>Knock knock
>Who's there?
>Democrats who?
>Democrats are stupid, but not as stupid as Rob Lowe!
>*crowd cringes*
Knock knock
Other urls found in this thread:
>be nicki glassier
>ann the only person you will smile is the Mexican digging your grave!
Does anyone have the video of the roast
I saw her part on Sup Forums earlier. It was fucking horrible and apparently, it was the roast of Ann the entire time. Her shit was fucking cringy though, should've got someone from Sup Forums to roast those liberal faggots.
Doesn't that bald fat Jew and others write the jokes for the non comedians?
funny as fuck, the politically incorrect crowd was losing it last night
>be liberal
>laugh when someone makes unf of your dead dad
>get uncomfortable when a conservative makes fun of you
they are mostly exaggerating the "slams" too.
For example Peyton Manning's joke was as much of a slam on Tom Brady as it was Ann Coulter.
Yet everyone swears Peyton maliciously hates her or something, didn't really appear that way.
Its just liberal media pandering to their drones in a time where their influence is faltering and they feel threatened by that. So they are fabricating bullshit self reinforcement to encourage their drones not to question them.
>"We're still the cool edgy educated side, don't look at material covering the evil we actually do to you, goy!"
they still mad
Ann Coulter isnt a comedian so her delivery was all off, but the audience was just refusing to laugh at some stuff because its Ann Coulter.
Meanwhile, this guy and Ralph Macchio were painfully unfunny.
Why do people hate Ann Coulter again?
because she spews hate
She says mean things.
Being tolerant isn't going to fix your housing crisis & terrible internet.
last night ppl did to coulter what she does to ppl for a living
funny thing, the righteous bitches about PC and then are shocked when the gloves come off.
it was a fucking roast but they can't take it
Yeah she was hard to watch. She was stone faced most of the time, stuttered, basically had no jokes, shameless promotion of her book and got booed more than once. It was pretty bad and cringy, not saying the rest of the roast was anything spectacular.
Her past was so cringey
I couldn't even watch it in entirety.
And it's not even her fault.
Her jokes were decent.
Even her delivery was okay.
It was just so cringey to watch someone make jokes and have no one laugh, or some even boo.
Big fucking deal. Every comedian bombs from time to time. She just happened to bomb on TV.
I had 1 person tweet me to tell me they were blocking me
prolly 10 called me a hypocrite for not being PC
it's a fucking roast, wtf did they think was gonna happen?
the right doesn't wanna get rid of PC, they just wanna pretend they are the bad boys
>bumping thread 8 times
Dude you're pathetic.
Yes, you are allowed to express yourself.
That's not the problem.
No one is saying they don't have the legal right to say what they said.
It's about being a fucking human being and understanding that she HAS to sit through that constant verbal attack.
In real life, you can just walk away, but if she did that, it would have gone even worse for her.
Long story short: they put her in a shitty situation, which they had a legal right to do, but they're hypocrites for thinking they always have the moral high ground.
how did they make her go to the roast?
this much projection
I should have known it
Rob Lowe is a beautiful man (even more for 52 year old), and a libertarian. Would totally suck his dick. No homo.
lol .weak
go easy on her its just a woman
Why was she at the Rob Lowe roast anyway?
truth is, she made career shitting on the weak and disenfranchised, and ppl told her what they think of her in that same superior smug way .lol
>Hey Ann you can promote your book here
>"What do I have to do?"
>Nothing goy.. I mean Ann you have just to sit and smile
Because she's intelligent and effective?
This is getting posted all over Sup Forums and Sup Forums. As far as I've seen there's no actual clip. It's either clickbait viral or slide.
I don't know why people are either shocked at the outcome of her being on a roast or thinking it's a big win for lefties that they roasted Ann Coulter at a roast.
She's not a comedian.
She's not a comedic writer.
She doesn't do stand up.
There's nothing about her that belongs at that roast, nor suggests that she'd be any bit entertaining. She's not even an entertainer of any sort.
I found myself disliking the jokes directed at her as much as I disliked her awful set. It just felt lazy to see hate hurled at her from that dais and in front of that audience; very low hanging fruit. If you watch the dais as the night goes on, you can see the same sentiment etched on their faces as Ann comes under fire again and again. She's wholly ill equipped to fight back in that environment, and it just comes off as brutally mean instead of funny.
At the same time, she shouldn't fucking be there.
Ahahahahah, Dumb bitch!
>comedians get butthurt and make an ass of themselves while coulter promotes her book for free
>somehow it's coulter that humiliates herself
k salon.
can you legally say that in sweden?
I love Ann Coulter and hope they find the guy that illegally made a clone of her to appear this cringeworthy on television.
They didn't roast her; they just slammed her.
Calling her a cunt is not a roast joke.
ITT people don't realize the only reason she was there was to trigger everybody. She succeeded.
Best way to trigger the audience right off the bat? Shill your trump book.
No laughs from anybody because they're too butthurt.
Her delivery was fine considering she's not a comedian, yet her jokes were funnier than the trash everybody else was shilling. Except Peyton Manning's. That was pretty good.
Also Jimmy Carr on suicide watch.
I thought coulter used to do a stand up
Peyton Manning was hilarious, both his jokes and the jokes about him. Macchio and Riggle were trying too hard and Jewel just sucked the charisma out of the room.
maybe she just wasn't funny
Wow that was the most brutal roast I have ever watch. It was more awkward to watch than those scenes on the Office when Michael wants to make a speech at a wedding. She fucking humiliated herself.
Wait a minute, that flag...
hmmm really makes you think
she's gr0ss
Of course you would think that satan.
Even Satan thinks she's gross, lmao. Why are conservatives so unfunny? Is it because they're filled with anger and hate?
Because she's trying to save America from niggers and spics.
Ann sees a chart like this and says, 'oh shit, that can't be good'
Liberals see a chart like this and say
'fucking white people'
She got btfo honestly, not only by the people roasting her, but by her own autistic """""jokes""""" and i loved every second of it. Her not laughing and being butthurt about the jokes just made it better. Every Sup Forumsack and right winger got btfo along with her
If you ever find yourself watching something called a "Comedy Central Roast" then you have already lost.
Its just a jewish circlekerk and you are all cancer for giving it any attention.
There have been multiple people who aren't comedians or do stand up that came on the show and did better than the comedians themselves sometimes. Justin Bieber is an example that comes into mind just from last year.
Everything about Ann Coulter was cringy as fuck last night and she deserved all of it.
and they're still mad
>Jimmy carr on suicide watch
Why? what happened?
ann coulter is a fucking idiot and an embarassment to the right on top of being a possible tranny
>people actually still watch roasts
also: ann coulter shouldn't fucking complain. i'm pro political incorrectness so when that fat bitch from the ghostbusters gets send a thousand death threats and posts comparing her to a gorilla i think it's funny. i don't think what they did on this roast was particulairly funny because most of it weren't even jokes. but they should have the right to say it. also: showing up at something which is basically democrat central as an outspoken republican maybe wasn't such a good idea.
At least post it meng: webm.land
My assesment:
>get invited to liberal cesspool
>decline their pre-written jokes
>gratuitously shill your book instead
It was worth it just to see how uncomfortable and disgusted the audience got every time she mentioned Trump. The liberal elite literally can't handle just hearing the oppositions perspective. They looked like they were suffocating from a gas leak.
Well, retards do make people uncomfortable.
Got daym.
Hey user:
You're a faggot, you're ugly, and you hate white people.
Hey everyone: Join me! This is what he thinks ownage is!
>be ann coulter
>have a chance to redpill millions of people
>or at least tell some holocaust jokes
>instead choose to be autistic
> TFW liberals think this is good comedy.
Also TFW liberals would have a conniption about transphobia if anyone else made these jokes.
>unironically linking bill maher
And transphobia is NEVER funny shitlord.
>you know what's funny? it's how often ppl that say they don't like pc, telling me Im not being pc
Why is pol filled with niggers?
Am I allowed to admit David Spade looks amazing? Good lord he's like mini Errol Flynn with that perfectly groomed mustache and long styled hair.
And honestly, she may be one of the meanest bitches ever but shes still a woman and women cannot handle that much abuse thrown to them, she probably was about ready to suck a cock on stage at the end, no wonder she had a mental breakdown.
It's almost like we're calling out the left's hypocrisy or something.
>you know what's funny? it's how often ppl that say they are pc, say things that are racist, sexist, homophobic
they get really mad it seem
It's literally one fucking leaf shitting up the thread as usual.
Haha. Look how deluded he is. Thinks people believe he's a woman at that age. Rofl.
>American 'comedy'
Are you suggesting she's not the gender she identifies as???
Conservatives cant do comedy, this is fact
I think that's the real problem
Didn't watch but the writers are pissed at her for rejecting their jokes. These are the jokes they wrote for her that she rejected to use:
>“Peyton Manning is a model citizen and his forehead is a model for the wall that Trump’s going to put between the U.S. and Mexico.”
>“Giving you a roast is the worst decision Comedy Central’s made since they replaced Jon Stewart with a South African child. That’s a Trevor Noah joke, the one immigrant I’m most excited to see deported. Am I white, people? Am I white?”
I would have went on my own too.
That's because their subject matter is usually liberals, and liberals are about as funny as cancer.
Good luck making a career telling cancer jokes.
Conservatives telling cancer jokes: "Disgusting." "Heartless."
Liberal telling cancer jokes: "Brash." "Insightful." "Oy,vey. Such chutzpah!"
>that chart
fucking white people
I hope every single smug librul cunt gets raped and killed by a mexican or a muslim
It's what you subhumans deserve.
And no, having the advantage of a crowd against a single person with a brain does not make anything funny, it makes it sad.
I really loved it when Ann Coulter was at bill maher one time and pointed out what trash the crowd there was.
Liberals are a waste of life.
Put all of the people from Hollyweird in Canada, including the kikes, and then nuke Canada.
Hitchens did the exact same thing and the crowd fucking lost it.
lol that pete guy was so ass blasted. what a douche.
my favorite part of her roast is at around 1:40 in this video; the camera pans away right before maria shriver's head exploded
I wonder why she would want everyone to vote for trump
This fixed my mood
How can one woman be so brave and based
she was really bad, like the situation bad. Ok maybe not the situation bad, still bad.
1:30 in and she's been pretty good so far.
The comedians are laughing at her jokes, just not the retard crowd.
They're told to hate her.
They have no idea what her ideas even are. Liberals are just robotic retards.