Reminder race realism is speculation/conspiracy theory, not science
Reminder race realism is speculation/conspiracy theory, not science
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Bill Nye the Bachelor Guy
Wtf I hate evolution
reminder that differences dont exist : ^ ) everything is universe stuff guys, stop the intolerance.
The same post, the same image, every single time. Is there some sort of shitposting, sliding mechanism that repeats itself on like a 24 hour cycle?
maybe you're right, but I'm not moving to Detroit until we get rid of all of the niggers either by destroying their "culture" or them.
Evolution is just a theory, a guess.
There is direct evidence that supports the theory of evolution, there is no direct evidence that supports the genetic hypothesis for the differences in IQ among races.
do you know what evolution is?
why are niggers better at sports in general and crime and why are whites better at everything else?
Tens of thousands of years of evolution in vastly different environments, and you're telling me there is not a shred of difference among us? I suggest you do some reading OP if you are actually serious
yes there is a ton of different ones they use. they post them constantly to keep us talking about the same stuff over and over
>they think their reasoning is scientific
Say it with me
Yes. Does that mean white people are better? No.
>evolution is proven
>proven evolution doesn't apply to different races
Do you believe a Basset Hound is as intelligent as a German Shepherd?
Who said white people were better? Better at what?
To believe in evolution you have to also believe in biological determinism when it comes to IQ and behavioral patterns which are supported by real observable outcomes. There is no other explanation nor the room for it.
Sage, hide and report
Sickle cell disease is just another Jewish hoax.
Good to know.
You are a race creationist, so you can stfu about evolution...
Wow SO Hip!
reminder different dog breed have different behavioral patterns and are all considered the same species
Serious question: why is humanity somehow exempt from the differences that basically every other animal has amongst its kin? i.e. species.
Why is it abhorrent to even suggest that different climates bred different humans that are different -- in IQ, psychical features, etc.
>he thinks there is significant genetic differences among human races like there is in dog breeds
Race is a social construct you stupid idiot
Because communism means everyone HAS to be equal.
The term "racist" was even popularized by the commie Trotsky, for God's sake.
I agree. "Race" isn't a scientific term. It doesn't have a concrete, universally accepted definition. It's a media buzz word.
We need to be talking about "haplogroups"
This is how we identify distinct genetic populations. And with low cost testing we can find out about our own genetic make up.
Thanks, Bill Nye the Bachelors Degree Guy! You tireless work to enlighten the common man has made our society more scientifically aware.
Bill Nye is a celebrity and former engineer, not a scientist.
But why are the skulls shaped differently?
I believe in evolution and science! :-))))))
>well what about the different genetic markers under selective pressures between races
>what about brain size and cranial volume differences between races
>what about the physiological differences between races
>what about the facial topology differences between races
>what about the different environments we've evolved in for tens of thousands of years
no bro I believe in the revised PEE CEE theory of evolution that says we're all carbon copies of each other in different color skin suits :))
>blacks are just tanned whites
>males and females are equal in every way
>children and adults function on the same level
might as well start the thread with those claims instead OP
How much variation is there in dogs vs humans?
Show some data.
But why is the racism different?
Like, can you not? Ugh. C'mon.
wow........... just
But why are ACT scores adjusted by race?
i literally can't even right now
the problem with Sup Forums is that you try to prove races are different with non-scientific ways, like comparing history and achievements or social tests like IQ.
The thing is, none of these actually proves anything scientifically that is related with genetics and biology.
You would have to prove that different races have biologically different structures of brain, different sizes of brain parts, different number of neurons etc
But why don't all races make the same amount of money?
Good luck with that since every scientist has to toe the leftist party line otherwise their career gets completely destroyed.
So, what's the science that proves race doesn't exist?
racism?????????!!!!!! nah
Say it with me
science never said races don't exist, the controversy and question is whether each race has the same mental capabilities or not
Buy why is Africa so underdeveloped?
Wow you're right op, I'm gonna go walk through the ghetto and say hello to my brothas, after all race s a social construct and any other belief is a pseudo science. Thanks bud!
---------------------------------------------Use of race among biologists--------------------------------------------
>Ann Morning looked at the usage of race in the 80 most commonly used high school biology textbooks from 1952-2002. While not as good as a survey of biologists, it gives us a rough indication of the trend in biology:
>And so we see a steep decline in the use of race, reaching a low point in 1983-1992, but an increase from 1992-2002, including an enormous increase in medical descriptions.
--------------------------------------------Use of race among anthropologists--------------------------------------
>In 2004 Leonard Lieberman reviewed several surveys of anthropologists in North America and Europe, and found that 31% of anthropologists in North America recognized race, while 43% in Europe recognized race:
>In 2009 Katarzyna Kaszycka surveyed physical anthropologists in Eastern and Western Europe, and divided the results up by age group:
>Kaszycka shows an important split between Western Europe and Eastern Europe. This is an important clue as to how, where and why race denial emerged.
Fuck off limey....if you really believe that take all these niggers off our hands.
scientists wouldn't use the term "race", the scientific term is "sub-species"
Not an argument
because global warming. that was easy.
now if only we could get those racist republicans on this site to push for a carbon tax instead of making these threads...
>A review of the world literature on brain size and IQ by Rushton [Rushton, J. P. (1995). Race, evolution, and behavior: a life history perspective. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction] found that African-descended people (Blacks) average cranial capacities of 1267 cm3, European-descended people (Whites) 1347 cm3, and East Asian-descended people (East Asians) 1364 cm3
>Main article: Brain size
A number of studies have reported a moderate statistical correlation between differences in IQ and brain size between individuals in the same group.[144] [145] And some scholars have reported differences in average brain sizes between Africans, Europeans and Asians. [146] J. P. Rushton has argued that Africans on average have smaller brain cases and brains than Europeans, and that Europeans have smaller brains than East Asians, and that this is evidence that the gap is biological in nature.
Get out
DNA is a social construct
>social tests like IQ.
>Social test
It's not the SAT crypto-turk
But hold on friend, humans have a negligible impact on climate change. Why would we need to adjust our carbon output?
Not when shitbulls are involved. The pit lobby will tell you any breed can be trained to fight like a pit. Truly the niggers of the dog world.
I wouldn't expect a nigger to know the difference between hard science and social science
>You would have to prove that different races have biologically different structures of brain, different sizes of brain parts, different number of neurons etc
I missed this part, just wait around until someone post the myriads of studies already with this exact methodology, the results are (not) surprising
down vote this guy. NOW!!
praise kek
Burden of proof
Hold on there man, Sup Forums doesn't have voting, what are you on about?
>The only soft science is sociology
Cypriot education, everyone
K m8
what's your point? IQ tests are part of sociology, therefore not hard science
>tfw OP was secretly begging for all the info dumps ITT
and they say niggers can't be clever
Yeah, they are divided into breeds and races. Two types of animals being of the same species mean that if they are of the opposite sex they can reproduce.
The chinese are not shackled by political correctness or jewish interests on this issue, they think humans have different races
Thank you for checking his privilege my beautiful black Kang brother
>he thinks there is evidence of a genetic basis for this equivalence
Made the claim burden is on you
There is plenty Philippe J Rushton is a researcher that has done plenty of research onto those topics, and he thinks it's about 70% genetic
There is
>One challenge often put to the so-called “hereditarians,” those who say that the gap is significantly caused by genetics, is to name the specific genes which make some races smarter than others. Until recently, this has been impossible due to technological limitations and so hereditarians have relied on less direct evidence when making their case. However, in recent years, new research has come out which has pinpointed several genes that are probably involved in racial intelligence differences.
>The Genes
>The research comes from 3 papers which looked at how 14 alleles (gene variants) which were previously associated with intelligence, or a proxy for intelligence, vary by race (Piffer 2013), (Piffer 2014), (Piffer and Kirkeggard 2014). In a sample of 101,069 10 of these 14 alleles were each found to predict higher than average educational attainment (Rietveld et al. 2013). The predictive ability of each allele was then retested again across 12 samples totaling 25,290 people. All 10 alleles were found to be associated with intelligence in multiple samples, though the the associations were not always statistically significant. Importantly, the samples consisted of only white people, which means that no genes arbitrarily associated with race will be falsely thought to associate with education just because race does. What were the alleles associated with biologically?
>The Result
>The 14 alleles were found to be patterned such that, based on this genetic data alone, Asians would be predicted to have the highest IQs followed by Whites and ending with Blacks. These differences were statistically significant and were replicated across all three databases.
>the samples consisted of only white people
>based on this genetic data alone, Asians would be predicted
>Genes correlate with IQ among whites and sequence proteins with plausible connect with brain devlopment
>Asian and blacks are too different for these genes to have the same effect
>Races do not exist
Interesting logic
>he's never interacted with subhumans
Doesn't take a genius to realize they're stupider. Science has shown it to, as shown in this thread. Cry more to reddit retard.
>bill nye the meme guy
shills BTFO
It was Guns, Germs and Steel goyim!
It was the crops all along!