Why are Germans such autist retards?
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Why are Germans such autist retards?
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>99.3 votes for yes.
top kek
Mental retardation usually comes from the South.
>Implying Germany didnt join Austria.
Wew lad.
>be long term resident in Germany (what used to be called "native" once)
>wife says she wants to have time for herself on holiday
>take 8 year old daughter to Cologne to celebrate NYE
>get swarmed by underprivileged short term residents
>they enrich my daughter one after another
>they beat me up because she cries
>police arrives
>I get reprimanded for being racist
>apologise profusely to the short term residents for being so privileged
>buy a new ANTIFA sticker for my car in memory of this fine NYE celebration
>drive back home
>get stopped along the way by diversity police
>get asked how many residents live in my house
>4, 3 of them are long term
>police shake their heads
>get told I need to increase the number of short term residents living in my house or it will be taken from me and given to house them
>apologise to diversity police and assure them I'm not with PEGIDA
>get back home
>wife is making loud sex noises
>send daughter to school
>see her jumped on and dragged into bushes by 5 short term residents
>hope she learns to not cry after getting enriched, or the neighbours will think I'm raising a racist daughter
>Wife stops screaming and Jamal walks out of the bedroom
>ask him if he'd like something to drink
>tells me to fuck off
>apologise to him for offending his beliefs
>turn on the TV
>The Great Lady Merkel is on TV
>get excited
>get on the floor and pray to Mrs Merkel
>she only says a few things bout how Germans are selfish hogging up all the jobs
>my job will be given to short term residents
>apologise again for hogging all the good things in life for myself
>the transmission ends and Jamal walks out of the house after punching me a few times
>go into fetal position
>cry a bit because Mrs Merkel didn't hear my prayers
>tfw will never get my boi pussy pounded by Jamal's mighty cock
This describes the eternal cuck perfectly.
Wont see that old man falling and breaking a hip
>german ingenuity/10
U mad because we built nice cars and brew nice beer?
I'm mad that you emasculated nu males destroy Europe with your limp dicked attitudes.
>like there is going to be beer im Germanistan
plz Hans. You know full well 2015 was the last Oktoberfest for you cucks.
That's all you have to say in defense of Germanistan?
OK then go on.
But dont forget, that 1/100 german's might still be uncucked.
Please just nuke us.
You actually prove my point perfectly.
>2 million shitskin that terrorise and rape your women
B-but we still have Beer and Bmw
Germans really are autistic. No sense of humor, weird culture, creepy etc. Just weird people.
And now they are destroying Europe because some cucks want to feel morally superior by forcing European countries to accept sub-humans.
The eternal German needs to go.
Fuck Germany for ruining Europe!
>not cucked
No such thing in your country. A non-cucked man wouldn't bare to live in an oppressive state that silences non-state approved opinions.
You're all gonna go extinct soon.
Uhm i'm 100% sure i wrote Cucks not Keks.
Is this a sign ?
I mean, just google 'German porn'.
Enough said. The most twisted and perverted whackos out there. baka
I'm just enjoying my last 6 month free studying in cuckistan paid through socialistic money.
Afterwards I will watch it all burn from the outside, because there is nothing left to rescue.
If you write Cuck all with caps it will change to kek.
Look: KEK
The jews try to divide again.
Fuck you and sage.
Germany is dead. It's just most people haven't realised it yet.
You saw what is happening in the USA? What happens when savages get to roam the streets in big numbers? Have you seen the latest BLM riots where the goal was to "beat up all the white people" while yelling "Black power!"?
Well Ahmed, I'm afraid your German country is on the verge of the same state. Hell, look at how the immigrants behaved back in 2011 already.
>Why are Germans such autist retards?
Delete this post.
You do not talk like that about the Master Race.
>falling for one of our ruses
It wasn't a German that came to annex us :^)
Austrians are rapidly becoming my least liked Sup Forums posters.
Germans are the master race.
No metter what, Romania will stand with Germany.
Shhh...let him dream...probably he is from northrhine-westphalia and thinks it is natural to lend his wife to ahmed and his friends
>muh cars and beer
are shit..the beer tastes like piss and your car manufacturers fake their statistics...and YOU are a cuck with a cuck military.
Whatever you say, your military will ever be a cuckshed and you are not even men...
What is all the money in this beautiful world and all the gdp if you are a cuck with a degenerate body and no girlfriend ?
I am a tourist from geneva...visiting a girl i met on her vacation in italy and family-members living in germany...even they decide to move to italy...
even the negro-infested hellhole i come from looks great compared to the outskirts of dusseldorf or cologne. Even the italian armed forces, which are known to be fucking loosers would smash germans in a war nowadays... how does that feel hans ? You get even cucked by us, the eternal pastas...just wait for the next elections...we will make you blood like you never did before...
you WILL pay us many nice euros you worked for and there is NOTHING you can do...In exchange we will send you some of the best african refugees we got this year (thousands)...
just kidding...of course we will send all of them...they do not want to stay here anyways...
the good side of being poor and conservative my friend...we italians are poor, we are lazy,but we enjoy life and manage to have nice women and culture, while you are desperately trying to fight your inferiority complex
vote the afd ?
OH...WE GOT A BADASS HERE...how are your max. 20% afd votes going ?
German beer is excellent you fucktard.
You mean rolling gaschambers?
ITT: Triggered Stormfags that think present day Germany has anything to do with the Germany before 1945.
Just like in 1944?
when pasta hits hard.
ger.=cuck champions
Let's get a little bit serious in this thread.
Even if there would be 10 rapes a day by refugees, the majority of them doesn't rape.
Sup Forums is like the leftists sometimes...
One side says no refugee is a criminal, the other says all refugees are criminals.
It would be much easier if we would have hundred of rapes here everyday to make the people understand that Islam is cancer, but that is not the reality. It's a pol meme, so if you want to get serious, you have to accept that (until now) most of the refugees are no criminals or rapists.
While I was with you up until now, "stormfag" usually marks someone as low effort shill.
What an embarrassment.
white people are autistic naturally
germans are fucking autistic, just got back from a holiday and drove trough their country, seriously for fuck sake what is wrong with you guys?
Probably all the weiners they swallow daily.
also germans have this bullshit.
> right at the entrance
> as much parking space as disabled people get
Worst post I've read in years.
WTF Austria backstabbing Germany ???
that's our job hans you fuckwit
To consume german products is like holding a sign with "Im a cuck" on it
Dont throw money at those delusional idiots...they dont deserve it...Buy goods from people who really care for western culture like great britain after brexit or even france...but not from the eternal kraut.
if everyone would just boycott the germans like i do the world would be a better place
They dont have an army
They are not good at diplomatics
All they have left is their economy...if we take that the eternal kraut will be gone and the world will be a better place
At least they pay us good euros since they are nice sheeples...cant wait for the next elections and the german butthurt...they will pay...and we will build new roads and schools in italy...thats the price for pressing cultural marxism on everyone in europe.
translate plz
I don't know what you mean but at least we aren't a nation of pedophiles who accept that there masters are the biggest pedophiles in the world.
Is Marc Dutroux still catching children for your elites?
Are you retarded?
So that they dont destroy our valuable cars idiot.
You just don't get German humor.
>Buy goods from people who really care for western culture like great britain
fuck off ivan, i know it's you
Dude you literally are defending your own rape culture. Fuck you, you devourer of worlds, destroyer of civilizations
You were just as bad as us...
didnt the germans get encircled in stalingrad cause your flank fell ?
Thats what your get for trusting romanians...
But since it was just the krauts its okay i gues...cant wait for their next try to acieve something and failing miserable
"Police with migration background" oh, we hadnt expected it to be like this""
Because America was cucked enough to not ally with them during ww2 and destroyed all of their patriotism and national identity
its funny how its actually partly america's fault that europe is so fucked
No. Rather enjoy austrian posts.
>>Buy goods from people who really care for western culture like great britain
Ok Mister Farage i will take that into consideration next time i buy something.
My my my... wall of texts always indicate a serous case of anal fissure. Who gives a fuck about your failed noncountry and especially about your opinion?
At least they're not as bad as Canada
Choosing the lesser evil
Great Britain, Italy and France are cucked...but there are regularly actions by politicans or people that make you hope...you got nothing
next year afd below 10%... we all know it...and you feel it too because you cant resist to get cucked by merkel for 4 more years
>Why are Germans such autist retards?
It's the result of all that Slavic DNA.
yet the south is the most productive, has the highest pisa scores and pretty much pays for all of germany
>probably he is from northrhine-westphalia and thinks it is natural to lend his wife to ahmed and his friends
>even the negro-infested hellhole i come from looks great compared to the outskirts of dusseldorf
Is NRW and Düsseldorf really bad these days? I lived in Düsseldorf years ago with my ex and it seemed pretty nice, except when I was around HBF which was the only place I was concerned for my safety. I would like to know how bad the enrichment in her city is now.
This is what Germany is all about today
Swiss will always be the least likable people, don't worry.
I defend nothing.
I just tell you that you live in an complete irrelevant country (except Brussel because of the EU) where every second citizen has a child in his cellar.
Thanks bernd
If we are so irrelevant, why do you pay us so much money ?
Your leaders will do literally everything to keep us in...
We will get as much money from you as we want...and there is nothing you can to against the "irrelevants"
I hope you worked good this year...the newly made italian streets wont pay for themselves hans !
>you have to accept that (until now) most of the refugees are no criminals or rapists.
>They are just ok with some of their peers doing so, will protect said peers, and strive for a culture where the rapes/muggings/etc of infidels are the norm.
Good point. this is reasonable,
Oh really?
but germoney, how could there be 10 rapes a day if there were no refugees? the fact you would accept 10 rapes a day is sickening
you already live here so you are now part of germany. meanwhile trillions of refugees (sadly i've still never seen any except on Sup Forums) rape and kill people and you do... what? shitposting on the net?
Nice Sup Forums MayMay
Blame (((Roosevelt)))
could i just park their and say im a woman?
>Bong asking the important questions
I already said im here to visit
I dont live in germany and i never will
two weeks a years are far enough
Merkel will be gone before 2017. You would know that if you were able to read German media.
kek I've seen this before.
Better Asian than Paki DNA, mate
No. She's not done with the globalist agenda. She will double down the next 5 years and then piss off to Argentina or where ever her house in southamerica is.
She doesnt give a fuck if people bitch and moan. Afd wont be a threat any time soon.
Düsseldorf-Bilk here.
You are right, the HBF area is a shithole, Eller too. But Düsseldorf is still far more white than every part of Cologne or Berlin.
>If we are so irrelevant, why do you pay us so much money ?
To fund the German industry which exports goods to your country.
Yes, this is socialism.
But at least we have BMW and Mercedes and not Fiat.
I highly doubt it even then you will get like spd or something which will be even worse.
fuck cars and your beer is yellow water. slurp your ayran cuck
>giving an Index without explaining it
You must be from Berlin.
Only cucks worry if others like them or not.
Didnt our flank fell because you retards ignored our warnings about the soviet bridge heads over the river?
Literally wearing a cock's comb.
Bernd? I thought you called germans fritz
The chance is there only if Trump wins.
>*cucked self-hate intensifies*
you can pretend not to be german all you want, but by your anti-german posts just prove that you have the genes of a cucked modern day german
Here you have the actual statistic. Most rapists are German, "German" and Turks. Real refugees don't rape that much, you should better blame the Nafri migrants and Turks.
>inb4 rapes by refugees are kept secret
That also counts for raping within one family.
Daily reminder that the Habsburg-Hungarians are the worst scum of the earth.
Never been to Krautchan?