What are they hiding?
Are they redpilled?
Jehovah's Witnesses
Other urls found in this thread:
Google dark side of Jehovahs witnesses.
>getting teeth cleaned at dentist
>hygienist says she is a jehovah's witness
>doesn't try to convert me
I once applied for a job at a place that had about 30 employees, and noticed that a paper said something about being excused for meetings, so I asked, and eventually it came out that every fucking person who worked there was a jehovah's witness.
He claimed that I would fit in fine, but I was like, thanks but no thanks.
The funny part was that in america, all applications state that they do not discriminate based on "race, ethnicity, creed, national origin, etc."
It was probably just someone being illiterate, but their's said "natural origin".
Kinda makes you think.
This is Ancient ayy's tier shit
they are honorary arians
I know a girl who was raised by a Jehovah's Witness sect. She was homeschooled and brainwashed and it really fucked her up for a long time, it's like she had a fifteen year delay to the start of her life. Now she's a social worker who helps people escape from religious groups and gangs and introduce them to the world, which is rad.
Anyway, fuck those guys.
My mother is one and she told me the other day that the leadership claims the world is ending within the next few years maximum. Armageddon is coming "real soon". If Hillary Clinton wins, I could believe that shit.
Dont they claim that for a real long time now ?
I've actually been inside the watchtower to deliver materials. Everyone was so fucking beautiful and we'll kept, yet extremely secretive of restricted areas.
Yea, there's been several points in the 20th century where they claimed Armageddon was coming.
1914, 1918, 1939, 1950-something and 1975. It never happened. The official JW narrative has since been "soon". But according to my mother, at one of their recent conventions (a massive 3 day religious gathering of JWs), they claimed the "Great Tribulation" could actually occur within the next few years.
The Great Tribulation is basically a shortlived period of FUBAR and chaos which would include global ban on religion, rounding up of dissidents and people who refuse to obey the bans and general extreme violence, war, famine, natural disasters on a scale never before seen.
Armageddon is supposed to occur shortly after that and God kills all the wicked people (99% of the human population). The survivors rebuild for 1,000 years and people who died prior to the Great Tribulation get resurrected over this period and re-educated in the new ways to worship Jehovah.
After 1,000 years God allows Satan free again to fuck shit up (a final test) and then finally God kills Satan and anyone who turned back to evildoing. Humanity then lives for eternity in a peaceful Earth paradise.
JW Happening Status: Soon
>deny the divinity of Christ
>red pilled
Not joking, they have a lot of pedos and they make their members hide this fact
They deny the claim that Jesus was God himself. JW's believe Jesus is God's son. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are not one in the same. God and Jesus and separate individuals and the Holy Spirit is like God's life force or power or some shit.
Humz i am a without a denomination christfag , but when i had read the bible the jehova witnes doctrine seemed to be the most valid , strangely enough the christfags who i hated the most probably have it right
>End of the world here we come
Why are they always brown?
Jesus is not god probably, he is the son of god also divine offcourse what is in a name
>Are they redpilled?
Jesus Blows Up the Earth
>Jesus is not god probably, he is the son of god also divine offcourse
How can otherwise intelligent educated people discuss this nonsense.
Sigh. Human beings think we are so developed, but this is no different than arguing about what sort of chariot Thor (or whoever) drives across the sky each day pulling the Sun.
If you think thor is real and it will save your soul to know about his chariot ,go ahead post about it
I've heard that when 9/11 happened JW had taken a lot of people into their headquarters to hide.
Nowadays there are even tours to visit their hq. I've seen some photos and I've been personally to a few Kingdom Halls, even some congresses and everything there feels so clean and modern.
What makes me wonder the most is this:
>In 2001 Newsday listed the Watch Tower Society as one of New York's forty richest corporations, with revenues exceeding $950 million.
>How can otherwise intelligent educated people discuss this nonsense.
agreed, what a waste of time