What would REALLY happen to women in a post apocalyptic world?
What would REALLY happen to women in a post apocalyptic world?
Used as currency
raped until dead then eaten
Along with weaponry, favors, alcohol and drugs. Also slavery and sex toys. Exactly how the legion handled them in fallout new Vegas
They would fare better than men, by and large. Women have evolved to bewitch males for protection, status, shelter, food, ect and a chaotic environment doesn't deprogrammed basic biology.
There would be a a small chunk being used as sex trade and generally treated like shit, but statistically speaking about 80% will do just fine.
About 40-50% of men wouldn't make it past 30 and only 20-30% would breed.
>MGTOW larping
Yes. They would do what they are doing right now, just amplified. Women constantly manipulate men and use men as disposable tools, and when shit hits the fan, women will use their biological abilities to survive. It will be like how it is now, but 500 times worse.
nah, they will be used as currency
chained up
traded and sold
raped and killed
it's funny that they think they'd survive much less not be rape slaves though, really makes you think.
women are weak and squeamish and don't like guns.
they'd be as good as dead.
I'd look after them.
You guys are nuts, society has progressed a lot over the years. They would be treated as equals. R-right?
There might be a few who escape to some safe underground bunker someplace where men can't rape and kill them.
But they'd all starve or just suffocate because they wouldn't know how ventilation or an air supply works.
Also they'd have to magically stumble upon the bunker because no woman can use a compass or read a map.
>they think
I only see you speaking. And sometimes tells me you've never touched a real girl.
>post-apocalyptic world
O i am laffin
you sound smart
your ability to string words into incoherent sentences is great
I get you have reasonable feelings towards women, but what you hope would happen does not reflect simple human evolution anymore than a nigger can be a genius.
Women are pathetically weak. They very little functional strength and can be overpowered by teenage boys. They also tend towards only average intelligence unlike men who are more binary smart/stupid.
Yet despite all of that they have been naturally selected to be exactly as they are and to live longer than men at a 80% reproductive rate specifically because they have inherent enchantment over men. Yes, a handful of your rage monkeys will for a single generation take out your frustration and treat women like shit, but the next generation will go right back to white-knighting and protecting them because its human nature. Women will also immediately alter their attitudes and behaviors to maximize security in a life-or-death scenario.
They don't need to fight you mong. They will just "be female" and get male protection.
Same as they were treated pre-rennisance. Not particularly badly, but held to a certain standard within the group or tribe.
It's not like SHTF would make everyone fucking insane, user. Mad Max amd Fallout is cool, but humanity would recover, and probably quickly. Daily reminder that the US went from mostly boats and half-starved faggots to being a major world power in a scant 300 years.
Many womyn will migrate to the Canadian Dominion, which will by prudence and good leadership have survived the apocalypse: there they will find like-minded progressives who care about the future. Some womyn, however, will remain behind in the ruins of what once was the Patriarchal Empire of America: there they will take up the role of philosopher-queens and teach the survivors and the mutants and the new wave of African and Muslim climate refugees how to co-exist in peace and love. There will be no more violence, no hate, no hate speech, and no Sup Forums: only justice. The Guilty, as the male survivors of white America will be named, will live on their knees, thanking the Goddess that their philosopher-queens and their African and Muslim auxiliaries are rebuilding the world that the white man destroyed through his arrogant folly.
I´d do MadMax milk farming stuff, that was good idea.
user, this is giving me cancer, stop ples
they most likely wouldn't be killed because they would be a valued trade tool.
>Yes, a handful of your rage monkeys will for a single generation take out your frustration and treat women like shit
Are you implying that men are doing that now? I hope not.
yeah and raiders and slavers will exploit women's weakness to get the white knights all killed so they can rape and torture the remaining women.
this is like basic apocalyptic theory 101
I don't blame women for getting mad and defensive about the end of society, I'd be scared too.
Women would literally be used as currency you autist.
They don't have an innate biological system of defensive capabilities in the sense of strength or tactical planning. Men do. If shtf women would rely on MEN, not the other way around. Not all men are good. Some would be taken care of, I'm sure... others would be used as currency though. Because guess what? Not all men are created equal. Not all men have equal values.
Stop being retarded you Jamal tier ape.
>I don't blame women for getting mad and defensive about the end of society, I'd be scared too.
They sperg about it quite often. But you guys VASTLY underestimate women and what they are capable of.
This guy knows what's up. If you have women, your clan grows bigger. Women will become the new gold standard. Wars will be fought over them.
Everything bad that could happen, will happen.
>what is the result of our chaotic past
>what is universal cultural outcomes in multiple societies across the world separate from each other
Stop larping. Fiction is an intentional subversion of our expectations, in reality we would have a pretty crazy initial period followed by a new equilibrium where women once again trade personal freedom and exclusive reproductive rights in exchange for security.
>Women would literally be used as currency
Give me one example of this being the standard in any society on the planet in last 500 years, not counting slavery of both sexes.
>If you have women, your clan grows bigger. Women will become the new gold standard. Wars will be fought over them.
All of these things are true, but women will willfully go along withe paradigm without the need to be "subjected' or treated like cattle. It will be the same old genteel practices of marriages that has gone on for centuries.
I'm not saying that you need to treat women like cattle, I'm saying you need to protect them like the gold in Ft. Knox.
Other countries would invade us to take our land sensing our weakness. They'd probably pretend to come as foreign aid but unscrupulously and treacherously conquer and seize our land in our moment of weakness.
You were agreeing with a faggot who thinks that women are literally going to be human currency an akin to chattel slaves.
Yes women will be a valuable commodity, they always have been, but they wont fulfill these torture porn fantasies by a bunch of neckbeards that couldn't get laid that expect an apocalyptic scenario to be favorable to them and t
>Give me one example of this being the standard in any society on the planet in last 500 years, not counting slavery of both sexes.
Africa, every tribe had social tendencies to barter for multiple wives.
Muslim men were allowed to marry into families of incredibly young girls up until the 16th century as a societal standard. In fact this is still done.
Women were raised up by men an without the men keeping them afloat they will return to nothing like they were before.
I'm sorry that you are as delusional as you are.
You're getting a bit ahead of yourself there buddy. I'm no neckbeard and I definitely don't have torture porn fantasies. I'm speaking from a purely practical point of view.
In case of a nuclear exchange, our population will be either extinct, or reduced to numbers we haven't seen since the fucking stone age. Yes there'll be women out there, but nowhere near as many as we will need to rebuild. Every one of those initial female survivors will be worth their weight in gold.
So your argument is niggers? Nice blank slate theory, faggot. Keyword being "wives" because even niggers whitenight women and treat them like family.
Also treat women better than men. No one gives a shit about child marriages outside of squeamish marxists and feminazis. As long as Muslim women stay inside and don't interact with men that aren't their husbands they are fed and secure.
>Women were raised up by men
True, by and large.
>without the men keeping them afloat they will return to nothing like they were before.
There is no shortage of men to keep women afloat. For ever 2 men that want to beat women to get their kicks there are 8 others who wouldn't even have a chance to reproduce who will cut off their own fucking nads to get a wife.
>they wont fulfill these torture porn fantasies by a bunch of neckbeards that couldn't get laid that expect an apocalyptic scenario
not sure if serious
Listen here you fucking halfwit!
The question was
"What would REALLY happen to women in a post apocalyptic world?"
We responded. You told me to include civilizations in the past five hundred years and I DID.
Now you respond with outright denial and claim that I'm wrong? Fuck you, you high school prick. Making me waste my time replying to autism roleplay. Get the fuck off Sup Forums retard
I should also add that any treatment an inferior race gives to its women is 3x worse than whites would ever dream of.
Inside the hajnal line (proper white society) even in medieval times the average age of marriage was late teens/early 20s. Don't tell me all the warring factions and plagues didn't create apocalyptic scenarios for women.
Even pagan vikings whose entire livelihood is built on murder and pillage treated women well.
really makes you think..
Women would become commodities. They cannot survive on their own, requiring societal support. Meaning orders from, protection by, and sustenence provided by men. Men would kill other men to gain more of this commodity and if you needed to kill a man to take a woman, how much leeway do you think she would be given in terms of "muh stronk woman" "I have rights" "I can make decisions too". Fucking none.
>You told me to include civilizations in the past five hundred years and I DID.
Marriage is not fucking currency you dumb shit. I gave you some lenience for the sake of argument. You are taking the most abhorrent practice of LITERAL SUBHUMANS and saying thats what women can expect, which even in that scenario isn't what the initial LARP was saying would happen.
Women have fucking dowries where you pay the MAN to take the fucking woman off the families hands and you use marriage as an example of women being traded as goods. I guess the fact that a woman has to say "I do" at the alter as symbolic. I guess you take the fact that the woman is literally part of the new family rather than a slave as irrelevant. I guess the fact the woman shares a bed and food with her husband, has exclusive access to him and can easily manipulate him to do her bidding as irrelevent.
As I said if you had read my post in its entirety, I agreed that women would exchange "muh freedoms muh stronk womyn" in exchange for protection and security AND WOULD BE BETTER OFF THAN THE MEN FOR IT.
Men have a garbage survival rate outside rigid social structures, if we are talking about a return to such a chaos WOMAN HAVE EVOLVED TO DO BETTER THAN MEN. You cannot argue with hard scientific facts that 80 fucking percent of all the women who ever existed survived long enough to successfully have children compared to 20 percent of men.
Sure, in terms of survival rate they'll do fine, just like cattle they are worthless when dead unless you plan to eat them. In terms of quality of living? Fuck no, they'll only be as well off as the man that keeps them wants them to be, so less than their respective owner. Sure, a very few men may be kind and lavish their women with nice stuff, but the vast majority will be little better than slaves. You're looking at their role from a pre-apocalypse worldview, once things break down their life will be more akin to Islamic societies.
Ya men are more likely to die, but that doesn't mean women have a great life 'surviving'. I'd rather be dead than passed around like a piece of meat.
Sex and general slavery.
>You're looking at their role from a pre-apocalypse worldview
No, he's looking at it from his Hollywood movies.
There would be no wars. OP would never lose his virginity. The world would be a happier place.
You'd have communities, mainly Christian ones and they'd live that way.
Some would get abused, but most would live no worse than the men.
Your fantasy about women being chained and gangraped everyday would happen, but it wouldn't be the norm.
You're the one taking tips from hollywood m8.
The feminist written history about how women were treated as livestock simply isn't reality.
>quality of living
To a man, staying at home and cooking and raising kids may sound like shit but its not bad for a woman trying to stay safe and fed in a fucking apocalypse.
>I'd rather be dead than passed around like a piece of meat.
Why would someone want the mother of their children to passed to any other guy? That makes no fucking sense. Maybe 10% of women will be whores with pimps who treat them in the way you presume in the worst possible scenario but it wont be the norm for most women.
>Hollywood movies
>says a Fallout-tier LARPER
I never once said women would be strong or empowered. Undoubtedly by modern standards it would be considered a step-back for women but I would argue they would probably end up happier than they are now.
Sorry you guys had your little self-masturbatory sessions ruined by the reality that angry little faggots like you are an insignificant waste product of Pre-collapse society and would immediately be selected out after a single generation assuming shit actually hit the fan.
Well, I personally would secure a compund and work from there, eventually I'd have gathered people and the women would be protected, but out necessity, without women, you can't create more slav- I mean people that can work and be soldiers.
Women are already ganged raped and used as sex-slaves already, bitch. Being in a post-apocalypse would only make it mainstream.
The effects of modern feminism and how many men would be chomping at the bit to beat and torture aposematic women and their enablers. Looking to history to extrapolate future predictions is fine, but where in history has anything like this happened before? I remember reading an ancient greek play about Athenian women trying to gain power to institute socialism and the effect resulting in men turning to faggotry in order to not let pandora do her deed.
I think conservative women would be the ones worth protecting and the regressive leftist idiots would be the first ones in chains. Of course the leftist "look at how equal we all are" cunts would try to hide their power level, but there are ways to reveal it knowing what we know now.
they'd be fine
I'm actually just being realistic. When people are forced to kill for survival and war for resources, morality typically goes out with the civility. Sure, there will be pockets of society in which people can sustain and retain values, but by in large women will be relegated to a subservient role. I'm not saying they're all going to be fuck slaves, by no means (though many will). But the vast majority will no longer receive any of the privileges or status they have in civilization.
Most family units would be destroyed, as those which revert violent tribalism would have a better shot than wandering families where the ratio of fighting able men to women and children is much worse. 5 men with no morals come along 3 families of 4 each? The men are killed of the families and the women and children captured.
Luckily most white westerners wouldn't revert to savagery, but most moral people would die anyways.
They will instantaneously accept traditional values.
Well, it has happened in the past, it could happen again.
sex slaves
ask most ppl though and they'll tell you women will be valued for anything but sex in an apocalypse
spoiler alert: they won't.
especially not during the reign of men who were sexually oppressed all their lives.
after a few generations women might start being treated as second class citizens again instead of livestock (unfortunately)
They would finally get their rights.
Rape rape rape rape rape rape rape
they'd become resources
Suddenly all become traditionalist who are happy to stay at home and serve a husband.
spotted the women.
sorry, but women were treated as property for thousands of years and they will be again as soon as the current society collapses.
not that women aren't happy as property, but claiming they'll be treated as equals in this scenario is just plain closed minded.
if I wasn't forced to treat my fiance as a person with rights, I wouldn't.
if there were no laws she would be my slave, here and now.
though I would treat her kindly and give her happiness, just like I would any other pet.
Plz go with beta male ideas like marriage all women in the post apocalyptic setting will be rape toys forced to raised your spawn.
Gee... what would happen to women in a lawless society?
>sorry, but women were treated as property for thousands of years and they will be again as soon as the current society collapses.
Except they weren't dumbass, no more than most men were.
You want to call others women but all you can do is parrot feminist propaganda.
But it seems like you're using "slave" to mean someone that's expected to do stuff, then yes everyone would be "slaves".
Trade them for gasoline.
>drug cartel members are literally the same as the general population
I might get a crush on one and survive with her
This happens once a society advances enough for its neighbors not to pose an immediate threat.
Until then, kidnappings and rape is an everyday occurrence.
Here's the thing: women's status in society is 100% determined by the men around them. Why? Because they can't defend themselves. You can use the guns excuse that they can still protect themselves but it breaks down outside of a hypothetical "all things being equal" scenario.
Here's why. I was in the military for years (inb4 welfare fag) and I was around for some of this "gender integration into the infantry" bullshit that's been happening. We spent millions of dollars putting women in experimental mixed-gender units and testing their performance. What happened when put under long term stressful scenarios shouldn't surprise anyone: they broke down, performed horribly, and many suffered permanent long term injuries. At the beginning of the testing (before fatigue and injuries had a chance to kick in) there was some overlap on physical tests of men and women... As in the top 10% of the women were roughly equivalent to the bottom 10% of men. The problem with this number is that the women also had the deck stacked in their favor, they only sent the best they could find.
So needless to say the entire test basically resulted in a crippling failure for women, and that's how it would play out if all of our modern comforts and trappings were to go. Women would have to retreat behind men to protect them, because that's just how biology works, and all of the white knight, no guns, no violence fags would either figure it out or die.
>They also tend towards only average intelligence unlike men who are more binary smart/stupid.
This is just a meme, male iq graph is the same as female shifted to the right
No. Strong men would have harems. Women not claimed by strong men would desperately try to find a man to cling to for protection. Women would basically be forced to put out, but less men would have sex
Most would probably die off, some would become sex slaves to repopulate the human race.
Ordinary people are at risk too. Cartels hijack buses and make the passengers fight gladiatorial games to the death and enslave the survivors as cartel hitmen. This shit is savage.
Female manipulation doesn't tend to work so well when there's no Rape police.
>Woman now: "we need to talk"
>woman post-apocalypse: "I will suck your dick for a can of beans please don't kill me"
>especially not during the reign of men who were sexually oppressed all their lives
this. there is an entire generation with over 9000 penises ready to rape up a storm.
Seriously no one in this thread has ever served in a combat zone it's plainly obvious all your beloved social norms go out the window kiddos. Mommy isn't around to make you tendies and daddy isn't around to scare away the boogie man.
women being property is not feminist propaganda.
feminist propaganda is saying that women were warriors and scholars and that matriarchal societies were huge successes.
it's well documented history that arranged marriages were commonplace throughout all societies, and men paid good money to have beautiful wives.
wedding rings were meant to signify being owned by a man (men traditionally didn't wear wedding rings)
and harems were also commonplace for those who can afford it.
not even the Greeks allowed women to vote or participate in government, neither did the Romans.
saying that women were always contributers to society equally to men is feminist propaganda you stupid faggot
They would pat each other on the back for the great job they did with destroying civilization.
Return to traditional gender roles for the most part.
How extreme that is, just depends on the severity of the apocalypse and what race/tribe they're in
implying that the every single man that was forced to settle for only one wouldn't be hunting for women to add to their collection
they'd simply wither and starve to death like a puppy left alone in a vacant apartment.
when you cant use your smartphone to call chad or the pigs to come rescue your incapacitated body from my virgin dick, your capacity to manipulate anything beyond involuntary vaginal muscle flexing plummets.
women in ANY society have as much freedom and security as thier MEN can provide for them.
in a few years women will sing a different tune under sharia law, or god forbid in an apocalypse, the only principle you will have is non-aggression. all that "freedom" women had to "manipulate" men will be destroyed.
it burns me up to know that women are allowed to make decisions because men are too cucked to stop allowing them
no shit. just remind the cucks how cucked they are just to get their ducks a little wet, what, once a week?
meanwhile MGTOW or the likes can freely
>import an internet wife and be less likely to be scammed than dating a native western whore
>play vidya and watch documentaries, or woodhsop
>get a dog for a companion
>fuck horses
the choice is yours my friend!
One of my favourite movies desu