck up your hormonal balance.