Are there any movies about vengeful sexbots conducting a violent takeover of the world ?
Or any movies that depict genuine human-sexbot relationships?
Are there any movies about vengeful sexbots conducting a violent takeover of the world ?
Or any movies that depict genuine human-sexbot relationships?
Other urls found in this thread:
Ex Machina
that futurama episode with lucy liu
why are sex dolls so fucking ugly?
Ghost in the Shell: Innocence
any shots of their soles?
Mad Max: Fury Road
Blade Runner
One of the Austin Powers movies.
that movie is more about how easy it is to manipulate sexless virgins who look at porn all day.
is this really becoming a big thing finally? its been everywhere for the past month
>why are sex dolls so fucking u-
the real question is why do girls want to look like sex dolls?
He say yoo brade lunnah
they whore them up, why cant the just make a girl next door cutie one.
NOPE. It's about how a sexless virgin who looks at porn all day outsmarts a super genius.
looks like the redhead from riverdale
they should look like this
looks like a cheap used whore. i want to fuck the girl next door, not the kind of girl i can usually buy for real
This one actually does look ugly
>t. increasingly nervous woman
they're lovecraftian
Lars and the real girl, i don't think he fucks it though.
10/10 face but shit face. If I wanted a butterface I'd bang a real woman dumbass
Just because someone is really good at drawing doesn't mean they're good at painting. Same goes for other levels of genius.
lol that fucking manjaw
If you were in the market for a real doll would you buy a used one? If you answered no then why are you willing to accept a used up woman?
Because the uncanny valley isn't exclusive to video games and movies.
lack of supply
>tfw you'll get to see women become obsolete in your lifetime
being born in the post-modern dark ages isn't so bad lads
>all of them have big breasts and big butts
I hate normies
I don't think so, toaster whore.
it's pretty fantastic
Why the fuck is everybody calling these things sexbots? They're literally just dolls. Oversized barbies.
Fucking nobody on this site is going to see rea functioning AI robots in their lifetime.
Get your test levels checked
this movie sucks so bad, the watchowskis are such fucking hacks
It doesn't take AI to match the intelligence of the average woman.
the closest we will ever get
Cherry 2000 for the latter part you want.
Do they make them 3 feet tall, proportionate with a slightly bigger head? Also can they make the tummy stick out at a slight angle? Oh and can I get it flat chested?
Can't believe Melania agreed to do this
There is an episode of Der Tatortreiniger where a sexbot kills her inventor.
Also Westworld.
they really dont look that bad
Are faces customizable as well?
Certainly. Still Nathan lost. The only manipulation taking place in that film was between Nathan and Caleb. We might say Nathan ruined the victory since Ava wasn't interested in saving Caleb.
Nathan programmed Ava morans.
Do they come in smaller
Can I get a custom made one?
>Sexbots finally become a reality
>They're only legal to own if you're a PoC, taller than 6'1'' or have an 8'' cock
Some day feminists will demand realistic looking fuckbots. You just know.
Excuse me?
minorities can't afford sexbots
beat you too it
honestly I think it might be illegal to own a silicon sex doll with the "wrong" proportions and size but hopefully the industry lobbies against this.
lol what a clown
Oh shit that guys sexbot is getting cancelled.
this doesn't do anything for me, and I'm a tits guy
>Fucking nobody on this site is going to see rea functioning AI robots in their lifetime.
I've yet to see a woman with functioning intelligence so we are good to go.
There was that one episode in Dark Matter where the sexbot fucks the one guy then tries to kill everyone on the ship
AI is a meme, ML is good enough.
>he's a tits guy
how's this?
Don't buy sexbots.
They already own you thanks to biometics. They have your fingerprints, pupil scans, iris recognition, hair follicles, saliva, and palm prints. They know your typing rhythms, gait, and voice are like. Do not give them your seed. Once sexbots become mass produced it's over for the human race. These bots will be manipulated to affect sperm count for certain POIs (people of interest). They can extinguish an entire characteristic, trait, or race from humanity.
This is propaganda. Robots will never go on killing rampages as seen in films like Deus Ex Machina. They can, however, alter humanity on a much smaller scale over the course of millennia.
Consider yourselves warned.
Because Americans are shit at making them
Get the good stuff from the Japs and you'll never go back
Ghost in the shell 2
That's the one I want!
Is there any legal means of obtaining one?
So they'd rather create a situation where pedos don't have any outlets for their lust which will make them diddle real kids instead?
Therapy Waifu.
lmao those women officers are not happy at being replaced
>White guys have to fuck dolls because they can't get laid
>those racks
>my sides
Trottla, but they're like 10k each
what do dolls feel like?
aren't they already doing that with fluoride and BPA in the water supply? i might as well not die without simulated sex
They aren't creating anything, the men and women that are gonna do it are gonna do it.
>t. butthurt roastie whose mad that her power over men is going to dissipate over the years until its non-existent
Better use it while you can, your days are numbered.
the law isn't about finding solutions to problems, it's about taking those problematic people and locking them up for a while and getting slave labor.
>she can't get pregnant
>never bitches or whines
>always up for sex
>wears whatever the fuck you want her to
Can't really see a downside, other than the akward clothes shopping.
someone actually made a moot sex doll
>tfw just go approved for $50,000 in credit.
It's an investment really I'll be researching this "trottla" THANKS
And why would I care? When I'm dead it can all go to fucking shit for all I care, the generations of the future can get fucked.
das it mayne, das gud
>is that your hand?
Good point, I'm going to buy one with a phat white ass and A-Cup titties.
If you want to have children you should care.
Depends on the material.
Some of them can be hard plastic, which feels exactly like you think it would, while the latex/rubber ones can be as firm as a nerf ball, or as squishy as a rubber glove filled with pudding.
Only downside to the softer feeling ones is that they take longer to warm up if its really cold in your house, so for a good 10-20 minutes, its like you're fucking a corpse
Cherry 2000. A forgotten 80s post-apocalyptic treasure. Go watch it now. It's very silly and over the top.
There's also an android in Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone and it's inferred the main dude has a sexual relationship with it.
The original Stepford Wives might be worth a look.
>If you want to have children you should care.
Why would that change anything?
Good argument, normie/roastie.
idgaf i want to fuck plastic ass brah
don't do it
Far right get.
Oh god shes perfect
>Why would that change anything?
because they can release things in the doll's vagina to make your sperm infertile
Do their pussys smell plastic?
You really missed the point. Ava manipulated them both.