I need to get an haircut asap my hair are a mess. What are some pol approved haircuts ? Haircuts that would cause commies to recoil and instinctively retreat (im at the uni so that's very needed)

Get a undercut. Or a Hitler youth.



pics ? i know i can google it but its an image board after all

Most based hair cut of all

Also satan witnessed

The Nazi haircut.

Yeah, to look like every braindead emacsulated nu-male faggot.

Good idea.

Basically none. Just let them grow a bit and wear them so they aren't blocking your sight and look alright. Not too long, though, so they don't look emo. But you get the idea.

purge the norms, TRUMP WILLS IT

>Haircuts that would cause commies to recoil and instinctively retreat
Get a mullet, like The Boss.

Short back and sides, simple as.

Yes if you want to look like a fucking child

>nazi haircut
>hitler youth

whats the actual name/description of those haircut ? I cant say 'i want an hitler youth haircut'

Why not?

Walk in with your SA outfit on and just straight up ask for a Hitler Youth haircut.

"I want the sides and back short, the top longer. Give me a fade and definitive part."

It is a nu male haircut though.

Buzzcut if you got the skull for it

>needing a Chinese cartoon website to dictate what haircut you get

Retardo. End thyself.


Ask for a pewdiepie his new hair is pretty cool

Tfw I got drunk yesterday and cut my bangs with scissors.

It looks like shit if it's not brushed just the right way..




you fags arent very helpful so far

>Doesn't know how to get his hair cut
>Calls others fags
You can either be honest and go in and say ' make me fabulous again' or just high and tighy