Man, Fassy really dodged a bullet

Man, Fassy really dodged a bullet.

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Yeah it's the niggers, not a female problem.

Jews are truly disgusting

Are you kidding? Fassy is a metro-sexual. He probably spends all his money on shoes.

he still got married didnt he?

>has never been around black women.

Perlmans daughter is kind of cute

And let's not like he's ever made great cinema. He's always been in fun but campy films

holy shit i just realised ron pearlmans son is delroy edwards

it is
it's why the apes chase white girls too

black women are a plague

You're still a virgin and alone

I thought the daughter was his wife and the other lady was her mother

eh. sounds like Ron is being sarcastic about it all. He loves acting in pieces of shit and somehow how his kids look all right.
Dont compare Ron Pearlman to that scumbag DeNiro


>albino gorilla + non-albino gorilla = Sideshow Bob

Read that in Burr's screaming voice

No joke Ron Pearlman's son makes some really good g-funk house music. He goes by Delroy Edwards.

This infuriates me to no end. Years from now the Pearlman name will no longer conjure the feelings of awe and admiration that it does today. All thanks to the quadroon scourge. A waste of genetic legacy.


What legacy? He's a fucking lizard man lmao

Niggers are unable to think long-term, they think only short-term. That's why they're so bad with money and spend it on stupid shit instead of saving it, why they have retarded bling bling mindset. The nigger never had to deal with harsh winters in Africa; the white had to plan ahead and make reserves or he would die starving, hence he developed agriculture and all the progresses of civilization, while the nigger is still today eating bugs in his mud hut. You may think this is just fedora rambling of a pol memester but observe how the niggers really behave and you'll come to the same conclusions. For examples how niggers and white have different drugs of choice, typically downers for niggers vs. uppers for whites. A white woman will be cunning and scheme to get your money for herself so she can start a new life like Brendan's wife (long-term planning), a nigger wife will just spend whatever she can today but won't even be able to JUST you properly, they're just annoyances and worthless.

Average WMBF. Cure your fever.

It's both. A nasty combination.

Delroy Edwards is taller, runs the biggest label on the world and is officially the smoothest motherfucker on the planet. The Pearlman name is only going to get bigger bro.

disgusting mudbloods

His son is actually a great DJ. Not the typical "My family is rich so now I'm going to DJ with the family money in ibiza".

He actually started an underground LA club scene (using a pseudonym). He blends samples from popular and lost memphis rap songs. example. He made a name for himself in his own way without announcing he was Pearlman's son. People found out on their own.

jesus christ
you think this is good?

what DID he mean by this?

was it just method acting research for 12 years a slave?

lyricism is important to you in electronic music?

Fassy short for Fassbender?

Delroy Edwards is dope, you ass backwards virgin. Go listen to linkin park or Miles Davis and pretend you get it

unlike bobby and ronald he realized black girls are just for fun.

I want to point out to all the tards saying they threw away their genetics, what genetics man? Perlman looks like a gorilla, heactually looks more simian than some black people. Do you mean his eye color? Deniro is dark eyed anyway, so do you just mean their white skin?

He's confirming to the world that Alicia Vikander is not white

He retained most of the key features of Perlman's face.

Now all he needs to do is get one of those Slavic blondes with a face like a brick and get her Blacked and we'll have white looking octoroon offspring with the jaw to end all jaws

Alicia is unironically one of the ugliest on that list though.

the De Niro family lineup will always be hilarious to me. the further away his kids get from him, the less they look like him. that one on the right is pure De Niro and the one of the left looks exactly like his wife.


I thought this too, but trips confirm

Perlman is Jewish, those are his genetics.

It's not a racial thing, it's a woman's thing.

Here's a free piece of advice when (if) you get a serious girlfriend and you live together - don't let her deal with the finances because you'll be broke at the end of every month.

Half nig guys are fucking retarded looking but the girls are hot as fuck.

>people don't change their views.

Africans are genetically not hard wired to think about the future or consequences of their actions

Specifically ones of Bantu descent

at least his daughter is hot

v true