Can we talk about the pussyfication of the young males in today's world?
Can we talk about the pussyfication of the young males in today's world?
>Can we talk about the pussyfication of the young males in today's world?
Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times.
There's nothing to discuss here.
What's to talk about?
The nuclear family disintegrated across society, leading to a generation of boys being raised by single moms and being educated by liberal female teachers.
Fight Club addressed this as early as 1999
can we fix it?
When my dad was a kid life was about providing. Your happiness and uniqueness was pretty fucking far down the list in terms of priorities.
I blame the fucking hippies.
but is it really a cycle or men will become weaker and weaker?
Lead by example.
Fall in love with a good woman, get married, have children, provide for and protect them, and stick around through good times and bad.
This. The iron pill is the only pill worth taking.
It's a spiral, not a slope or circle. A spiral can go up or down. It's up to you.
You should look into freefalling testosterone leves. Environmental xenoestrogens are literally destroying the males of the human species.
mfw pol is literally a 'safe zone' for racism and the irony is lost.
It's just a stage
once more conservative leaders start getting elected, the pendulum will swing back
America is currently the leader and producer in modern "culture", it's not surprise things have become more liberal, considering a democrat has held presidential office for nearly a decade
I have doubts about the pendulum theory.
Trump will lose. But in the process he's completely annihilated the GOP.
this, ironically Sup Forums mostly consists of weaklings just like the ones OP is bitching about--they rationalize their own failures by complaining about abstract "societal" ones.
pic related
I may be a virgin but I am sure as fuck not a loser
yeah, we should conscript young people to go get killed en masse. that'll show them for being so safe.
you're not a grizzled 80 year old who's seen it all, you have 0 idea about life in the past. you're just a young faggot like your peers, except you don't fit in so you pretend like you're better. see an autism doctor.
hard times create strong men
it's just a phase OP
I'm a realist not a racist.
Basically what everyone else has been saying in this thread, we are in a time of stale weakness right now. No major national upheavals or projects, no sense of unity or identity, no sense of pride or nationalist fervor, nothing and nothing. We lack purpose as a people, essentially. I guarantee you the only people who have a sense of masculine purpose are people who are in Tesla/NASA and the space industry, and people in the military, and even then both those sectors are cucked pretty good, but they still have some PURPOSE.
I'm glad we're seeing a shift though. Many people are opening up about this, and the attack on leftists, SJW's, and PC culture is part of that. There is a resurgence of nationalism and strength in leadership like Nigel Farage, Trump, Geert Wilders and others. Our countries will project strength and confidence, and when our economies are starting to boom again, culture starts to slowly uncuck, and national pride is restored, we will get a taste of that 1950's patriotic masculinity I know we all crave.
are you closeted then? being 18+ and a virgin is the definition of weak.
let me guess, youre "saving yourself" for a "virgin conservative qt"? kek
>being 18+ and a virgin is the definition of weak
old meme is old and wrong
>youre "saving yourself" for a "virgin conservative qt"
I guarantee you're just as much of a pussy. Stop roleplaying on Sup Forums about how much more "macho" you are than the rest of the men of your generation.
somebody found picture of me
Wow, you sure showed me.
didn't mean to
leave Sup Forums
>America is currently the leader and producer in modern "culture", it's not surprise things have become more liberal, considering a democrat has held presidential office for nearly a decade
West and central europe has been more liberal than america since the ww2
Honest question: how obese do you have to be to be a virgin in Greece? If you weren't such a fat autist you could just go down to the beach over the summer and find a nice girl.
But go ahead, tell me how you're not a pussy despite being obese as fuck. You're a real proper man, unlike the rest of the men of your generation right? Why don't you just go eat a half-dozen gyros and call it a day. You're not the lone ubermensch of your generation, you clown.
No, pandering to hicks and evangelicals annhilated the Republicans.
am i obese though? am i not the lone ubermensch of my generation though?
Are you that Greek guy who constantly posts fedora memes and defends women on here?
I swear, that guy has single handedly made you all look like utter retards.
nah im not, don't put all of us in the same basket
>lol bro just get a non degenerate gf lol dude its easy lmao
Gen Xers get off my board
>Destruction of the nuclear family
>The welfare state and second wave feminism rendering the traditional male role obsolete
>Plummeting testosterone levels
>An increasingly gynocentric society
What else is there?
I will indeed put you all in the same basket. I have never seen such an absolute shitty country post on any internet website as I have with you guys. You are all a disgrace.
this basically
its eassier to get to the NBA than that
this comment applies for your country as well ya know
At least the leafs are endearing. The same cannot be said for you people.
>burger calling anyone obese
I have to deal with that all the time. People constantly judge me because of my flag here, and people are only nice when I say something that Sup Forums agrees with. But still, your country should be banned from Sup Forums. I just can't state in words how shitty you all are.
you only say that because it's your neighbour
I wouldn't say it about Mexico, so no, that's not the only reason I say it.
I think you should try to state it in words, you will feel better.
i'm ok with my country being banned from Sup Forums because from next week i will be attending University of Ottawa so i will be able to posting as much as i want
I feel that I should pointbout that the Greeks were conquered by people that lost to the French.
give me a beach to storm and I will storm it
or shut the fuck up
you wouldn't say it about Mexico because you a racist redneck like your boy Drumpf
>so ws
I feel that I should pointbout that the Americans had Obama for 8 years as potus and now they will have Hillary
Go fucking kill yourself.
Really? Right, well I hope something bad happens to you here. Maybe the immigrants will beat you up. I don't know. I want to fight you, but you people can't be trusted. You'll bring a gun to a fist fight.
your country is always on war so your argument is invalid
Harsh but fair.
>Maybe the immigrants will beat you up
i am the immigrants moren
That too
not the same
Women have been corrupted into finding feminine males attractive. As such, many males seek to meet those expectations. Combine that with men being raised by single mothers, and the media encouraging the nu-male while demonizing the masculine male... not a good outcome.
>next week i will be attending University of Ottawa
Jesus, please don't step foot on this continent. Also, Ottawa is probably the most boring Canadian city. I've been twice and it's not exaggeration to say you'll probably want to kill yourself after even just a month. Nice architecture though when it comes to their government buildings. Also for some reason the poutine in Ottawa is fucking trash, no matter where you get it. Go figure.
Oh, so you're a leftist too? Now I know why you're a virgin, you're probably a fucking gay dude who has to hide his sexuality from his small little town and his family. Well at least you'll get all the boipussy you could ever want in Canada. Enjoy it, bro.
>old meme is old and wrong
How is it not true you fucking freak?
how is that not the same? just walk to the army office and sign up
At least we're not an incompetent bunch of wiry-haired, pederast olive niggers. I can ignore the laws here, but you're just a wispy half-Eurocuck, half Persian that lives like an ant.
>good times and bad
what if i get cucked and she bangs a nigger or something? should i still stay with her or divorce her?
>please don't step foot on this continent
already visited your country you know
>gay dude
im not a q*eer like you
>Lead by example
Absolutely this. I'm by no means a great guy, but I work reasonably hard, pretty constantly seek to better myself, and do my best to educate others on things that improve their own lives.
I've got a good group of friends, own my own house, own my own truck, and even though I rarely go out, I am a pretty fucking happy guy. Eventually, I'll find a woman to tie it up with and we'll make some beautiful white children.
maybe because you are brainwashed to believe so
anyway how is the feeling that all the women on your country are whores? they jumping from dick to dick every time they are visiting our islands
Holy projection Batman.
destroy feminism.
save western society
>a leftist
>pretending not to be a faggot
Now I've seen everything. I thought you guys were all "progressive" about this shit? It's alright bro, you'll get to taste plenty of boys' tzatziki sauce up in Canada.
>already visited your country you know
Where did you visit? How'd you like it?
Nothing to fight for or defend.= pussification
>Kill yourself shitskin OP
my hair is straight, my skin is whitter than you and i can ignore as many laws as i want, i just don't want to. Also, we ARE the Europeans. the first and only Europeans
Not really. When SJWs get their "safe spaces" attacked they go berserk, whereas when someone attack Sup Forums we either don't give a shit and/or make dank memes
that's my dad's perspective too. The problem is we lost all of those real men and replaced them with faggots that think a beard and tattoos makes you a real man. Only another world war will change this
how is that "the iron pill" and not the red pill?
does iron pill just sound cooler?
We respected the opinion of women.
Femenism happened and instead of being equal with men women were uplifted so they got the same results without the same work. And then they started talking and we listened.
You don't sign up for the army to fight, you sign up because you want someone to pay for college. Soldiers do not really get killed often, mortality rate is low.
I would not call what the U.S engages in "war". Occupy desert, maybe shoot at dots in horizon..
So there aren't any beaches to storm, that was my point.
I mean the shitskins you fucking Greek piece of trash.
Weak men create hard times. Hard times then create strong men, who go on to re-create the weak times after it's done.
It's the natural ebb and flow of nature. We are weak. Soon things will get so bad that we'll have to be strong, if only to create this same setting again for future generations.
user, find a respectable girl with a good relationship with her father. If she's a partier, leaver her. if she has a bunch of whore friends, leave her. if not, make sure you build a strong and respectful relationship with you and she'll never even think about cheating on you. Also, learn how to eat her out really good. that's the easiest way to pleasure a girl and the more she cums with you the more she'll be bonded to you.
>Where did you visit? How'd you like it?
New York with my parents when I was a little kid. I didn't like it a lot. I prefer cities that are more like Los Angeles
and im not pretending
im whiter than you
That sounds like easy money, lol im sorry im by no means an ideal soldier but heck low mortality rates figthing under equipped and barely trained civilians sounds good
so then you are the pussy.
most young males are chads
the number of sjw males is not proportional to the number of brietbart articles about the sjw bogeyman
>i am the immigrants moren
So why aren't you staying in your country to lead by example and bring fiscal responsibility back to your fellow countrymen? Wouldn't you say it might be called weak and cowardly to cut and run and go suck on the teat of Canada now?
lol, Greeks are the darkest "white" people that exist. You probably need to relax with the "whiter than thou" shit, seeing as how you're in no position at all to make the claim.
>im so triggered you called me a pussy
Serious note I wanted to sign up for a long time but heard rape is quite common on the barracks :P
Btw a Greek friend of mine that is living and working in New York just married an American girl. Do you think she will cheat on him? Do you think they will get a divorce? He is 26 years old.
>rape is quite common on the barracks
what? for real? between soldiers?
>So why aren't you staying in your country to lead by example and bring fiscal responsibility back to your fellow countrymen? Wouldn't you say it might be called weak and cowardly to cut and run and go suck on the teat of Canada now?
I don't give a fuck about my country. Let them deal with the shit they created
>seeing as how you're in no position at all to make the claim.
you can't see me nigga, i really am whiter than you. even if Greeks are the darkest white people (that we are not), i am the exception in the rule
Yup, thats what I heard at least. Ya know males putting their weenies forcibly into other soldiers holes
why would they do that?
How would I know?
probably. unless they were together for like 4+ years before they got married
Knowing vs Doing, basically. Nigger IQ doesn't matter. Just work against affirmative action and towards being successful yourself.
>Btw a Greek friend of mine that is living and working in New York just married an American girl.
Oh look, an obvious marriage for citizenship. Please remind me how you guys aren't basically just Mexicans? I live in New York though, so I think I'm going to have to pay your friend a visit and tell him he needs to go back. Just kidding, I'm actually a very nice guy when I'm not on Sup Forums.
>Do you think she will cheat on him? Do you think they will get a divorce? He is 26 years old.
There are a million questions that would need to be answered first. Like:
1) How long have they been together?
2) Is this a marriage of convenience (citizenship or otherwise)
3) What kind of American? All-American white girl? There aren't many of those here in New York.
4) Is she religious?
and more...
As you can see, answering this question gets complicated. The long answer is: the marriage will likely just not last and they'll get a divorce, without any cheating necessary (they'll just naturally grow to hate each other, this is what happens most of the time). The obvious question is: why the fuck didn't he marry a Greek girl instead?
>I don't give a fuck about my country. Let them deal with the shit they created
And yet you're the guy complaining about the pussification of modern men and their inability to be responsible, hard-working and serious? You want it "easy" just like everyone else you're complaining about. Just like them, you also want to take the path of least resistance. You can't survive in hard times just as they can't either. At least now you can stop roleplaying on Sup Forums.
If you think I would die for lines on a map in another country you are sorely mistaken.
If I am to die fighting then my blood will seep into American soil.
Only retards Join the military.
>get married
>iron pill
i think they knew each other for 1 and half years. i was really surprised when i heard that they got married. it might be possible that she wants him for his money because he has a pretty good job