>CGI from 1993 is still the best we have ever seen
>CGI from 1993 is still the best we have ever seen
Because that shot barely has any CGI. It's just the legs.
The scene looks good only because of the lighting covering up the 90s CGI.
Compare it to the dinosaurs chasing them in the field and you will find that the CGI is not that great in broad daylight.
Look at the feet.
The pure CGI shots in this movie don't hold up, just look at the Brachiosaurus scene. It's the parts that are used with animatronics that still look great
It's not.
I always thought the T-Rexs in King King by Jackson were better. Be interesting to look now - but I don't have a copy of it.
>disgruntled bellowing
This is the only scene the CGI still looks good in. The brontosaur is looking very dated, the galliminus look downright terrible now.
The T-Rex looks great in King Kong. The other dinos, not so much.
It hasn't aged well
Peter Jackson's King Kong has the best CGI we've ever seen though, and it still holds up today.
the last shot of the rex is in the light you homo
The government forces movies to have bad CGI on purpose so that NASA's faked cgi images look more credible and won't be suspected as being faked
CGI was never my friend
Given it's from 1993, it has aged very well actually. That it looks "dated" instead of "absolute trash" after 25 years is impressive.
The first Bayformers holds up better than either of these
That's only ten years old dude. And it's machines, not creatures, much easier to make realistic looking.
Why did Jackson put in all the Looney Tunes stuff, like in the beginning when the guy falls and he's obviously a second or two away from being trampled, but then the dinosaurs seem to pause off-screen long enough so that next time you see them the guy is still a second or two away from being trampled?
Why do Jackson movies always seem to have this shit?
I imagine the experience of watching this back in 93
Maybe he likes it
t. Dana
the best bit is where the man kicks the dinosar in the face fucking kek
I don't have to, I was there. Scared the shit out of me.
Eddie bravo pls go
Was it the best experience in the cinema you had?
Hello John
>le CGI is so le bad for that scene!
you mean the concept and cartoonish execution of the scene is bad. the CGI is just fine for 2005. learn to articulate yourself
I've had better since. Probably as I wasn't a six year old getting scared shitless by a t rex and screeching dilophosaurus
When they are running between the legs of the dinosaurs look like a 60's car scene. So obvious.
It was amazing. I watched on cinema at least three times. I was like 10 at the time.
Go away Peter, your film has aged poorly
Nah, the CGI is worse in that scene than the rest of the movie. Kong never looks fake but that green screening does.
Another oldfag here. I saw it in the theater when I was 10. It was fucking awesome. Looking back on the movie now I see that a lot of the non-dinosaur stuff is really cheesy, but yeah, that was a great experience back in the day. The T-Rex scene in the rain was straight-up real, you felt like you were there.
Just imagine the dinos instead of the random horses that appear
BladeRunner of course
Secretly the scariest thing in the movie by the way
No it looks really bad.
I saw that shit in theaters when I was six. Fucking scary.
meanwhile, this came out in 2009: youtube.com
it's fine
not even close to being secretly - that bit traumatised me as a kid.
Poor Wayne nah-ah-ah nah-ah-ah
Some of the scenes do. The galliminus look rubbish now. But the t-rex still looks solid, thanks to the careful use of the CG model mixed with the robot.
The raptor scenes also still look fine for the time.
Mos of what you think is CG in that movie is actually practical effects
*cutesy noises*
*head bobbing*
CGI barely ever looks good
It often looks excellent.
I guarantee you weren't even aware of how much CGI you were looking at when you watched the film
No, obvious creatures who you know are CG often still look CG because simulating a creature is hard no matter how detailed it is.
Having the whole island drenched in rain, as it was in the book, was good for the immersiveness. Slippery mud everywhere, wind... helped make you feel like you were there. Also it was cool to feel like crazy shit might be happening all over the island now that the security systems were down.
no need to add raptors, it doesn't add to the sense of danger, it just makes the whole scene ridiculous and even more unbelievable. with the horrendous use of CGI, this scene summarizes jackson pretty well, it just lacks some stupid dialogue
Thanks dad
KINO scene.
>*low horn notes*
i watched it 7 times in the cinema when i was 8. I could never get enough. I wonder how it was for older people though. it must have been quite crazy too
Fincher would disagree.
Every Fincher film has more CGI than a standard Hollywood blockbuster. Literally every interior scene is shot on a sound stage. Every time you see blood in a Fincher film you can be sure it's CGI. The Social Network has more VFX shots than the 2014 Godzilla. And no one ever notices a thing.
Pretty sure all of his films will age good.
There are many movies that come out nowadays which have better looking CGI than Jurassic Park
Hello John
>tfw can never go back
Zodiac is absolutely packed with CG and no one ever noticed
Any time, son
Hello John
I loved how you never actually saw the raptors on-screen until the last 20 minutes of the movie. In fact the first time you actually see one is when one suddenly bursts out of the pipes behind Satler.
CGI hasn't gotten much better since this tbfh pham
what the fuck is this junkyard explosion
Hello John
Hello John
Don't mind me, just posting the best CGI to date.
Truly epic post my friend
Actually the first thing to scare me in the movie as a lad was literally the opening scene where the raptor rips up the worker. Obviously it's shot very intensely and quickly with SHOOOT HAAH but the bit that scared me was when the worker is suddenly lifted like six feet off the ground by SOMETHING that's in the cage. The sudden display of strength spooked me for some reason, probably because it wasn't that big a cage so it's not like it's a t-rex in there.
That was only the beginning of course, I had a lot more scares to come.
most CGI is invisible to the plebeian eye
Hello John
I expect those cars flying around are practical.
fuck off John
I did, but i do work with compositing and 3d, so i am a professional.
*Blocks your path
Sure bro
This was shockingly good for 2006 and actually still looks great. Given it predates proper facial motion capture it's crazy how well it simulates Bill Nighy's acting. I know they did the capture dots but those were just markers then, not the tracking rigs they have now.
I wonder if it's because he's all wet and fleshy that makes the textures hold up better.
WETA is a fucking hack company, all they do is add motion blur and hurr look everyone it's in motion so you're just watching over pixelated crap like in real life.
fuck you fucking pig fucker hackson
Most of it is compositing, not CGI.
But you know it's still cgi so how is it an improvement?
The Apes films are straight up extraordinary.
Jurassic Park was legit perfection
This is the stupidest logic in the history of the universe.
>CGI of something you never saw in real life looks good
It doesn't look that great in the chase scene.
You want to play the semantic game?
Compositing IS CGI you dumb-ass.
The JP raptors looked better in movement desu.
No, they didn't, and I guarantee whatever shot you're thinking of was practical.
No, they absolutely did not
Hello John
You have no idea.