I am no white supremacists and the jews should not be killed... But can we shut these fucking retards up once and for all?
>inb4 the "holocaust" was not a greatly exaggerated piece of zionist jew propaganda
I am no white supremacists and the jews should not be killed... But can we shut these fucking retards up once and for all?
>inb4 the "holocaust" was not a greatly exaggerated piece of zionist jew propaganda
Other urls found in this thread:
Forgot the speech link
>I'm not against the Jews, but I hate Jew posters.
Seriously. Its shit like this that makes me hate Israel and its enablers. The entire nation exists on manipulation and subversion, and our politicians just eat it up
Although reformed diaspora are the worst, their the scum who had no loyalty to their own religion and is not wanted by its own nation. They subvert just out of habit and greed
Hitler hated them because, he was an artist and they did not like his work. Instead of taking criticism and blowing it off he went on a triad to literally destroy his critics.
>This shows he was a crazy megalomaniac because he had originally reached out to the Jewish arts before they rejected him. He became a vengeful idiot, and in the process destroyed not only his own people but many others.
This is why it pays to think before just going with the flow and making generalizations about whole groups of people based off of what someone else has to say.
we could kill all the Jews, that'll work
When I was a kid it always puzzled me why Hitler would want the jews killed. Why not criminals, negroes, maybe enemy soldiers? Why the jews? Why does it seem they always get blamed for everything?
As you probably know, jews have been kicked out of almost every single country where they've conducted their business. biblebelievers.org.au
Now, nazi Germany was the first modern state to become hardcore nationalist and authoritarian, and to recognize that a class of elites with no attachment to the ‘volk’ shouldn't be calling the shots or determining the direction of progress, as a docile consumerist class is what they would most benefit from and this is inevitably the direction the jews would go to maximize profit. youtube.com
In fact, Hitler delved deep into the rabbit hole and realized that jews at the time weren't extending their sphere of influence only in Germany, but everywhere in Europe. He even mentions this "rootless, international clique" feeling at home in every European capital in the speech youtube.com
I do not approve of that groups actions and they must be stopped.
I am friends with jews and part jewish.
When Hitler's spies got to the bottom of just how vast the jew conspiracy was and how they were willing to throw any European nation under the bus at the drop of a hat, he knew that they had to be removed from Europe by any means necessary. However, Hitler also knew that even if this class conspired against Germany, not every civilian jew was necessarily a part of the conspiring elite, or a traitor. This is why instead of on-the-spot extermination via troops he transferred people under the guise that because of the wartime they were a risk to national security, and isolated them into camps.
Jews have never faced persecution in the U.S. In fact, the U.S was one of the main places they escaped to for safety and protection.
For as long as jews have been running shit in America their nepotism and crony capitalism has been overlooked because they've always had the holohoax card to dangle over the head of white America. They’ve used this victimhood to get away with increasingly egregious acts and power grabs. Of course as you know, both the German records and an indipendent investigation by the red cross in 1946 put the figure around 271000 (which includes homosexuals, communists, gypsies, murderers, paedophiles etc.) whose starvation can be explained by allied saturation bombing of food supplies & their routes. This toll is of course still bad, but considering the death toll by Mao and Stalin are at a grand total of 20 and 30 million each, it would seem a little odd that Hitler, rather than Stalin or Mao, has been painted as the great murderous Satan in our pop culture. Note too how nobody ever brings up this gap or doubts Hitler's status as the great evil of our time, which means that the measure of evil is not how much of a psycho murderer you are, but rather how much you hurt the jews.
History is written by the victors, and the allied (and by proxy, the jews) were the winners.
After international jewry managed to hoax America into sacrificing American lives and resources to defeat nazi Germany's insolent behaviour against the jew class and indirectly won WW2, the jews, who through nepotism and excellent business sense already held great power in the U.S made it their mission to ensure that nazi Germany would forever be stained as the great evil, to bloat and exaggerate the holocaust figure and to color unconfirmed nazi war crimes to the absolute hypothetical maximum for increased victimhood (the bigger the toll, the more sympathy you get and the more you can use it as a tool to justify aggressive action). They also made sure to smear every manifestation of Hitler's ideas thereafter (Look into what books and content american jews censored in the 1950's & 60's youtube.com
This is a massive oversimplification likely written by a deceptive jew.
In a nutshell, they made certain that the narrative of ‘jews good Nazis bad’ was seeped so deep into publicly accepted canon that the very idea of anything related to Hitler or the Nazis would make the bluepilled normie recoil in horror. This ensured that only people too dim&uneducated to have the slightest clue about pop culture or history(the Allied version) would join neo-nazi parties. And when only rednecks and genetic garbage were seen promoting nazi propaganda, that fed the spiral loop of undesirability that made American Nazis becoming what they are today – losers, rednecks, LARPers, unhygienic trash. This is what they are today, and the ones that aren’t are ignored by anyone making a documentary or an MSM article. That combined with the idea that American patriotism is synonymous with stomping Nazis means that the chances of NatSoc ideals gaining purchase in public life in America are around 0.0%.
If an uprising came and the federal government had a need to identify jews in order to remove them, all they would need to do is search for people who looked even remotely ethnically jewish, pull down their pants and check their foreskin to be able to tell apart jews from white Americans. If you watched that Rockwell speech from UCLA, he mentioned that jews were all of a sudden keen on claiming people as jews even if they weren’t by that according the official definition. They started claiming people whose mother or father was jewish, people who were only religiously jewish, people who used to be jewish, people who were culturally jewish. This is all subterfuge – if jews are not an immediately recognizable subset and everyone’s dick is sliced up, there is no way to know on the spot. It’s a perfect cover.
So cutfags, prepare for what’s coming and don’t have your kids sliced up.
TL;DR America fought for the wrong side in WW2. America as a nation has acted as a slave for the international jew and continues to do so to this very day. Circumcisions are done to ensure that a violent grass-roots uprising by the goyim will never happen on U.S soil.
That would work but then what kind of men would we be?
Savage niggers. Thats what.
The guy is pic is surely a bosnian, trying to get you honest folk to hate of slovenians
>The Jews Throughout History by Reputable Famous People
I highly recommend watching this
That's right. Just look at these god damn nation wrecking, host nation enslaving, super intelligent kike parasites. Better herd these impoverished fucks into camps because some Rothschild dudes are making big money in Wall Street
there is a difference between jews and international jewry.
From the first post I can agree with most of this
Hitler has no recorded speech calling for the genocide of the jewish people.
Iran and muslims do call for the genocide of all Jewish people though.
>Tfw you realize only 270k died and jews now have an ethnostate homeland and tearjerking doesn't work as a tactic anymore
>Mass circumsision is the ultimate "IM NOT A JEW" shield
Unexpected but yeah that's definitely part of the reason this barbaric practice still exists.
We cut parts of baby dicks off. How much sicker can you make a society?
"Hitler has no recorded speech calling for the genocide of the jewish people."
take a hike son, you're an embarrassment.
Shakespeare hated jews also
Serbia right?
>Tfw you realize the Bad Arolsen / IRC documents do not say this, but Ernst Zundel and Richard Harwood went with it anyway to fool the average stormtard
and then we killed 5k jews a day at the expense of the war effort.
sure thing, kikeberg.
There is a difference between individual and group jew. Individual jews can be ok. The group is evil.
Not all blacks are niggers you racist but the group called "niggers" are scum.
Look up the Rothschilds. You will find these people are implants and do not represent the Jewish people.
They still both work together because their connection is racial (and religious 1/3 of the time because 2/3 of jews do not follow judaism)
>pic related
>trying to get you honest folk to hate of slovenians
it's working
Rwandan dindus killed 9k a day with machetes in a span of 3 months but nobody denies it, Horst.
fight fire with fire.
>posting in spanish
>still translates to "the final solution to the race of the jewish people in europe" if I remember my highschool spanish class
>final solution can easily mean deport and expose because jews never have been and never will be a strong force in the world, they can only subvert and manipulate through money and trust.
Quote the line, he never says kill/genocide all the jews in the world.
Compare this to Muslim terrorist groups (and Based Iran) that want to round up every jew in the world to israel so they can all be killed at once.
It's the exact opposite, you dumbfuck. Of course there are evil individual Jews.
Saying "the jews" are evil is about as sensible as listening to Tyrone lecturing me how "the whites" have been nation wreckers and colonial scum and are therefore the common enemy of all coloured peoples on the planet.
and keeping them separate from eachother is equally inhumane and yet far more taxing on the "referee"
>what happened to the red cross between 1940 and 1972?
Really makes you think...
>quote the line
"Die Vernichtung der Jüdischen Rasse in Europa"
translates to
"The destruction of the Jewish RACE in Europe."
also, read the video description.
There were thousands killed
Just not 6 million by gas chambers
and its also funny you posted an image that never was a legitimate Hitler quote.
I know about them.
They are part of the group called "the jews" (international clique of exploitive nepotistic elite) not judaism or some other subsection of jew puppets.
i just want to make sure that it is understood that not EVERY SINGLE JEW is a criminal and therefore it is a-ok to advocate for the murder of them all.
racial purity means nothing if you are a degenerate. just look at neo nazis that coopt the 3rd reichs symbols.
every time some idiot screams that it is a shame the holocaust didn't happen it hurts the national socialist movement because it makes it so much easier for them to paint us all as savage beasts.
Jews also don't give a shit about that and we only hear about the holohoax because of jewish media.
No other genocide even comes to mind (maybe armenian or darfur?) at the level the holohoax does
>fight degeneracy by being more degenerate than degenerates
My goal is to restore BALANCE to the universe, not swing the pendulum far in any direction. Balance is the key to a prosperous reality for all.
The group called "the jews" is incredibly small relative to other racial groups.
There are an insane amount of internationalist parasite elite with jewish blood and working with jewish blood.
Everything about Israel and AIPAC and our jewish members of government from the state department to congress highlight this.
You are being a "jew", please stop.
It's 2 quotes (that both stand well on their own) spliced together to make a point but I agree it is not 100% accurate
Fuckin memes man
White supremacists are just as bad as jewish supremacists
Theres just way more jewish supremacists as a % of the jewish population than white supremacists as % of the white population.
Almost half of jews are in the 1% too and of the "less than 2000" billionaires in the world, a disproportionate amount of them are jewish. They use that power to push jewish serving agendas (like open borders, cultural marxism and family/national destruction).
I would say most jews are jewish supremacists. The 1/3 that are religious already believe they are "Gods Chosen People". At least 18% of the rest of the jews must believe that their race is superior.
>White supremacists are just as bad as jewish supremacists
No they're not
White supremacy tends to be tied to the idea of one nation for one people without nonwhites leeching, not the destruction of every other race. Even Hitler didn't want extermination for other races or to fuck up their homelands
Nixon was a politician
He was playing all sides and got thrown out by the jews with an impeachement.
Clinton has publicly done worse with her scandals than Nixon did but (((they))) are pushing her into the whitehouse instead.
White supremacists are almost as bad as jewish supremacists.
White pride/white nationalism are not the same as white supremacy.
I support white pride in white nations the same way I support japanese pride in japan and african pride in africa.
White Jewish Supremacy is real
To explain this
No race should go to another races country and start being too proud/supremacist. Countries should he 90% ish of their race and the 10% should be gracious assimilated respectful guests, the same as if you went in someone elses house.
Agree & agree
I'm a part jew mostly white campaigning against jewish supremacy.
Race mixing isn't all bad, but it's being shilled WAYYYYY too much by jewish media.
>once and for all?
So you are looking for some sort of final solution?
Mudslimes and Jews are our ancient enemies.
Yeah but genocide is not necessary
Just exposure
Jews, the group, have no power outside manipulation, money(fake resource) and deception.
Many muslims do not want to leave their holy land. Nationalism can work with those muslims. For example this irish palestinian:
Jihad supporting invaders deserve this though:
The Holocaust was real, but so what, how does that have any bearing on current events. I hate muh six gorillion shills.
It was greatly exaggerated and used as propaganda to defend jews though.
6 million by gas chambers is literally a forced meme.
>Daily Reminder the Holcasut is a hoax
havent seen that one in a few months
>/HH/ Holo Hoax general