Why doesn't Sup Forums believe in global warming?
Why doesn't Sup Forums believe in global warming?
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Because the "In ten years" predictions are 6 years late on arriving.
The individuals who are in charge of promoting it are morons. Watch them get BTFO but Ted Cruz of all people.
Because it's not real.
That picture makes for excellent propaganda, considering the fact that polar bears are excellent swimmers. Not to mention, even if climate change is a threat worthy of consideration, it's priority should be nowhere near that of more pressing concerns, among them the survival of Western Civilization as we know it.
>The iceberg looks like a mushroom cloud
Really makes you think
Climate change is real. Global warming not so much. That's the truth. Ignore the retards in this thread.
Say it, I am going to kill the bear!
I believe in man made climate change. Global warming is the old term, as we now know warming isn't the only effect so it's misleading to use it.
There are retards on both sides of the argument but the data points to the beginning of an faster pace of change at the moment than should be expected. Yes the climate changes, it has been hotter and colder historically than it is now, this isn't up for debate. The historical record doesn't account for the current change of pace though.
Look at just a country like China alone without the amount of emissions daily, every single day of the year for years on end and it only increases. I'm unsure why you would think this wouldn't have a negative effect on the environment.
Scams like buying carbon tokens etc are a different story.
I want cap and trade just so there is an economic force pushing for energy technology to be invested in.
because it's climate change, not global warming
In the end I just want to have my own energy production off the grid.
>faster pace of change at the moment than should be expected.
Yes because these last few years have been blistering hot. It was never like this before.
It's not that it doesn't exist, it just isn't understood well enough to exercise the level of legal action proposed.
You can't take the legs of industry out without giving them a crutch to walk on
oh those poor polar bears. they would rip yhou apart if they got a chance. shockingly similar to the big nose liberals who stick up for palastine yet would be sodomized to death for walking down a palestine street
I do
>temperature rises
>suddenly niggers are comfortable in colder areas
>mass immigration ensues
>Why doesn't Sup Forums believe in global warming?
Because the oil industry Jews tells us it's fake.
Even these few days have been hot amirite lad
i prefer the term "climate disturbance".
I prefer the phrase "Awesome southern France climate coming our way woohoo"
>hurr durr let's let all the bad animals die
Fucking Americans, I swear to God
PLEASE kill yourself and your family
1 degree celcius over 100 years is not "warming", friendo.
letting all the niggers die is good though
>PLEASE kill yourself and your family
>>hurr durr let's let all the bad humans die
Sup Forums is not a person
Only uneducated retards deny global warming
Global warming is a natural phenomenon that the globalists are using to their advantage to take over control by saying Mankind is significantly the cause.
It's a power play.
Natural global warming occurs over thousands of years
Not a hundred
as i'm a southerner i get your feel.
please reminds :
climate is a bitch, you'll get the warmth and a free deliveries of Aedes aegypti (chikungunya).
nature at his ways.
There is no scientific consensus on the matter, so I have no opinion don't now
suddenly ice age occurs, niggers and racemixers die out or gtfo
>inb4 everyone can survive in europe without supplies, trade and modern technology.
>There is no scientific consensus on the matter
american education
"Global warming" is the phenomena, "climate change" is its effects.
Some regions will become wetter and some will become drier. Some regions will become warmer faster than others. This is why we often use the term "climate change" rather than "global warming".
It is well-established that CO2 causes a greenhouse effect. However, it is difficult to accurately predict exactly how much warming will result from any given amount of CO2, so the results are usually given as a range.
Scientists use the mid-point of this range, activists, politicians, and the media often use the most extreme ends of the range.
every model to represent climatic change is refuted by climate itself.
a warming of 0.6°C over the last 150 years in not significant you dingus.
They where predicting as high as 2.5°C+ by now, we also should have mass starvations because of desertification.
Meanwhile in RL 2016 is the most productive year in agriculture around the globe
and to no surprise
Well that's pretty damn reasonable.
Except this part, and it's really not even all that off:
>I believe in man made climate change. Global warming is the old term, as we now know warming isn't the only effect so it's misleading to use it.
There IS global warming. It's easy to prove and anyone denying it is fucking nuts. Climate change is a result of global warming, and it was harder to prove, but it's pretty apparant. Things like blaming hurricanes and wildfires on global warming are still kinda fringe.
But nobody actually cares if things were just 2-3 degrees hotter. That's trivial. It's the effects of that which are a concern, and that's climate change.
What fucking idiots.
Because I stopped believing in fictional things when I was 6.
>it is difficult to accurately predict exactly how much warming will result from any given amount of CO2, so the results are usually given as a range.
>so the results are usually given as a range.
and they still failed spectacular.
IPCC 1990 which started all this mumbo jumbo.
The range of this was from 2.4 minimum to 4.2 maximum in the time frame from 2001-2015.
We are at 0.6.
So last night I was walking around and I had a thought. I dont trust scientist anymore, at all. Every since this global warming scam, all they do is change the data to fit their hypothesis and shovel it out as fact. This is becoming a regular practice now. They have lost all their integrity and thus their legitimacy.
So the thought was, what if global warming is not a plot to instigate carbon taxes but to discredit the entire scientific community as a whole.
Now as your self, who would benefit from discrediting the scientific community. Who has the power to do so. Who surrounds them selves with people who likewise would benefit from discrediting science.
We have motive, we method.
Oh but I believe in it is just that I don't care.
Why should I?
We'll adapt no matter what and if world crumbles then I'll have an excuse to rape lolis.
Even several of the largest fossil fuel companies are admitting that man made global warming is occuring and that we need to do something about it. Naysayers...its time to give up on the this, fellas...
Seeing the amount of kneegrows and shitskins invading Europe, the left should support global warming (which was renamed to climate change to cover both end btw, keep with the narative)
You don't want the rapefugee to feel out of place, don't you?
And they have existed before.
>wow I can't believe I just woke up on this floating ice
You're stupid
Because it's been thoroughly discredited everywhere but in the media, and in the departments that rely on it being real for their funding.
Jesus, that's so embarassing. Why doesn't the black dude just hand him the delegates already?
>american education
Actually, they shoved this crap down our throats in public schools. However, it only takes a quick Google search to figure out what's really going on
>american education
Because I want to MAGA! That means I'm willing to ignore and even reject any and all facts which have been contrived to dupe me into voting for a wrinkly old half-dead rape-enabler.
The animals will recover. But for America, it's now or never.
Nope, I just looked up the IPCC 1990 report. Here's what the executive summary says:
"• under the IPCC Business-as-Usual (Scenario A)
emissions of greenhouse gases, a rate of increase of
global mean temperature during the next century of
about 0.3°C per decade (with an uncertainty range of
0.2°C to 0.5°C per decade), this is greater than that
seen over the past 10,000 years This will result in a
likely increase in global mean temperature of about
1°C above the present value by 2025 and 3°C before
the end of the next century The rise will not be
steady because of the influence of other factors"
the bears deserve it but they are cute
Because the world is getting COLDER, OP.
climate predictions have been bad
science that does not predict is not science
Because pol is tribal and treats climate change as a political issue which it isn't.
You can't deny climate change and our agriculture and our emissions is making an affect.
You would have to be a retarded to object to an idea that suggests reducing using fossil fuels and using more sustainable fuel to get by
Climate change exists but "global warning" is a gross oversimplification used to scare people into funding boondoggles.
It's like you want to let the Saudis have their oil money
first underrated comment for some time.
But I'm not voting for Hillary
It's like you think there's a way to stop OPEC overnight
Currently the data shows that the same trend has happened multiple times over the last 100 years. If you take the data from any of the hot periods and extrapolate it, just like is being done now, you see extremely similar results.
Nobody talks about the 20 year cold period we experienced in the 50s to the 70s that everyone thought was the beginning of global cooling. Nobody talks about the 10 year long peaks of heat that crops up every 10 to 20 years.
Nobody talks about how glaciers in national parks melted up to the 1950s and then stopped for 50 years only to begin to melt again about 15 years ago.
These niggers think ice core samples are indicative of anything. They count the amount of O16 and O18 in the ice and tell everyone that one is more prevalent in hotter temperatures but neglect to tell anyone that over the last 20 years the numbers of both have had random distributions.
Finally, if solutions are ever proposed by scientists it never involves the planting of new trees for quick sequestration of carbon.
Saving western civilization is moot if our planet becomes uninhabitable
It's not global warming, it's actually just weather!
"Scientists" have been whinging about climate change since the 60s or even earlier.
At one point they believed we were headed for a mini ice-age.
They don't know shit, and the only solutions they can figure out are things that increase taxes and don't actually address the problems they whine about.
Rome wasn't built in a day
You think like a black person
Seeing as how global warming skeptics are vilified in the press, to do anything other than admit it's occurance would be bad PR.
Global warming/climate change is the advertising side of Agenda 21. Anyone that follows it can go kindly fuck themselves with a rusty shovel handle.
the problem typically revolves around man made global warming pls stop waste our time
We cannot accurately predict weather a week out, what makes you think the predictions about decades it are correct. Take this thought considering that literally every previous scientific hypothesis about what will happen in the future weather wise has been blatantly incorrect. After years of looking stupid from predicting global warmingthen cooling then warming then cooling, they've finally just settled on calling it climate change because since the climate changes you cannot technically be wrong.
You are talking nonsense my good man.
We have banned 2 stroke engines and have cars that go 75 mpg. Not to mention that autistic musk guy making cars run on electricity.
We have so much coal in the uk, and we aren't allowed to use it. We have to buy coal from China to fuel our old 'still in use' coal plants.
If you think we haven't done anything from the 60s to prevent us from raping the planet, then you are misinformed
Yep. Our hottest decade has not even been as hot as the 1930s and its started to recede again.
If those were valid solutions why are they still complaining? Doesn't seem too effective to me.
They just want to stifle markets and wring money out of them.
Short of nuclear, there are no sustainable sources of energy that can replace fossil fuels in a meaningful way. We could cover every square inch of North America with solar panels and it wouldn't produce half of the electrical needs of the U.S. alone, and that isn't factoring in automobiles, airplanes, etc. Run the numbers yourself.
I cover energy industry for a daily print publication and climate change deniers are always massive tards with 0 scientific knowledge. It's all political hoopla and muh coal is clean, we make your electricity
Literally embarrassing. The people who support climate change as a concept are cunts but at least they aren't complete idiots.
I just feel like, even if you're one of the die-hard "I'll gladly modify my car just so it pours out even MORE pollutants, haha, dumb liberals" kind of people, then doesn't the fact that basically everyone who knows their shit (i.e., have doctorates, are in academia, work on this shit for a living, etc.) agrees it's a problem give you pause?
And maybe you go even further, and you think "well academia is one big elite conspiracy, I can't trust THEM to accurately interpret data." If so, why should anyone believe YOUR interpretation?
Please explain to me, Sup Forums.
Thats all fine and dandy but they are changing the data to suit their agenda.
You will notice that the ice age scare is not even recorded in there. They are also taking data from cities more than rural areas where they can use the increased city temperatures to further their agenda.
Watch that.
dummie, everyone can survive in europe without supplies, trade and modern technology. if neanderthals which were obviously dumber (since eurasians with neanderthal dna have lower iq than negroids and australoids) could survive then anyone can.
To find climate change today, we measure correlative things (like temperature and co2 levels in ice), extrapolate backwards in time (and fix for "error") them make a predictive model and extrapolate forwards in time that predicts doomsday in a few decades, who's models have failed to meet expectations ("but we're getting better all the time!"). It's like taking these election's polls, trying to model what percent of the vote trump would get running against Washington, then declaring he'll lose in 2020.
Couple that with alternate energy asking for free money, appears shady. Add on top of that even if it is true and there is no corruption, that if we put too many regulations, companies will move offseas to countries with little to no regulations which will increase pollution more than if they stayed here with current regulations.
Either it's not an issue, and we find out our models are too simple to predict the complexity of the global environment, or it is an issue and attempting to fix it, makes it worse. Someone has to find a capitalistic way to sell alternatives that are cheaper and more economically friendly, or we switch to a non-energy capitalistic society, and the government feels the environmental benefits of alternate energy outweigh the economic price.
* A doubling of preindustrial CO2, absent any feedbacks, would result in a maximum forcing of +1.2C.
* The General Circulation Models, and the IPCC, predict 2-8C of warming because AGW theory assumes a positive H2O feedback. They assume that if CO2 causes a little warming, the atmosphere will hold more water vapor which will lead to a lot of warming.
* The warming predictions cover such a large range because everyone assumes a different average H2O feedback rate.
* Every GCM based on this assumption has failed to model temperatures for the past 17 years. They are all trending too high.
* In the late 1990's the modelers themselves stated that if they missed their predictions for more then a decade that would falsify AGW theory.
* There is no data to suggest a +H2O feedback either now or in Earth's past.
* If there is no +H2O feedback then we literally have nothing to worry about.
* The average climate change believer knows none of this. Politicians, citizens, activists, surprisingly even a lot of scientists are literally ignorant of the theory and the math. In their mind it's simply "CO2 = bad" and "experts say we're warming faster then ever."
They can't under winter conditions. Neanderthals evolved to live here. We got neanderthal genes, and we evolved to live here.
We have several traits that they do not, including our brain.
Temperatures change over time. Get over it.
I think using neanderthals as an example is bad. There are no neanderthals around.
Yes they do, in natural solar cycles. Climatologists are falsifying data, get over it.
I do. It's the fucking christian subhumans who don't believe in global warming because they believe the Earth was made by god and the climate is a decision of their god.
I never said they didn't. The graph is of average us temperature. Unless you can disprove that graph, shut the fuck up.
I dont have time for that shit, theres already a guy that disproved the graph. Watch the video or shut the fuck up.
When. When does he talk about that exact graph. I'm curious.
Because it is just a symptom of greed, overpopulation and pollution.
I don't worry about the blood on the carpet after getting shot. I try to not get shot.
You are focusing on the bloody carpet retard.
can someone explain to me why this is wrong its really making me think
u stupid, u eurasians are neanderthal! 4% NEANDER-THAL! stupid idiots try to live in europe but die because brain and muscle too large cost and get outbred by superior homo sapeien :)
>W-where does he talk about this exact graph!
>Nah-nah-nah, I cant hear you!
Yeah, thought so. A graph is nothing more than a graphical representation of data. Watch the video you fucking coward.
Because if you look at a graph of sea level for the last 250,000 years, about as long as there has been people, we are at the peak sea level in the regular cycle.
Tbh, ice age is otw, and soon.
you guys are dumb.. i went to school in the 70's and they drilled into us that an ice age was imminent. Then in the 80's they said Florida would be under water by 2000.
Climate Change salesmen are the snake oil salesmen of the 1800's
I fuck you in the butt! I fuck you in the butt!
When I was in school, they said Missouri would be ocean front property by 2016.
People will gobble this garbage up.
Carbon Dioxide is greening the earth and shrinking deserts
How is our planet getting greener in any way making it less inhabitable?
The CO2 released is significant, but less significant than various volcanic events, and is a much slower release than large eruptions.
It's a non-event, and, we should be expecting countercyclical temperature fluctuations to soon start the next glaciation.