Sup Forums BTFO!!!

Sup Forums, it's been good, it's been fun; but you've been BTFO for the last time.

He can't keep getting away with it.

that slut doesn't seem all that upset about being carried away by the barbarians.

JUST BTFO my shit up pham

Is there an edit with Merkel and her new (((friends)))?

>2015+1, the year of our lord
>Horsey posting

Kek i want this one framed

What did he mean by this?


Like the left doesn't routinely use immigrants to get votes


trump doesnt drink
>responding to horseyposting

Now THIS...this is deep.

we need to give him the zyclon ben treatment.

How can Sup Forums even carry on?

Does horsey know about the internet?

Was going to make the same comment. The entire premise of the cartoon is fucked.

Really makes you think.

i miss carpet bombing.

>for the last time
Trump victory confirmed

This is the world Sup Forums wants...not on my watch.

i love blimps.


Horsey lives under a rock.

Wait a tick...

OH COME ON! Just because there was one semi-successful company from Germany that made airships doesn't mean that ALL fucking LTA vehicles are inherently fascist!

This one doesn't make a bit of sense, plus Horsey must hate Reagan as well.


>seriously comparing a presidential candidate to fascism

It's like they have 0 arguments

Oh wait...





Post the real one.





Even the fake libertarian Ben Garrison has become red-pilled




Funny because I seem to recall a certain party inviting hundreds of thousands of barbaric foreigners in to boost their voter base.

It isn't republicans.

>Self-awareness level: zero



>people never used to troll online
>people troll each other online in current year

Wow, what a stunning fucking observation, you dumb faggot.





I don't understand these two from Horsey's perspective. What part of toppling the GOP establishment and corporate donors and replacing them with the American people is bad again?

Because he's beating off and doesn't have a foreskin, you moronic numbnut.


That fucking Pepe coming out of the drawer.

These people only spend time on the most shallow surface of the internet, they probably didn't even know what trolling was until the Trump campaign happened.


Someone start posting real Horseys.
