Let's fire anyone that doesn't support Islam.
“As I was on Facebook I stumbled upon a principal’s page who had some Islamophobic posts,”
Let's fire anyone that doesn't support Islam.
“As I was on Facebook I stumbled upon a principal’s page who had some Islamophobic posts,”
Other urls found in this thread:
nobody care for the leaves?
Stupid woman for posting to public social media desu
The posts they featured in the article seemed fairly innocuous to me, but this isn't particularly surprising, especially for Ontario and more specifically the GTA. It is a cardinal sin here to have public or even private convictions which go against the grain. If you are not a staunch multiculturalist and homosexualist it is almost inevitable that you will run into trouble.
"desu" auto corrects to "desu"?!
I'm not some fucking weeboo faggot
test desu
oh fucking hell
Not even their Prime Minister cares for native born leaves
Eat shit Canada
Suck a maple dick
Your military is laughable
Your PM is a side show clown
You used to jail people for questioning the holocaust
Everyone in Canada needs to die
Poor Canada
If youre not an incestuous pedo in the Canadian education system, you are weeded out.
Gook moot put in an autofilter last halloween. I believe you can't say f.am, and cuck in all caps as well without it being filtered. There could be more, though.
Us fellow leads should help her sue.
"Freedom of conscience & thought " is a charter right and we should enforce it.
I agree, this is some SJW tier bullshit. They should list the identity of whoever reported her so all can verify.
I see nothing wrong with this.
Insulting Islam is unacceptable. We shouldn't tolerate it. Why should we? We are a free, fair, tolerant, multicultural society. This is a fact, no memes involved.
Of course, she didn't even get disciplined that hard, so people should just relax, I'm just saying that as a Canadian I can see how she crossed the line here and this can be a good lesson for her moving forward on how to conduct herself.
You're trying too hard Eric
Don't feel too sorry for us. This sort of insanity has been ratified by majority consensus, especially in the Greater Toronto Area which is the heartland of radical liberalism in this country.
Hilariously, the OTF previously defined the lowering of inhibitions in children as one of the primary strategies of pedophiles. That this perverse curriculum hasn't been scrapped simply for its having been the product of a known and convicted Jewish pedophile alone demonstrates how utterly depraved this province and her political class is.
Mods, not gook. He can barely into English.
t.b.h goes to desu
>Curriculum written by pedo not summarily scrapped
>Lesbian premier
>Sees nothing wrong with this
Take off the problem glasses, dude.
Welcome to Sup Forums, newfriend
It's actually been around since regular moot
It's been on and off, really. So this.
>mentions a good start but wishes there were more muslims that took a stand against terrorism
>Is islamophobic
Pick one?
You leafs are so fucking degenerate I almost don't even know if you can tell anymore.
Leafs and bongs*
This is happening all over the place in Canadistan.
"Uproar after racist remarks by Providence Care employee surface online"
The racist remarks in question? In relation to hajji whores being allowed to wear their submission scarves when in uniform as RCMP officers:
“I don’t have a problem with anyone living or working in a multicultural society. I do have a problem when kids don’t respect their elders. Respect the history or eff off and do something else assholes."
That monster.
The amount I see "desu" especially on Sup Forums, just goes to show this site is full of stale-memer fuckboy newfags who actually say tb.h like niggers on twitter. It disgusts me and I'm glad the filter is there, and I don't know why these lazy fuckboys still bother typing that when they know it'll translate to desu. They probably have never heard the word desu before.
Get the fuck out desu senpai.
Yeah, it was a massive problem on Sup Forums for a while because it comes from shit posters and generally unfavorable people.
lol you fucking idiot think for one second .. no really use your shitty brain for at least one second!
People can joke about any religion be it christianity mormons buddhist but as soon as islam gets the same treatment as everyone else its suddenly a outrage? lol they are just scared that this will couse muslims to chimp out and blow up airports, theses "omg how dare you say this about islam!!" are scared cowards and know exactly that islam is a problem.
Also lol "islamophobia" a made up bullshit term from a idiot to silence people no comparable word exists for any other religion its all bullshit made up by scared cunt politicans because they know islam and ONLY islam is a problem because its a shitty political system more extreme than any other poorly dressed up as a shit religion.
Wake up you fool
I only type it for fun desu. Before the filter, I never used actually used it.
>He doesn't actually type desu whenever desu would fit in
You're a fucking newfag desu.
I can't say the one website, that starts with red, and have it post.
Senpai KEK desu nigger
I think post fine, now. All once had filters.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I still have a Facebook, but haven't opened it in two years. Never reveal your power level.
>I still have a Facebook, but haven't opened it in two years. Never reveal your power level.
Not quite so long, but yeah, pretty much. Pic related.
Lol, c u ck in caps changed to Kek.
Remember when Nigger was roody poo?
Good points
>she didn't know
>Never reveal your power level.
>Not a part of Canadian society
I wish
44:07 for the lat couple of minutes.
Why doesn't Canada listen?
Why not look at France or UK rape gangs.
Appeasing Islam does not work.
>I'm not some fucking weeboo faggot
You are a new faggot though
We might have free speech, but your not free to share opinions if you wish to remain employed.
A co worker of my wife, said nigger on her Twitter, and some New York nigger found out and had the nigger brigade call her work for two months asking them to fire her.
Good thing we live far from New York, they told the niggers they have no control over employees personal lives, and she was a model employee that they couldn't fire over here say that wasn't provable. Her Twitter could of been hacked.
> cuck
I know the education is horrible in Australia, but you should know what that word means before you attempt to use it. You roo fuckers just repeat words like parrots.
That's the Liberals for you. I have to wonder whether half of them believe their own bullshit or if they're just toeing the party line to preserve their careers and their reputations.
Part of it is arrogance, I think. Some people here genuinely believe that the goings on in Europe couldn't possibly happen here because Canada's different. We're the nation that got multiculturalism "right". Anything or anyone that interrupts or critiques this fantasy is immediately cast aside as some bigoted, ignorant idiot.
This is the same sort of attitude that you'll often see Americans talking about in reference to Canadians. The arrogance, the superiority complex (often misidentified as an inferiority complex, IMO). It's the same root attitude manifesting.
I think it is not right when canadian people declare that they are free from any religious prejudice, but at the same time you can make all kind of jokes about christianity, buddhism but NOT ISLAM, no no no no, we are a very open minded society but don't you dare say a bad word about religion of that sand nigger, no you bigot. But how can you have a free society when there are still forbidden topics to discuss? This is hipocrisy.
Yes, it is hypocrisy stemming from cowardice and this is an open secret. The very fact that Islam is beyond reproach according to the government and various institutions and organisations here implicitly admits that everything Islam's detractors say about that miserable, savage, demonic religion is entirely accurate.
But they don't care. They are content to be hypocrites and cowards if it means they can continue shilling multiculturalism and false tolerance.
lets see:
c.uck - cuck
n.igg.er - nigger
teebee.h. f.am - desu senpai
f.aggot - faggot
k.e.k. - kek
d.esu - desu
s.enpai - senpai
That's nice and all but anybody who supports Islam is a traitor and should be punished. I don't think we should let that principal down, nor should we let the people who have decided to investigate her go scot free.
>woman judge in charge of being impartial
When will this meme end.
And what are your strategies for doing so?
You forgot s.mh baka desu senpai
Well, I'm guessing this person is being supervised by some school districts, that there are people in charge of this investigation or review, and I'm guessing these people work in offices, might have email addresses. fax machine, etc.
I'm thinking, maybe, we flood their fucking shit with some cool true-facts about the way in which Islam is pretty much just a theocracy whose primary source is filled with hate speech? To the point where it interrupts the normal flow of business?
If they want to be traitors and support a system advocating for the subjugation of the infidels and the overthrow of British style parliamentarism it's fine, but they should be made to suffer. (They should also learn that it's what they're doing.)
So we can't spread some true facts about Islam?
Huh? You can do that if you want. I don't see that as being particularly effective, personally.