Now that the dust has settled, can we admit the show was incredibly mediocre?

Now that the dust has settled, can we admit the show was incredibly mediocre?



No. It was good. Just not great.

I agree with this.

This show was fucking based and hype was seriously amazing about it

Contrarian Sup Forums is a b i t c h

Hmm, not quite

Bad = -1
Average = 0
Good = 1

(S1 + S2 + S3 + S4 + S5)/5 = (1 + 1 + 1 + 0 + (-1))/5 = 2/5 > 0
So the show was above average, but not halfway good.

No it was top tier, sorry

Some season, especially the first ones were great. It lost quality with the years and the story kind of went full retard imo but whatever. Didn't regret watching it.

I liked it until the last season which I didn't finish.
The moment Hank sees WW I quit.

Of course not, you idiot. It was one of the best television shows to ever air and the final season was arguably the best one (although my personal favorite is S4). Contrarians and edgelords can fuck off.

it should have ended with the 4th season

>it should have ended without an ending
I hate it when idiots say this.

Season 1 was kino and the rest was trash.

It was excellent though not without problems. Based Vince is still a television god.

That being said, Better Call Saul is entirely kino so far

>What's the most contrarian thing I can think of to get some cheap (You)s?

no fuck off

The last season was a little too lovecraftian for my taste but otherwise it was an alright show.

Like others have said, the weak final two seasons on top of non existent character development outside of Walt bring the show down in hindsight.

A solid 6.5-7/10

It was great you tiptoeing neckbeard

get a job

David Lynch said it was great so all the Twin Peaks pseuds here can't act like they're above it. As for everyone else, think as you please.

It was great, but not without it's flaws. Some later episodes felt like mellowdramas as opposed to vehicles to tell a story.

The last season may not have been so good because we were expecting a fucking season last season, but it was just a good ending ...

Season 5 left a bitter taste in my mouth. It just didn't work with those white supremacists and all that other shit.

BTW, I have yet to see Better Call Saul. I know it's a prequel, but is it really that good?