Thoughts on these guys?
Thoughts on these guys?
Why did they shit on It so hard? They will defend the shittiest movies but for some reason they had a bone to pick with this one.
For me? It's Sneeds.
>Why did they shit on It so hard?
Well, for starters, they didn't shit "so hard" on it. They had positives and negatives. Second, if you want to know why they felt a way about a movie, you could always actually watch the episode on that movie and listen to the things that they say.
Really bad opinions on modern movies. Pre-Rec is also fucking cancer.
Only good for Best of the Worst.
>poor man's that guy with the glasses
nah thank you
>that guy with the glasses
Did you just transport here from 2009?
I think that guy with the glasses is the poor man's that guy with the glasses.
no consistency in logic, reason, or standards
poorly research topics
refuse to admit mistakes
theyre real men
They spent the entire episode trashing on it, loser. Maybe you need to go back and take another look without Mike's hairy sack covering your eyes.
They liked the script, they liked the kids, they liked the cinematography. They said positive things about all that. Do you always get this butthurt when someone doesn't unanimously praise something you want them to?
Mike mostly shit on the book and talked about it instead of the movie.
You're the only one here that seems butthurt that I dare question the tastes of two talentless, aging cheese heads.
They gave some minor praise to the kids and cinematography, but the vast majority of the review appeared to be them repeatedly trying to depict the film as soulless, mass market-directed horror trash, (like Annabelle Creation as they kept referencing), and basically insinuating it would only be enjoyed by idiots. It felt pretty patronizing, especially considering the trash Mike will openly love on a regular basis.
So sorry they didn't like a movie that you liked, user.
That is not the point they, particularly Jay, was trying to make.
He accepted the the jump scare movie was here to stay because it works well in a cinema environment but was bemoaning the fact that a more subtle, creepy, tense approach would be more satisfying and would not date as badly as "IT" will.
Time will tell.
Why don't they dislike any marvel universe movies?
Because they've all been competent, serviceable movies. Mike and Rich didn't really like Civil War.
i watch and enjoy their videos, space cop was alright.
will they review mother!?
They will love it calling it
they don't dislike them, but they don't like them either
their highest praise for them is that they're "ok" "serviceable" or have "mass appeal"
however I do feel like part of the reason why they said they liked wonder woman is so that Sup Forums would stop screeching about them being biased against DC
welcome to the basement is better
Best online friend simulator I've had bar none.
Stopped watching for a bit. Just yesterday tuned back in for the Empire Of The Dark BOTW.
Was really good.
I still usually don't watch HITB though. BOTW is clearly superior.
>"Hey Mike.. I just realized that I have zero marketable job skills, and have completely relied upon you - the man who slept with my first love - for virtually my entire adult life!
>My most recent attempt at solo comedy fell flat on its face and fizzled out after being ignored by even my most loyal fans! I'm nothing more than a polyp sucking on the colon of Red Letter Media, satiated with my lack of ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry I so bitterly critique!
>With the exception of a cute haircut and a sycophantic, ingratiating nature, I offer virtually nothing to you! It's become clear that I have absolutely no future in film making, outside of making "ironically bad" YouTube videos as I obediently wait at your side to collect my earnings (mere pennies on the dollar) as they fall off the dinner table onto my food dish!"
>"That's right, Jay!"
Someone mentioned the Nostalgia Critic the other day, so I looked him up to see what he was doing now.
Same shit. With double the viewers and subs as RLM.
Fucking insane.
Other than the prequel reviews and some other Plinkett shit it's pretty whatever, they like a lot of bad fucking movies.
just like Sup Forums.
>posting in a literal shill thread