why are meds the most sexually active race ?
why ppl pay money todo solarium and look like us ?
how are blondes the master race when your girls cuck you with blacks latinos and arabs , you better keep giving us money so we dont immigrate to your country , there will be no pussy left and you know it
med men are the most handsome and succesful with women compared to any other race , we are also the creators of babylon , persia, egypt , greece, rome , byzantium , spain and portugal.
how can you deny that we are the true master race and that fem blonde men will fade away due to bad gens , your woman do not want you its called natural selection
True master race
Other urls found in this thread:
Italy was based.
Terrible military tbqh.
ITT: Swarthy sweaty manlets masturbating at the thought of breeding with superior blondes while proclaiming themselves masterrace.
yeah we won them too . bump , cause i want tears
this is all ? why they ask for sperm and not for men btw ?
it feels so alone here :'( its like you guys dont want to talk about it , cause feels
You could work for a change instead of shitposting, Alexis. These debts aren't gonna pay themselves.
>why are meds the most sexually active race ?
because...HIGH TEST
They didn't even want too much land desu
>Fascist Italy territorial ambitions in pic
Is it just me or is Greece's flag became darker?
Well at least its heart is becoming darker
>your woman do not want you its called natural selection
Top kek. Nordic cuckolds on life support.
Why do Greek men look like Turkish rape-babies? These are the important questions.
>tfw other than the chin he has the profile of a greek god statue
>tfw Shart in marts still can't see this
Aren't you the namefag that posted a bunch of his pictures in one of these threads before? I'm glad my shitposting has gotten to you so badly that you've created an entire counter operation.
forgot pic
>An english rose lived quite sadly in her estate mansion in rural England
>Her family lived acordingly to the victorian ideals and her upbringing was very strict
>In that sense, the lonely english rose dreamed of a world of freedom and carefree that seemed so distant from her world
>One day, her mother informs her that she is bound to marry sir Georges
>Poor Mary spent her day weeping for Georges was a boorish brute prone to violence and domestic abuse
>At night while she was sobbing in her sleep a shadow swayed in the moonlight in front of her bed
>A dark handsome man in the most luxurious yet elegant clothes was staring at her with a warm passion
>She felt scared but amazed at the same time, he was like a mithycal creature like the ones she read in fantastic books
>"CariƱo, te voy a dar el placer que Georges nunca te podera dar para que pudas vivir en paz por toda tu vida" - whispered the handsome man
>Mary was mesmerized and before she noticed it the man was kissing her neck, lowering to her breasts while his hands massaged the back of her ears
>It was like driving a chariot trough the clouds but at the same time it was so warm like the fields of olives
>Despite being a virgin she couldn't feel any pain, just a gigantic amount of pleasure
>She screamed in extasis when the orgasm filled her young body
>Then everything became black
>When she woke up, her mother came to pick her up for the wedding... Mary didn't knew if it was all a dream
>Suddenly, while she was putting her locket around her neck a small handkerchief with foreign ornaments feel down
>"May this suave and passionate handkerchief acompany troughout your life... There will always be a summer"
>"Yours truly:..."
>Fernando Martinez
Fucking wogs. If any more of yas move here you could just rename Victoria to Greece II. Too bad anyone with any hope whatsoever already moved here because everyone in Greece is totally fucked.
And I don't blame you one bit for wanting to fuck our women there champ. Most of yours have more facial hair and body hair than men do.
>"Kiriakos you come back home to our tent look what your lovely Greek wife has found for us in the trash. Can you believe those German tourists only ate half these Gyros? Oh the waste of it all"
is Sup Forums in love with this guy ? thats how a greek looked when tanned .
>he doesn't know the difference between german and belgian flag
>Is an ameritard
>is Sup Forums in love with this guy?
Nah, it's just me.
Was rushing and not paying attention. Go do something unique with your flag, your tricolor shit is annoying.
Sup Forums should fap to this
>tfw a random greek grannie looks more manly and has more testo that you
Georges is the French way of writing this name though, it's written George in English
Is the Greek pop that high and prominent in that area still?
This is now a Conquistador thread
whats the nigger pop % in belgium ? how they do with woman
you shouldnt reproduce with the brazilians , should just massacre them like brits did with indians
Then we wouldn't have been able to keep that entire territory, we were only about 1 million people total. Hence why we dominated the slave trade, we needed hands to work.
Brazil was primarily for extracting resources and not for colonization. We didn't bring women initially.
do berbers count?
Eh why not
No, we have parted ways a long time ago.
They are mediterraneans and have extremely little subsaharian/arab admixture, though.
Don't see what the problem is.
>greek education
muh dik the post
greeks were always with a tan and black/brown hair, amount of blondes there was minimal
why is this important again? ancient greek and byzantine layed foundation for western civilization you stupid burger
It's for the purpose of lebensraum, not to mention the fact that they have no Christian heritage.
I'll concede if they're not muslim and have no negro or arab ancestry, perhaps an isolated community of some description. They must also pass as an European and convert to proper Catholicism immediately.
Go worship your fucking White Gods you worthless fucking shitskin.
Trust me,they can be cool and mover fencing against some caravan leader while I visited Algeria
I am of italian descent and have blond hair though
>They must also pass as an European and convert to proper Catholicism immediately.
What do you mean by "pass as European"?
I'm not muslim and I hate islam in general, but I doubt anyone here would convert to christianism. It's just not our culture.
I could only find a pic on first generation
There is a neighborhood in Brussels with only them, they sell all their weird shits and drugs, occasionally some bigger crimes, but the real problems are sandniggers anyway
Lots of woman are coal burners here
We've also got a big med population, Italians or Italians descendent are about 450k, other meds are about 100k or so
I honestly am too lazy to do the math for all the african countries, if you want here's a link I found that included descendant of immigrants (the total is the "Totaal Vreemde afkomst" column)
That doesn't mean anything, my mother has blond hair and blue eyes.
You're still Latin master race.
>"pass as European"
Act and present yourself properly as per Western norms, and phenotypically no one in the European Med countries would question your ancestry.
>It's just not our culture.
My point exactly.
When we uncuck ourselves, your country is on the list for lebensraum as is the entirety of Africa. Take that into account, though it's a long ways away.
even forgot pic again dammit
>Act and present yourself properly as per Western norms, and phenotypically no one in the European Med countries would question your ancestry.
That's completely normal.
>When we uncuck ourselves, your country is on the list for lebensraum as is the entirety of Africa. Take that into account, though it's a long ways away.
Morocco is superior in every way when it comes to comparing both militaries, especially when it comes to warfare in the kind of environments Morocco possesses.
According to a poll, 98% of Moroccans are willing to die for their country, and our population is 3 times as big as yours.
How are you planning on getting "the entirety of Africa" as lebensraum, if you did end up uncucking yourself?
I wasn't referring to my country in particular, we never even owned Morocco.
However, it is in Europe's interests to retake our colonies. Relinquishing control of Africa was a mistake.
>retake our colonies.
We were never a colony.
Let's not play semantics here.
Morocco's situation was unique when compared to other countries. You can't just call it plain colonization. (it was, for example, really different from Algeria's colonization next door.)
Morocco managed to keep its culture and way of life (and technical sovereignty) while the French brought education, economical development, and a stronger state. It's an example of a protectorate gone right, in my opinion.
Those are the main reasons we kept our friendly relations with France at the end of the protectorate and still have very close ties to them now.
they wanted control of half of the med including the suez canal
After all they said "a people who can't control their sea is not a free people" and the center of the roman empire was the mediterranean, it would fit the ideology
also they were under international blockade after the Ethiopia war, so frustration may have played a big role in that
wonder *
>the continuity of man
something for pol to read
Is this supposed to be sad? Pretty sad tbqh
whats sad about satire ? meds and nords are bros , its just that we look better
I was talking about his post. You and him are like each others only friends lol
It's called mare nostrum for reason
You're not Mediterraean though, Papadopoulos.
You're as Arabic as it gets. Pls leave.