Does Trump actually have a realistic change of becoming president? Or is it just memeing on here and Trumpfags are delusional? Tell me.
Does Trump actually have a realistic change of becoming president...
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If he loses Texas, it'll effectively cancel out even a Florida victory.
No. Trumpfag TrumpSHILLS are just memeing, autistic RETARDS.
Hillary Clinton has already won this election. Drumpf is hopeless.
He's going to lock it up after the first debate. Even though the powers that be are going to finely craft these debates into elaborately staged hit pieces he's just going to go off script and bring the house down.
Trump is unstoppable at this point. Hacking Hillary doesn't stand a chance.
Lol are you even real?
I'm more real than your mother when she got plowed by intense bbc last night.
"Drumpf" isn't even funny S-STOP SAYING IT NUMALES!!11
You're a fucking idiot. My family of dems is voting for Trump, and I didn't even have to explain a single goddamn thing to them about Hillary. People know she's trash.
Trump won this election months ago. Compare their rallies, Hillary never breaks a thousand, Trump is in the tens of thousands. Listen to his speeches, they're all multidimensional, speaking with emotion on subjects that need to be discussed, waking up the people and sometimes talking about policies and plans; Hillary has coughing fits, loses her place in the speech, is getting seizures, when she isn't malfunctioning she has decent speeches though they're not hers obviously, she's not speaking from the heart, she doesn't believe in any of what she's saying—the media calls Trump a demagogue, yet when you compare both nominees with their past, Trump's the only one being consistent. The media is desperately covering for Hillary, not because they're left-leaning but because she's a globalist, if Trump's elected then all the people raping America and selling it to the highest bidder (ex: Hillary with her Clinton Foundation) will be in the sunlight and people will know exactly what they did. Trump is the people's president, Hillary's just another oligarch.
Many people are on the right wing but they don't say it. The polls are not accurate. Trump will win, just like the brits vote for brexit, despite of the polls and the media saying otherwise. We are living in exciting times.
>man boobs and malnourished structure is healthy
stupid nigger wears a safety helmet while riding a bike. Hes a faggot pussy haha
are you a fugly shitskin muslim nigger by any chance?
Abs = healthier, thanks for correcting the record Dr. Sup Forums
Yes, he has a chance.
Anyone (on either side) who thinks it's over before even a single debate is delusional.
>we have the memes
>we have the momentum
Don't fuck this up lads
>man boobs and malnourished structure is healthy
He's clearly underweight. HEALTH AT ANY SIZE.
Thanks for correcting the record
Do we have a date for the first debate? Could Hillary avoid debates on account of Trump being "too much of a despicable person"?
Chirac did this in 2002 against Le Pen.
Yes, because Trump just commits fraud and bribes government officials not to investigate.
"Muh 25,000 dollar gift"
I wanna see her pull out just so Trump can organize his own debate against the libertarians and greens hosted by Hannity and openly invite her at every rally.
That would be pretty nice
>55 v 70
okay coonboy
good one, anonshill
oh god let it be
Based Trump will win. Meme Magic is real. Kek is performing is meme magic right in front of us and you're so cucked you don't even see it.
If he loses it's because of vote rigging.
TrumpU (3 potential defendants, civil case not pursued)
>"omg blatant corruption"
Clinton Foundation
>"wut, Hillary dindu nuffin. Saudi Arabia is a top donor because they love helping people obviously."
Fuckin hell man,
Think for yourself, look at the facts.
You don't get to call Trump "corrupt" if you're backing the Queen.
He's already tied in polls oversampling Dems lel. If he can keep the momentum up he's golden.
Probably not as good as Sup Forums makes it out to be, but miles better than what the media says.
It's rigged as fuck, Hillary is going to win
The fact that every major news network/mainstream comedian etc. is actively anti-trump should tell you this. Especially that shit last week where Trump was at the black church and CNN "lost" the signal just as Trump was getting blessed.
Are people this retarded? Do you really think Texas is going blue?
Its entirely possible, there are tons of butthurt Cruz supporters who are going to either abstain from voting or vote Hillary/Johnson
Also, there are tons of people who, after voting in the stuff that ruined California, fled to Texas and immediately set out to vote in the same crap that they fled from that ruined California.
He has an unrealistic chance, but meme magic will make him president. Just like meme magic got us Brexit.
>praise kek