Say we had a modern day Cuban missile crisis but replace the Soviet Union with China.
How would Obama handle this? Better or worse?
Say we had a modern day Cuban missile crisis but replace the Soviet Union with China.
How would Obama handle this? Better or worse?
What happened during the Cuban Missile crisis?
Soviet Union stashed a war ready nuclear arsenal in Cuba.
Why do you not know this
He would say White Americans need to do a better job of listening to Asian threats. If Trump wins in November he would then do everything he could in his power to make the nukes go off during Trumps presidency.
Kennedy stumbled around with Khrushchev and nearly unleashed nuclear war between the US and Soviets.
fucking right wing retards man
You retard. JFK won the Cuban Missile Crisis. It was your beloved Ruskies that almost started WWIII. Why do right wing retards hate their own country so much?
Soviets start putting missiles in cuba, Kennedy sends a fleet, blockades cuba, effectively cucking Soviets.
I actually think he'd handle it better than the presidents that came before & after him (Bush & Clinton). He's much less of a neocuck Kaganite than the others.
America-hating, Russia-loving right wing retards will deny this.
>How would Obama handle this?
He'd suck cock.
get out of my country
Bush wouldve just given the reigns to the military leaders, Clinton wouldve asked if there was a shady alternative with special forces. Idk im having a bit of trouble judging Obamad reaction. He's had a fuckton of military blunders under his presidency, but also some solid victories. Its a tough call.
I dont disagree with you, Kennedy was one of the best presidents the country has ever had. The american people wouldve gladly gone into nuclear hellfire for his hot ass wife and sailboating skills.
Russians remove kebab
Obama bows and sucks dick
You'll be part of the troops landing on the shores of shanghai after an un-called for but provoked by obama nuke on california, D day v2.0
Your unit consists of a transgender captain, 3 women in an open lesbian marriage, 2 women with pink hair, 1 gay couple, 1 hispanic that doesn't speak english and 4 other guys like you but different skin colour
He would hand them a few hundred billion dollars, and in exchange the cuban governent would inspect the missiles to make sure they weren't nuclear.
lmfao Jesus Christ dude are you in every thread at all times?
He'd defer and take credit fir any success and delegate for any failure. He's just a president.
Because America under Obama arms terrorists and destabilizes regions.
You cant blame Russia for everything
lmao many keks, good banter Malaysia
Although you missed the 4 white guys biting their tongue the entire time.
A big charade.
Are you crazy? The Russians got exactly what they wanted- which was JFK submitting to their terms about American missile placements in Europe and Turkey. The Russians walked away happy. The Cuban missiles were real but were just a bargaining chip to get what they wanted closer to home. They won that one.
Proof this is what happened- if JFK was proud of the deal he made, wouldn't he have told the public about it? But he didn't, the U.S. government and media kept the facts of that negotiation from the American people for twenty years. If you make a good deal you don't have to keep it secret from the people. The story we were sold at the time when we assessed his job (that initial twenty years) was just a story. Public opinion has not reassed the negotiations since we figured out the truth.
>He would hand them a few hundred billion dollars, and in exchange the cuban governent would inspect the missiles to make sure they weren't nuclear.
This. But also a few months later they would quietly leak to the press the Cubans had decided the missles were nuclear, which no mainstream media outlet would cover. And if you talked about it you'd be labelled a paranoid racist conspiracy theorist.