/tog/ - The Orville General

Based Racist Robot Edition.

not an argument, passive aggressive bitch.

stop shilling
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I really hope since Seth has shown he doesn't just care about le goofy comedy on this he actually puts in some decent worldbuilding. I wanna find more about the racist robots.

hahaha fuck you fag

>racist robot
>hasn't been racist all episode
Another reason this show is shit


That is impolite as heck.

Lotta new Orville fans in Texas tonight...


you fags already have two other threads

how new r u

woah dude calm down. there's no need for that kind of language.

I wonder where he got the idea for the name of the ship?

Try Orville Wright, of the Wright Brothers, idiot. He even has a model of the Wright Flyer on his desk. Is identity politics all they teach you stupid fucking kids in school now?

Nope. It's Orville Redenbacher, because the show is corny

"Whuch-you-talkin bout willis?"

Right so how many episodes have aired and whats the fucking verdict?

Two. Shills and real people disagree.

2 and it is complete shit like everything seth touches

Everybody loves it, only paid CBShill (((critics))) hate it.


first episode was meh but the second episode was great

The triggered "everyone who doesn't like this is a cbs shill!" is here. Good to see.

what was great about it?

2 episodes. First was a bit better than mediocre, the second was really cool with a top tier punchline at the end of the episode.

Everything! Did you see it?

It's fine. Just a light hearted episodic Star Trek clone. 6/10 show +1 for the qt Vulcan knock off.

You have to have a high IQ to understand.

Name three things about it that were great.

Not inspired by popcorn. I find that disappointing.

some of the transitional shots in this are pretty funny. hopefully this is a success because discovery will certainly be shit and tng was 20 years ago.

Name three things about it you think I might have liked! Haha, I'm Socrates!



She is going to get BLACKED isnt she?

Yes, CBS, let's turn this thread into that. Let's paint Orville supporters as some sort of demented racist, sexist, Neo-Nazis. Yes, CBS, let's do that.

Maybe in season 2, or 3 but not soon, no.

Its not good but its not bad