Rlly makes da tingy in ur hed tink
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But I don't consider the Nubian Pyramids mud huts. I think that if black people looked more towards the Nubian civilization and went WE WUZ NUBIANS N SHIT, they'd be much better off than with gangster rap and bitchez n hos
the nubians are more caucasian than black
Really makes you think about population size, population density, urbanization and natural resources, doesn't it?
Egyptians are more related to sandniggers than real niggers.
Checkmate, Tyroneeshawn
Either way, I'd be more comfortable with a black man who worships Amon Ra than I am with one who worships monnie, drugz n bitchez
viking built Stonehenge? I thought it was the druid's ancestors who built it?
You can point that out all you want, what matter is that niggers are still on the same level they are thousands of years ago lol. Stupid niggers wouldnt even have concrete and buildings in Africa if we wouldnt of colonized their retarded monkey asses.
seriously, how someone feels sorry for a nigger is beyond me.
Stonehenge has nothing to do with Germanics or Nordicism.
>niggers built the pyramids
typical nigger, trying to steal history from other races
Look at the egyptian glyphs, egyptians werent really black.
Fucking hate it when people mention druids and stonehenge in the same sentence. Common mistake though.
Stonehenge was constructed and changed over an enormous time frame, by various people. Finally fell into disuse probably before the Romans (ie recorded druids) arrived. Originally built by what we'd just call 'Britons' today. Pre-celts.
Considering the effort involved to move the rocks, and relative lack of manpower, it is no more or less impressive than pyramids etc
>Try building fucking anything without machinery or computers
source: archaeologist
i heard when they ruins were found long ago that they were already ancient.
Blows my mind.
They aren't Caucasian by any definition. You are literally the equivalent of a nigger saying Romans were black.
Whoever made that image genuinely needs shooting like the rest of the failures of the American """"""""""education""""""""""""""" system. Bloody hell I'm seething. If I got my hands on who made this image I'd actually sacrifice them at Stonehenge the flaming cretin. I'm frothing at my screen right now honestly I am so irate.
They've always been known about, it is pretty obvious. Nearby there's a village literally INSIDE another giant stone ring, pic related.
So throughout the post-Roman, then medieval, and up until the modern, people just assumed that they had been made by 'the ancients' or giants.
Some wishful thinking Victorians equated them with Julius Caesar's texts describing druids who were active in Britain in the 1st century BC, and decided that Stonehenge was a druid invention. Some nutters picked it up, leading to the druidic rituals here today. Unfortunately the entire religion is a Victorian fabrication.
You're right though, it is mental to think that Saxons, even Romans, stared at it knowing that it was older than their histories stretched back.
wtf I hate white ppl now
>Considering the effort involved to move the rocks, and relative lack of manpower, it is no more or less impressive than pyramids etc
Holy shit the arrogance. If you're an archeologist, surely you would be very well aware of the VAST difference in manpower required between the construction of the pyramids and the henge.
>ITT compromised superiority complex anglofag anthropology can't sustain notion that african civilization dwarfed theirs ITO mathematics, workmanship, statebuilding, labour and agriculture
Kek agrees
wew lad WE WUZ KANGZ
Nope, both are impressive for their respective times period and environment.
But neither were built by niggers.
Thats what I'm saying, africabro, there was a huge disparity in manpower and resources available to the different societies.
The pyramids were only able to be constructed due to tens of thousands of slaves being used. Slaves may well have been used in the construction of Stonehenge, but the local population would not have been able to support the huge numbers involved on the banks of the Nile.
>sick final resting places
>thousands of dead slaves
>full of gold and bitches
>people think it was aliens
>hundreds of years to build
>local heroes buried there
Egyptians was white, nigga.
>a wild nigger appears
>Ancient Egyptians
Pick one.
What a moron why even post with that flag it's just embarrassing really oh dear.
>Celts couldn't into civilization
>Therefore they are just as good as the Egyptians and Nubians
Also just a note, the pyramids weren't built by slaves, they were made by large numbers of free laborers likely drafted or recruited from farming communities outside of the harvest seasons.
Lol? Nubians are black.
Wasn't there a dna test showing some pharaoh being European?
The cuck who made this doesn't even know about history to even critique it in any way. Woodhenge is where the idea of burning sanctuarys comes from at burning man festival's. Many more sites.
Proto-Celts and cold swamp white man didn't built pyramids like other white man of Central Asian origin because there weren't enough rocks and it was probably too wet and the ground too soft.
The did make mounds, though. Half-assed pyramid-ish things.
Proto-white man that went to the New World built pyramids.
Proto-white man in Egypt made pyramids.
Vinca in Europe made pyramid-like things... allegedly.
There you go.
Daily reminder that the pyramids and Stonehenge plus a myriad of monuments and sites all over the world are intricately mathematically linked
the same people built it all looooong before Egyptians and celts ever showed up
Yeah fair note about the pyramid builders. So not technically slaves in our sense of the word, and not a lot else to do outside of the harvest, but not sure they had a lot of choice in it.
Stonehenge was nothing to do with celts, they come thousands of years later to Britain. Too much aoe II bro.
My original point was that Stonehenge and the Pyramids are equally as impressive, considering the different communities that produced them.
Even more impressive is that there may have been indirect links between the seemingly hugely disparate communities. Wessex bronze age amber (originally from the Baltic) turns up in Bronze age southern Europe, which itself had trade ties to north Africa.
I just fucking love digging things up man
>Egyptians are black
Fucking retarded OP
good point. white """people""" will claim the achievements of the ancient mediterranean peoples for themselves one second, then claim they're not white the next.
go extinct already, white """""people"""""!
The masons were FREE.
The pyramids were built be FREE MASONS.
The freeman stone cutters.
those aren't the egyptian pyramids, you dumb shit.
Built by mulattos or Eurasian colonists who got taught by their Eurasian fathers the family trade of cutting stones.
yeah, white people who have never built a monument in their own northern europe came and built the pyramids in the sahara. you're smart.
these are negro pyramids you fucking piece of negroid garbage
The Northern white man is a spinoff the Turkic looking proto-white man of Central Asia.
The white man that built pyramids lived right next to the low land proto-Jews and proto-Arabs.
Central Asia = birthplace of white man. Where they tamed the horse. Big animals helped them invade Europe in the Neolithic.
North Africa got invaded by highlander Eurasian steppes white man and proto-semites.
Eurasian steppes proto-white man was building mountain shaped shit for a long time. Earlier forms of this proto-white man went to the Americas where they built Mayan and Inca pyramids and then changed in appearance into something looking like brown Mexicans.
The strain of white man that invaded North Africa and built pyramids was an ancient form of white man that looked closer to a spic.
>Vikings doing shit 200 years ago justifies niggers
>200 years ago
even if you meant 2000 you'd be far, far off lmao
ad hominems? I can do that too
>dat filename
guess we know where you are when not unironically shitposting in bait threads
>Ancient Egyptians
>Pick one.
I did actually you'll notice I refer to the egyptians as an african civilization
>dat reading level
really embarrassing to post such dingus with that flag, really a shame on your country.
pic related (((You))) while posting
Why do sub-saharan Africans claim Egypt? The trail of mounds and pyramids radiates from Central Asia.
There was a tradition of piling rocks and dirt in Central Asia that got carried around.
Almost everything that made Ancient Egypt what it was had come from Eurasia. The diet, domesticated animals, stone cutting technology, tools, metal use, etc.
Nobody is denying whites werent bubbling retarded ice niggers at one point. Christianity is what chiseled us into diamonds.
>Now even nubians are more white than black
Taking it to the next level huh? In 10 years I estimate that only pygmies will be the real black people
Egyptians have less than 10% foreign admixture that includes the Middle-East and SSA. This is that the Op is actually a picture of Nubian pyramid, not Egyptian you inbred porker.
Claiming? Wut? Or do you mean using as a case of an african civilization that was actually very well developed? Does my sub-saharan origin somehow detract from this fact? I really don't understand your point.
So what you're saying is that "No, Egypt was heavily influenced by surrounding nations, thus their discoveries are moot."
Riddle me this then socrates, would the same not apply to virtually every european civilization that made contact with it's neighbour? Does your objection not actually make the whole debate moot? Does it not perhaps lose focus of what the point is?
>Muh anglo-saxon superiority hurdurr
My skin is literally whiter than yours (2nd generation Nazi escapee family) but even I am able to take heed of the fact that the average whitey supermacist:
A) Has been brainwashed TO AN EXTENT about his superiority
B) Has done little to research anything that would disturb his worldview
C) Is generally very uneducated ITO non-anglo anthropology
>Pic related, mfw 1st World people can afford to be this bluepilled about race
double dubs
>technically slaves in our sense of the word, and not a lot else to do outside of the harvest, but not sure they had a lot of choice in it.
Not slaves but craftsmen and laborers. The decrypted Egyptian records make it clear that most, if not all, workers on the major pyramids, were there under contract and of their own free will. They also got paid in beer.
I'm a Nordicist, and I appreciate the pyramids
especially since the builders were Nordic
Too worried about fighting everyone and not WASTING valuable time and resources on a goddamn art project.
Meanwhile desert monkies are working their selves too death in a fucking desert building triangles for dead people.
>people don't realize the significance of stonehenge
It's old and broken but was once a calendar and temple. The remains just look like rocks.
The pyramids were easier to build than old stonehenge.
The bringer of nightmares (sphinx) is much more impressive. Both were around before Egyptian times.
I wonder if the age of these will ever be fully known.
>the pyramids and their chambers perfectly (or near perfectly after erosion) follows plancks constant
>nobody has or had a damn clue what the sphinx was, and it was just locally known as the bringer of nightmares
I honestly think Copts are the descendants of Ancient Egyptians. Of course they have marginal admixture, but I think they generally resemble their ancient past well.
Ancient Egypt belongs to the Copts, not the niggers like Berbers or Nubians.
Also, there was research showing Ancient Egyptians had significant Western Eurasian admixture. Only the Copts have this, interestingly enough.
Tell me more about these ancient meme kingdoms
Egyptians were not black you fag, also look to roman empire...