So, whats this movies message?
So, whats this movies message?
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Beware of homeschoolers.
It's one of those 'program the goyim' movies
Racial conflict doesn't need to exist but it will never go away
is there any other 90s movie that still gets as controversially discussed as this one
It was powerfull, it touched on the gang violence, revenge, and horrors of the alt right and what they can become.
The message is love, not hate
Being concerned about white genocide is a legitimate grievance after all
Racism begets racism. You also can't magically solve racism in a day.
Around blacks never relax
Build bridges, not walls.
Getting fucked it the ass turns you into a democrat.
shes not my mother tODDDDDD
This film was made so the 5 minute segment about Jew persecution could be inserted.
all its trying to say is that being racist probably won't make you a happy person
>doesn't need to exist
no shit, why would any kind of conflict NEED to exist
I love that movie because it's like a big punch on the face against the nigger-loving faggotry of the 90's.
during that decades niggers can't stopped to make movies insulting white people and blaming them for everything, and also behaving arrogant with their ghetto rap shit or their ebonic gibberish comedies.
A wake up call for whites
this, the pivotal moment in the film is when the principal asks derek "has anything you've done actually made your life better?"
look at Sup Forums and tell me if those people are enjoying their lives
It's the same thing as La Haine except La Haine directly spoonfeeds you the message "hatred breeds hatred" just in case you thought being a dumbass hoodrat on either side of the racial spectrum is something worth looking up to.
sometimes there's more important things in life than self-gratification
nobody wants to be racist and nobody tries to become racist lmao, you think Sup Forums just decided one day to discover the things they have or experience the things they have to become happy?
and you can't go back
> you think Sup Forums just decided one day to discover the things they have or experience the things they have to become happy
looks like I struck a nerve
>implying Sup Forums isn't full of self-gratification circlejerking
don't delude yourself
>nobody wants to be racist and nobody tries to become racist lmao
perhaps not consciously, but what better way to explain away an unfulfilled, failed existence than to say "it wasn't my fault, the jews had me from the start!"
yes, certainly it is i who is the deluded one here lol
try pulling your head out of your ass you self-obsessed faggot. your ancestors would be ashamed that their hard work gave rise to you
yeah you are a deluded loser
this is an ignorant position, there are millionaires, celebrities and artists/politicians for hundreds of years who are anti semitic
Underrated pos
Its all about influence. Except for maybe cameron, everybody was heavily infuenced by the world around them, no matter the race. Norton was influenced by his dad and cameron, and furlong was influenced by norton. the black kid at the end was influenced by the gang he ran with. Its saying that everybody, no matter the race, is equally susceptible to influence. obviously theres alot more but that was a main theme i picked up on. 10/10 movie. also rascism is bad thats an important theme
>your ancestors would be ashamed that their hard work gave rise to you
you're bickering in a meme thread on the television section of a Japanese image board. are you completely lacking in self-awareness or is this something that Aryan warriors aspire to do?
>strawman reply about jews for no reason
>i didn't even mention jews or anything even vaguely racial
>calls me deluded
Schwarzenegger could save him from a robot but not from a nigger?
again with the racial strawmanning when all i suggested was that perhaps some things should have higher value in life than one's own personal happiness
sorry for threatening your self-serving auto-fellationist lifestyle you post-modern dipshit
Any more examples?
did you call MOI a nigger?
The wrong side won ww2.
>sorry for threatening your self-serving auto-fellationist lifestyle you post-modern dipshit
the irony of posting this on Sup Forums
To hide your racism and make the 14 words happen behind the scenes.
>when leftists try to meme
how can anyone disagree with what he said?
There is only so much you can ignore and not act on.
>Falling Down
White "man" acting like a nigger: the motion picture. Litreally every minority in the movie has a more bleak life compared to him but they don't go chimping out do they.
You may also add Eyes Wide Shut, completely revered over there for "redpilling" people about rich people having kinky parties while ignoring the part about a white man doing his fucking hardest to cheat on her wife.
Not a conspiracy, Jews do control a disproportionate amount of wealth in this world. Jewish Privilege needs to be addressed.
LibCucks don't understand.
the intergalactic kind
>You may also add Eyes Wide Shut, completely revered over there for "redpilling" people about rich people having kinky parties while ignoring the part about a white man doing his fucking hardest to cheat on her wife.
This is the same board that tries to take a moral high ground on child welfare and cheers while Duterte has children killed in the Philippines for acting as drug mules. It's best not to even attempt to make sense of it.
Seeing blacks and other migrant trash destroy your nation from the inside out and wanting to fight them and the people who allow them to destroy your culture isn't "filling some unfilled hole".
>Get Out
not even the director/writer understood the film
(just substitute whitey for jews and you have your average Sup Forumstard)
>"filling some unfilled hole"
jesus, user, the repressed homosexuality is bleeding right into your posts. I think you're better off letting that migrant trash cum in.
If you're not anti-Semitic you're not paying attention. I won't kill jews or beat them up or anything but when it comes to try trusting them that will NEVER happen. Ashkenazis are predisposed to lying it's in their genetic code that was formed over a thousand years of inbreeding. Maybe it's natures way of making them extinct. They all have higher rates of cancer than the rest of us.
Facts show the jews control the wealth, why ignore reality?
Well, the evolutionary kind I guess.
>Ashkenazis are predisposed to lying it's in their genetic code that was formed over a thousand years of inbreeding.
Can you cite the specific allele more prevalent in Ashkenazi genotypes that causes more lying and the associated scientific research to back up your statement?
awww did you get triggered when someone attacked your precious "refugees"?
and? they also have the highest IQs in the world. Do you want affirmative action so whites can compete?
Lying comes from their fucked up culture.
comeback of the millennia right here. is there some kind of genetic reason why leftists are so shit at banter?
that becoming libcuck will literally kill you.
Not really. That's a lie.
There's nothing in here about a "lying gene" at all, it's just a study on breast cancer rates.
Are you perchance just making bullshit up to justify your prejudices?
come on, you can do better than this. get that nigger dick off the brain and you can come up with something of substance.
Never said I could prove they had a lying gene. But they do have defective genes from inbreeding which is why they have a much higher cancer rate.
>I could prove they had a lying gene
You literally said
>Ashkenazis are predisposed to lying it's in their genetic code
So you admit you were just making up bullshit in that statement.
as if it was deserving of a comeback. bitch boy whines about "strawmanning" and in the same breath confirms exactly what he is by injecting "post-modern" out of left field to let everyone know he watched a Jordan Peterson video a few hours ago.
>people think American History X is strictly anti racism/nazi
top fucking kek
A violent nigger kills a white boy at the end of the movie. That's what the director chose to leave to the audience before they left the theater. That is all.
Jews are nation whitin a nation. This is what's wrong with them, same with any immigrant group. They will never choose their country over themselves.
I like you completely sidestepped the claim that you were just making up pseudo-scientific bullshit. Nice.
>That's what the director chose to leave to the audience before they left the theater.
The director is a Jew and was pretty famously dissatisfied with the cut that was released.
>he used a word that perfectly describes my shitty attitude so i guess i should slander him by suggesting he listens to a widely cited academic! that'll show him!
the fact you went straight to peterson makes it fairly evident his usage of it is probably your only knowledge of the term. did you hear it when you flagged his video for oppressing your non-binary lifestyle?
nice strawman picture alt rightist are always considered better looking then hipster leftists