This was the best rendition of Europe
Prove me wrong
This was the best rendition of Europe
Prove me wrong
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It's gone. If it was so great it would have preserved itself.
It's nice, but needs more Poland.
>tfw you just escaped being german
>Alsace-Lorraine in German hands
You say something mongrel?
>got rekt in the Franco-Prussian War
>still butthurt 150 years later
>Belgium exists
lad what are you doing
>austria hungary
I mean
If anything they should be the butthurt ones
It's missing something big right in the middle.
>It's a burger comments on European borders episode
> constant Polish uprisings and turmoil
I know it's an unpopular stance but, let the damn taigs have their republic, the IRA are persistent fuckers.
They can have Northern Ireland too desu, Belfast is a literal shithole. Their only claim to fame is that the Titanic was built there, a ship which later sank.
Poland is a non-country
Created by the allies to curb German power
>he thinks there should be an independent Poland
Why isn't Flanders Dutch?
Where is Poland
Where is Finland
Where is Ireland
1. Spanish/French cuckening to curb Dutch supremacy
2. Non country
3. Non country
4. Subhumans that don't deserve a country
it is not independent anyway
>He thinks murica is independent
Why did the West European fucks break up Austro Hungary?
taking it was stupid move anyway. Since franco prussian war, french had only one foreign policy. to get alsace back. It is nice to get a lot of clay, but if you antagonize everybody while taking it, one day they will team up on you.
>didnd du nuffn
Elsass is German
Belgium, but no Finland Baltics,
gtfo out u fucking autist
THey had to take it.
The southern german states demanded it as some sort of buffer one.
It was france who multiple times "raided" those states and prussia had to offer the msomething in return to get them into the fold.
This. Why do they obsess over our borders? Is it because theirs are autistic friendly simple squares and lines?
based France
Get rekt German fags
>giving Sud Tirolo to the Austrians
keep dreaming
>The motherland is in hunic hands.
It's shit.
we retake our clay after our glorious win in WW1
sound normal to me
>Prove me wrong
I can't when you're right.
Second best
dismantling austria destroyed one potetial enemy and created many small countries that were eternally grateful to french and brits, thus craeted new allies (with implications like new trade hubs, bases etc).
But Austria hungary was shit multicultural quagmire anyway. read Adolf Hitler- Mein Kamp. The part on political situation of austria will give you the idea
The point is that they always play the victim when infact they were the bully.
no SudTirol
that's Alto-Adige
Irish soil under UK rule? Yeah nah
>Car thief steals car again after the police give it back its owner
>thinks he know which country should be independent
>lives in giant jewish puppet state
>literally caused both world wars
stop it germany
I kind of like the Baltic countries though...
The Rhine is France's natural border
dude you need to stop looking at history in term of good guys\bad guys. There are only winners and losers. Some time france was winning, some time germany was winning. History is written by winners
They are crazy. I told ya. But no one listens.
Why are burgers so obsessed with fantasy maps that mash together different nations and would lead to civil wars? Autism?
>American germanboos
>krauts west of the rhine
i dont think so
>krauts in the balkans
i dont think so
>turks on earth
troll map
I honestly believe Napoleon was the good guy
> implying
>Belgium is a country
Time to build that electric fence again
Only that Russia should have gained these areas as well. Every single Pole, Ukranian and Armenian was the rightful subject of the Tsar.
austria-hungary was sick and in a state of decay for a long time by then. Its a miracle they lost the war rather then imploded
at least this one doesn't have fucking yugoslavia
1420 best year of life
>Huns control half of our motherland!
>Sub-humans slave still enslave Bassarabia
>Turkish rape-babies still hold southern dobruja
Never!!!! Over my dead body. We will die for the motherland!!!.
you might as well kill yourself my friend, Turks will always be on Earth until spacetravel
Stop whining Kraut, Alsace is French
I am going to say no
I approve
Dont be so pessimistic.
>europe full of unstable multicultural shitholes that eventually lead to a world war
wew, and I thought Sup Forums was against globalism
you will :^)
I agree. Also chop up Turkey and give it to anyone that wants it.
I dont doubt he had ideals that were similar to the revolutionary ideas. He was youngster at the time and naturally had views aganst the current (and failing) order. Also he was from poor(ish) family and was bullied by his aristocratic schoolmates at artillery school. But just look at his actions to see the reality.
Firstly he probably truly fought for revolution.
Then came Tolon, Lodi and he realized his potential and conducted his actions in order to climb ranks and become somebody (first he befriended Robespierre, then when he went town he started dating josefina who befriended him with thermidorians, then he stabbed them all in the back).
Finally he become emperor and there was nowhere else to climb. He got corrupted by power and ordinary human greed destroyed him
Pre 1870's, where Germany did not exist.
Look at what germany has done for Europe since it has existed:
WW1, WW2, Migrant crysis
Fuck Germany, seriously.
I don't really hate you, you're just our slavic twin after all
So how about you give us southern dobruja and we help you get back what the serbs stoled from you in macedonia and hell, we'll even help fuck over the greeks?
Germany didn't cause World War 1.
they turn the serbian/austraian conflict into a world war
The enternal Anglo tries to divide us as he has done for hundreds of years.
Don't mind him and his jewish tricks.
>Believing the (((narrative))) that Germany was solely responsible for the world wars.
They're the ones who declared war on us
Makes all of turkey into a no mans land full of mines and death traps. We must preserve Europe.
fully agreeing here
I'm still sad because Bosnia isnt part of the glorious Austrian-Hungary empire anymore...
What do you mean "divide us"? You were our allies - on the side of the aggressor.
If you have a problem with that, give back all that clay you stole from Hungary.
I'm sure if they hadn't all would have been croissants and baguettes, eh Pierre?
>even here Montenegro is independent
it went like this: Vilhems advisors didnt believe tzarist russia and republican france will ever ally, so they didnt prolong alliance with russia. Russians got scared and allied with russia immediatelly. Since france wanted alsace back, everything was heading towards war from that point.
in 1912 and 1913, both france and russia increased their conscription to three years, and German planners calculated that by 1916, combined french-Russian armies will be to big for germany to handle.
So since 1913, wilhelm needed war ASAP. and when chance came, he went for it.
Then austrian army was sent to stall russian front while germs were supposed to zerg rush paris
You are a subhuman
Only thing I'd change is more land to Denmark from Germany. But this is far better than the mess we have now.
Yes, they did.
They had been paranoid as a new country about being "encircled", so had devised a plan to conquer France and then tackle Russia, as to prevent being in a 2 front war which they would lose.
They had this plan done and prepared for decades before WW1.
Derp multiculturalist dude is assassinated, Austria has to retaliate, sends ultimatum to Serbia or w/e shithole it was, serbia refuses, gets declared war on, asks Russia to help.
Russia gives order to mobilize, but likely wouldnt do anything.
Austria panics, talks with Germany.
Germany decides to put plan into motion, declares war to France and rapes belgium, colloquially known as "the rape of belgium", starting WW1.
Learn some fucking history. If germany had not done that, most likely nothing would have happened, austria slapped some serb shitheads, maaaybe just maybe russia would have helped serbia indirectly.
Learn some fucking history.
Russia wants to talk borders.
Firstly I'm not British, am a mixture of austrian and portuguese, nor was I born here, simply here to study.
Second, learn your OWN fucking history, you owe the "anglo" quite a lot, but hey a nation of gypsie trash, what can you expect.
>conquer France
No one planned to "conquer" it. Just reminding them who is boss and going home.
"solely"? no. Directly? yes.
And thats just history, don't forget (((EU))) that is in essence 4th reich, and the fucking "migrant crises" caused solely and directly by fucking Germany, again.
>Russians got scared and allied with russia immediatelly.
Absolutely. Except for Belgium existing
Hopefully you lost and we retake our rightful territory get fucked!
>Gibraltar isn't on the map despite being UK
>Malta isn't on the map despite being UK
>Cyprus isn't on the map despite being UK
Fucking ABUK in here.
Kingdom of Hungary is the patrician's Hungary. AHE is just a meme.
>shitty mind-addled kaiser fired Otto Fucking Bismark
>Manchild kaiser proceeded to destroy expertly crafted political web that Bismark made
>The alliances were all in benefit of germany
>ruined by some fuckhead
>decides make a plan to attack and conquer both countries
>Finds great opportunity to do so
>"preemptively" declares war
>Not germany's fault.
>user walking on the streets
>Is afraid that random bystander will attack him
>stabs him preemptively
>not his fault
>Algerian frenchaboos
Personally this is my favourite :^)
>Russia exists
>A-H exists
>Prussian Germany exists
Nice typical french architecture
The name of the region sounds also very french.
And the language of the inhabitants,which you try to culturally genocide, is totaly french too