Were witch burnings redpilled?

Is there a reason they push the Salem witch trials and other witch-hunt memes?

Hillary was already proven in her emails to have ties with Moloch, Owl of Minerva, and the Satanic Rothschilds.

Did witch burnings prevent evil practitioners of dark magic from gaining a foothold? Were they actually right?

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shit that actually kind of makes sense


>Were witch burnings redpilled?
No, the romans were, when they disliked a dictator/emperor they just killed them

No, just protestant heretic thing

It was just burning early feminists so yes it was redpill

so the scientis were early feminists? really makes you think.


Holy shit, they were onto something...

Witches can be good or evil, but most of them are good. Witches were redpilled, burning them was bluepilled.

>le ebin scientists were burned left and right by teh church meme

Go be a fucking nigger somewhere else.

No it wasn't. It was women burning more attractive women. Almost all testimony against those "witches" was from other women.

go to be a turkish rapebaby somewhere else

makes sense, the worst enemy of women are other women.

>Burning your problems
>red pilled

I hate sluts but I want to make his life miserable, not free them of pain.

Plus, in Salem specifically, if one was found to be a Witch, all lands and holdings were seized in an attainder by the magistrate, and they could then be sold off to whomever wished to put them from the state.

It was less about witches and jealousy and more about finding new ways to gain arable land and property.

thank you for Correcting the Record

>$0.05 has been deposited into your account by Rothschild OWL Investments

Witches weren't burned in Salem, they were all hanged. Burning witches was a European thing.

That said, magic can be used for positive (Kek) or negative (Kike) things. Witches burned in mass hysteria weren't usually real witches. Real witches are pretty good at shifting suspicion and not getting caught.

The only actual witch that died during the Salem trials was Sarah Good.

Iirc the salem witch trials can be attributed to a type of fungus growing on their stores of rye. This fungus caused hallucinations, so it wouldnt be a stretch for the commonfolk to attributed the hallucinations to the occult. Kneejerk reactions were made and people died.

And thats how the term gone awry was coined.

Not even joking.

>dark magic
you can't be a modern human if you believe in that shit. the clerics were jealous and had 'em burned.

>jealous of common men and women

Keep swallowing that leftist propaganda

>he doesn't know the wealthy elite practice dark magic

looks like you are overdue for your dose of the redpill user

Today, only peoples than burn alive witches are african.

well Sup Forums believes that the prosecution of Jews in medieval europe due to blood libels was justified and legitimate, so why not believe the same about witch hunts?

>yes goy, magic is just silly superstition. Modern intellectual people believe only in (((science)))
>pay no attention to our dark rituals, its just part of our little cultural heritage and is purely symbolic

No. It's Kike worshippers destroying white culture.

Look at SJWs today, same shit.

Witch hunts are about as blue Pilled as it gets.

>check flag
1. prove it wasn't the clerics behind it
2. define witch, their knowledge and profession

How about no scott

>Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are examples of off-topic and/or Sup Forums-tier threads:
>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)

pic related

do you know what Moloch is or Owl of Minerva? or Bohemian Grove?

fuck forgot pic

The people conducting the witch hunts were probably the actual witches, and the innocent people were their sacrifices. Wolves among sheep people. Think about it would real witches want to come out say what they are, no. Even Satan masquerades as an angel of light. Anyone that tortures and kills in the name of God has been deceived.

Witch burnings are what happens when non-wizards try to meme magic.

>No, just protestant heretic thing
Protestants are heretic trash. Burn them all.

Joan d'arc is my spirit wife

Shit man you are like on 100 levels of woke.

Christianity was the original Jewish spook stamping out White magical practice and old God worship.

There are plenty of bitches we should burn today.

Witchcraft is nothing compared to the power of meme magic. Praise Kek.

How did this shit even go down? Obviously there is no "proof" that someone is a witch since it's impossible, did they literally just throw anyone into a fire that random people said were witches? That just seems so retarded and insane.

A fair bit of it was burning lonely NEET shut in girls. Crazy cat lady types.

Just another disgusting Christian crime against Europe.

That's one hell of a realization.

>Believing in magic over science


Holy shit, user. How retarded are you?

Witch burnings took place largely in less educated communities that were experiencing threat and upheaval, especially including scarcity. Most often targeted were those who were less economically or symbolically to that community, such as single women beyond childbearing age. Read some books, user. I especially recommend some primary sources such as Goodcole's The Wonderfull Discouerie of Elizabeth Sawyer from 1621.

But of course you're only trolling.

feminist cat ladies and crazy egalitarian new-agers deserve the fires of hell anyway.


Lithuanian education, everyone.