I just bought a kit, and it's on its way.. Any anons wanna tell me if this was a good idea? Is it reliable?
Post your genes.
I just bought a kit, and it's on its way.. Any anons wanna tell me if this was a good idea? Is it reliable?
Post your genes.
Other urls found in this thread:
>giving your DNA freely for even one person to research
Enjoy your DNA being tracked forever in a database
Do you not realize that DNA heritage tests are for new worlders that want to go full muh heritage
Your shit is just going to tell you that you're 98% northern European 2% other European and then you'll feel like you wasted $100
if he is like 0.00000000001% black he will have to an hero
I got my moneys worth, but I did it when the kit was $50 bucks. Got a few weeks of entertainment, plus the raw genetic file which you can use on promethease to get a detailed health profile for $2.50
Oh no, I hope they don't hack my dna
not how it works m8
He could easily have an ancestor from 4 generations ago who wasn't Scandinavian. 2^4 power is 16. That's a lot of fucking people.
example of promethease
Don't you basically sign over your DNA to these companies for forever after doing one of these tests?
It was 198 bucks.
Yeah, back when the FDA said they couldn't give any health related information and it was just a hereditary thing the price was a lot lower. I would still say you got your moneys worth, $200 is nothing in a first world country.
I recommend the promethease report as well for cancer risks and shit
Or clone you one day, god forbid
Unless he has a great grandfather that was an American or British soldier then he's going to pretty much be 100% Nordic
I am your standard white killing machine, lacking all the empathetic marks and have fast twitch muscle genes.
Do I apply for that after I've sent back the kit?
>paying George Soros to submit the sample of your DNA
Best Goy
Can't you just give them false information?
Once you get your full report, you can login to your account and download a text document of your raw genetic sequence. Keep in mind this .txt is almost a gig, of text lol. Then you can find various sites to upload and check against.
23.me is only one site you can cross reference your profile on, you can get different results. The FDA is allowing 23 and me to slowly introdue PROVEN 100% health correlated stuff, but its like, HEY YOU ARE GONNA SNEEZE WHEN YOU EAT CHOCOLATE LOL.
promethean gives you the current research standards of what is going to kill you
We have an Icelandic ancestry that logs my earliest ancestor having been here in Iceland around the 1600s. I, however have dark hair, dark eyes, pale skin and our family has names going back to the 1600s that are unusual for Icelandic people.
Interesting. Thanks, user. Does it check for heart disease and stuff like that? Just everything hereditary.
Make sure to export your raw data and run it through this, costs $5. It gives a large amount of info
Shows you everything that is expressed in your genetic code that there is current research on.
I take coq10 and try to avoid smoking meth
When did you run your data through?
I ran mine a while ago now. I'm curious if they've had updates and it's worth the $5 to run it again.
How does it actually work? Do they take blood or a cheek swab?
That sounds incredibly useful. You could plot out your diet with this.
You spit in a tube until your saliva reaches a mark.
I don't see why people always whine "you're giving your dna to the jews!!!". What the fuck are they going to do? Clone me? I'd love if they did that. In fact, make a catgirl version of me, that would be cool.
You have nothing to be unsure about. If you doubt yourself, you weren't white in the first place.
Would you fuck a catgirl version of yourself?
Why the fuck would I care if someone cloned me?
Good? Fine?
>tfw i got 70% eastern European
These companies are own and controlled by Jews, I ordered mine, got 99.6% European 0.3% Sub-Saharan West African, it's good as a footnote, don't know how accurate it is though, take it with a grain of salt, I would recomend also doing a test from Ancestry.com too as well, since the results strangely sometimes differ.
nigger detected
they pull it fron SNPedia, so every 4 years is probably a good idea.
I figure I can do a few things, but I am going to have a heart attack more than likely in the standard range. Though I also have 7x risk for baldness, but have a thick head of hair still.
for animals made to die around 40, its good fun
I did pretty good I think. I'm English with a German grandmother from Silesia
I'm (A;A). You're Mother Theresa compared to me.
200 is quite a bit anywhere you dumbass
>0.01% Ashkenazi
so do I just kill myself now or what?
$200 is the cost of a low end 42 inch led tv, almost an ounce of weed, or gasoline for the month.
I make $1200 in passive income a month just from rentals after expenses.
Maybe if you have three kids and one job $200 is a lot, but you would have to be some faggot from a third world shithole then trying to get your illegal recycle business going
I was going to buy one, but I can't afford £140 or whatever.
I sort of know my ancestry. I'm half French/English with some Irish too.
There's a bit of Jew in there as well.
You fucking Austrians.
There are no 200$ 42 inch TVs sorry
Your passive income is your parents putting up with you.
No sane person would pay to give their DNA to a commercial entity probably working with the government (NSA)
Not really, Mr. Debtsman
Better way of figuring out your heritage
>sue 23 and me for being insensitive to people with extra chromosomes
>use the settlement money to go around the world and track down your roots
>spread your seed across every country to ensure your bloodline grows exponentially
>t. Josef Fritzl
Lol, oh shit, the van just parked outside, i turns out im a perfect organ match with an important figurehead!
Nigger, if you are that paranoid you shouldnt even be on a computer, go in the woods and fuck some squirrel girls
42inch 1080p on bestbuy for $179, but that shit with 0APR oh snap.
>giving your genetic information to google just so they can tell you that you're 50% ashkenazi jew
There is talk that in a few years you wont actually be able to see racial representation information anymore and just health related stuff because of possible supremacy issues.
Some white supremacist groups in the US require a genetic test to join
My family avoided more taxes than you earn in a year in this summer
Not everyone is a poorfag in Greece. See inequality statistics
How do you type like that? Reminds me of an American slut from USA that kept texting me to "meet up"
This only proves my point you are a spoiled late-teen or young adult living off your parents" generosity.
Get a job you weeaboo
No need to be triggered, Olivoilopolos. It's just bants.
Beyond companies, now the police have your DNA.
M8 you lot are descended from only 7 families anyway and you all know which ones already. Iceland is the one country where really there should be no market for 23andme.
Now witness my whiteness and despair.
oh shit this nigga doesnt understand acquired idiosyncratic typing from using the internets since 95
bitch you probably correct grammer, thats like school on sunday mugfygga
No one has a " Job " anymore, jesus christ. If you are working for one person, making them money, you are fucked. Its all about being above the rats, but a dirty grecian debtman would never understand that, counting his jars of olive oil
Only autosomal DNA matters. 23andme only tell you haplogroups on mtDNA and yDNA, which doesn't matter at all.
Haplogroups just give you ideas on my migration of different groups of people (e.g., mtDNA for maternal migration and yDNA for paternal migration), but autosomal DNA gives you a better idea of current race since it's inherited from all of our great grandparents.
Paternal haplogroup doesn't actually mean much though. Can only be reliable up to your great grandfather or something. This is because the Y chromosome mutates easily. The maternal haplogroup literally does go all the way back.
>Hur dur derp
Get educated and join the real world
Trying to teach hipster nazi wannabes biology. Don't waste your time
Put the raw data through Promethease to get some actually useful information beyond ancestry.
So ancestry DNA is less accurate but gives cousin matches, and 23andme is more accurate but doesn't have cousin matches?
If you could connect to your cousins and discover the link you share, wouldn't that be more beneficial than to have a more accurate ethnic composition?
>someone breaks into my house
>call 911 and tell them
>load gun because castle doctrine
>the burglar is me
>the SWAT team arrives
>they're all me too
Shut the fuck up you massive retarded bitch. You're annoying.
Thanks fellow anti Islam fighter
I know all my cousins (or at least where they are). Are you some kind of degenerate without extended family?
Lol I am reporting this for harrassment, dont invade my safespace
downvoted ↓↓↓
Your just a big bully ;w;
You know your third and fourth cousins?
in more ways than one
You guys are all ignorant. its not as bad as you think.
White as could be baby
>and try to avoid smoking meth
You have to "try" to avoid smoking meth???
I thought it was worth it considering I have my genealogy mapped back 800 years for some parts and I was interested in the results
How good is the relative matching? I think it would be neat to find out who I am related to, living or dead.
Do they show you famous people who are long dead you might be related to or only extant?
I thought I knew my ancestry, then got totally BTFO.
First thought was mom cheated, but they are connecting me to people with surnames from my dad's side.
So either my grandma cheated, or my dad's line had no fucking clue about their ancestry.
And was it accurate?
You got blown the fuck out ages ago. Stop trying to combat autism with your own. dumbass.
Leave the thread and it is what it is. Jesus.
>3% Arab
>White as could be
Its always used openly at sex parties
Jokes on you, I was only PRETENBDING to be retarded
Yes. Both of my parents did the tests as well (but with FamilyTreeDNA) and the results match the research very closely. I would recommend getting as much of your family as possible to take the test so you can see how the autosomal DNA has been passed on.
My great-grandmother's sister is still alive, but I could never ask her to do such a thing. She's 90 anyway
>giving jews your dna
Smart tip and funny ID.
>1 post by this id
>buy a kit and send it in
>they inject a little nigger DNA in my DNA
>test positive for nigger
>be tricked into appropriating black culture and KANGZ culture
>1 post by this id
>12 posts by this ID