Sup Forums, I know this may be hard to ask but...
Give me your best and most logical reasoning on why Obama is a bad president.
Sup Forums, I know this may be hard to ask but...
Give me your best and most logical reasoning on why Obama is a bad president.
He's a criminal and an incompetent.
He has no talent or ability. he has no qualities that make him a good leader, and he is a shit politician. The only reason he was voted president is because progressive faggots and their pet nigger candidate.
Muslim apologist who gives America no backbone when trying to fight for ourselves with other countries. He isn't taken seriously by foreign countries and his own country doesn't take him seriously.
I dislike his vision for the World and his backstabbing low key leadership style where the most important thing is to not get caught doing anything of meaning or consequence.
He repeatedly expanded executive powers to the detriment of the legislative branch, taking into his hands powers that constitutionally were denied to him to prevent tyranny. He also failed to enforce laws that the legislature passed, further shifting the balance of power towards tyranny. I don't think he'll be remembered as a tyrant, but he is laying the foundation for a future tyrant.
He's a nigger
He's a tyrant.
He goes over congress all the time.
He even admits doing it, because congress takes too long (which is the exact purpose of Congress).
Obama is probably a nice guy in person but his politics are dumpster tier.
>stoked the flames of racial hatred and then blamed others for doing exactly what he did
>used every mass killing in an attempt to force (((common sense))) gun control laws
>when faced with the threat of growing Islamic terrorism, he chooses to ignore it and LITERALLY lie about how everything in the Middle East is going fine
>allowed ISIS to gain power by pulling out of Iraq and leaving it open for them
>destroyed Libya and left it to rot
>destroyed Syria and left it in a state of violent civil war
>is giving up control of the internet to the UN, destroying the concept of free speech on every single website
>has allowed many jobs to leave the country and has boasted about how proud he is to have put miners out of business
>created a universal healthcare system to reduce healthcare costs but it was so shitty that it nearly tripled them across the board
>refuses to enforce our immigration laws and even attempted to remove them via an executive order (which was thankfully shot down by the Supreme Court)
>has used more executive orders than any President in history because the idea of working out a deal with Congress is too racist or some other stupid shit
>shilled for the EU in Britain and actually threatened them with punishment if they disobeyed, then he bitched out once Brexit actually happened
>shilled a "North American Union" in his latest attempt to destroy our country and sovereignty
He is objectively one of the worst Presidents in history.
This recent deal with the internet could make him go down as the worst president in history
No amount of graphs from the Canadian Obama dick rider could help him
I don't think in the entire history of the United States have race and gender relations been so bad.
Hell, they were probably better back in the 18th century.
He's not he has break race relations forever in America wich is good.
He's a globalist muslim nigger. An anti-white head of state of a white country. No need for logic. Just follow your heart.
From a personal point of view, he threatened us if we were to leave the EU.
And is still harping on about it like the butthurt remainian shill that he is, completely ignoring the fact that he's a lame duck and will be history in two months so his words have literally zero authority.
Also he's a shit president. He will probably be the last black president because everyone realises what a fucking stupid idea that was.
some president in asia called him son of a bitch live on television.
There is nothing more to say
>labor participation rate
look at the left and right y axis of your chart. That's the most absurd thing I've ever seen. Do right wing retards actually fall for zerobrain charts?
also why does your chart go from jan 2007 to july 2012? Is then you thought Obama was president? Holy shit you fucking right wing retards are autistic.
OBAMA JAN 2007???
Obama didn't take office in January 2007.
Explain yourself right wing retard.
I can smell the fear on you from here.
Lol. Not at all. I'm laughing at you retards for thinking that Obama took office in Jan. 2007. You got a source? Nah didn't think so. Watch you be a coward now.
You're just saying that because I caught all you retards in fear me last night.
Why do you think the chart is supposed to start when Obama took office? You need some non-Obama times in the chart to see how things have changed.
The chart shows before Obama took office as a frame of reference, dumbass
OP asked why is Obama so bad and right wing retards put up a chart of Bush crashing the economy? You retards are degenerate.
Obama job creation has been 95% full time. Why can't you into facts?
Oh it's you.
A-a-are you dumb? It starts in 2007 to show how good it was.
The economy, race relations, and foreign relations are all worse under him than when he took office. Also, he's a Muslim.
How is Bush crashing the economy an example of Obama being bad as OP asked?
So you agree Obama job creation has been 95% full time.
People dont like him because he is black and because fox news and drudge report tell them that hes bad
you get out
Get a trip so I can filter you.
Wtf, congress is meant to be slow and incompetent? Its not and all those old white fucks in congress now should be lynched
It shows 2007 because right wing retards think that's when Obama took office then.
Also the left and right Y axis on that zerobrain chart are so retarded. This is why you morons can't graduate elementary school.
Just to confirm, you agree Obama job creation has been 95% full time right? (You)
Also why does the zerobrain chart end in 2012 when we have up to date data? Can you answer that.
Hell disappear when t
Trump wins since all his time was then wasted making numerous charts just to become even more of a laughing stock. Dick is going to be rock hard in November.
leaf posts Obama getting BTFO and a embarrassment as a world leader
Even a Mongolian midget has more common sense in world affairs then Obama.
America-hating right wing retard Trump voters are triggered because Obama crippled their precious Russia.
Globalist Puppet
not to mention your heroic manlet Putin
He is a son of a whore and therefore a sinner by birthright.
>being proud to ruin another country's economy
OK mr 1990 the cold war ended what do you have against civilians?
Don't fuck with Obama. You pay the price Vlad.
Would be a shame if something were to happen to the Filipino Peso
Oh yes all those poor starving civilians really socked Obama hard.
There economy is alway shit what does that have to do with Obama?
I am glad to see you like Romney, but In all honesty I don't like Russia but at least there not the ones fucking up the middle east because of Obama and his special interest
Maybe because Putin doesn't destabilize like your war chief president.
Guess why America is still hated and not russia
Wasn't even Obama, their economy tanked because it was entirely based on oil which tanked.
u mad vlad?
That's the game.
Putin is trying to get revenge against America by helping Trump.
Unlike right wing retard Trump voters, I am pro-American.
You retards are pro-Russian.
Perhaps the one no one can really argue against is that he's race baiting constantly. The president doesn't need to weigh in on the opinion of a fucking football player.
>Leaf nigger thinks Obama controls oil prices
You think Russia is beloved around the world? LOL AHAHAH holy shit you retards.
America is beloved. The biggest group of America haters are Trump voters.
t. CuckCHANG
What are sanctions?
See what I mean. Right wing retard Trump voters are triggered because Obama crippled their precious, beloved Russia.
Sorry America haters!
Pro American doesn't mean you are pro ruining foreign nations. It means you want your own strong. All you are is pro asshole because a leader does not represent the people.
You summoned him.
So Obama ruined Russia according to you?
Caps like these are always made by one guy, samefagging the replies, capping it himself and posting it, like you are. Wouldn't be surprised if you made that.
>thinks ruskies give a shit about usd-ruble ratio
"OH CYKA!! now we can't have any gamburger and cock-a-kola anymore! guess we have to go back eating caviar and vodka every day..." t. russians
fucking leaf
Hey, guise, come in my thread!
Are you claiming otherwise?
You just spouted US sanctions 10 seconds ago.
I gotta head out guys. I have meetings. I'll be back on later. But honestly it's sad how much right wing retard Trump voters hate America and love Russia.
He's a nigger
>Give me your best and most logical reasoning on why Obama is a bad president.
he continues every american policy that existed before.
>Are you claiming otherwise?
I just wanted to make sure you were confirming my point.
America-hating right wing retard Trump voters are triggered because Obama crippled their precious Russia. Why are arguing when you're actually agreeing with me?
I hate liberals now being flag waving patriots retards.
No leaf, I hate money going out of our country to topple other nations to benefit the establishment
>he actually thinks making their problems our fault will put Russia in their place.
I always knew leftists were the warmongers.
He ruined this nation. His whole run was full of lies and broken promises. He's a massive kiss up to liberal crybabies. Not to mention he breaks the law whenever he feels like it. He's seems to forget he's a President NOT an Emperor.
>I hate liberals now being flag waving patriots
We always were. Of course you hate that.
I wish right wing retards would stop hating their own country so much and stop rallying around America's enemies all the time.
G2G I'm late for meetings. See you later
America is strong and this pisses off America hating right wing retards.
God your a retard. Sanctions had little to do with the economy being shit
If Obama passed gas you would call that a miracle of god
Should have been more forceful right off the bat. Also he likes to stay out of shit like legislation and just appear to be above things.
Should have gotten into the mud right off the bat.
It's pretty telling when the only person defending Obongo is a fucking leaf t b h f a m
Also his continuation of the nation building shit and suspension of American rights to privacy.
I'm not even right wing you dumbass I'm just not all over ruining the lives of civilians in shittier nations because I'm pro-american. Many factors led to thr Russian collapse since it was all about oil for them but Obama seems to want to go to a cold war 2.0.
He shits in our allies and gets cucked by everyone else
Gun control.
I don't think he's stupid. He's simply wrong.
Also he's way to loyal to his party.
Not liking Obama is not the same as hating America, or liking Russia/Putin.
Of course it's funny if you see someone you dislike getting trolled.
go dig a dike
>he thinks the right hates America
Okay, you are officially retarded. The left literally promotes the opposite of Nationalism, which is exactly what you claim to be spouting yourself.
Putin ruined his people's lives by invading Crimea.
Obama punished Sup Forums's heroic manlet and rightfully so.
Get behind your country for once.
I g2g.
A fucking leaf is more patriotic than any of you sad retards.
>Obama getting cucked
>expensive exports
>US oil market booms
>somehow this is good
He is stupid, and immoral.
Of course you fuckers hate America. Obama got the real unemployment rate down to 4.9% and it triggers you every time. You make up lies and shit on your own country.
That's not a chart of exports you retarded fucking nimrod. That's the USD index. You fucking retards.
when did you prime minister take his first cock up his ass?
-----lol,, you're a newfag leaf and no one can do a thing about it
>stop getting involved in OUR politics, mohammad
That's how the USD is measured against other currencies.
Please go back to elementary school.
>but its OK with America invades other countries
>Hawaii born? Lol
>Bix Nood
I'm sure Putin was absolutely terrified.
The guy is ex-KGB. He could murder Obama with his pinkie alone.
>I don't understand the impact of an expensive dollar
How old are you? 17?