and just have thousands of men shovel holes and other thousands of men put back the dirt in those holes?
Correct, both don't help society at all.
and just have thousands of men shovel holes and other thousands of men put back the dirt in those holes?
Correct, both don't help society at all.
Other urls found in this thread:
Someone is willing to pay for that yacht, so the thousand men who did the work get money for it.
Finding someone willing to pay for digging holes and filling them again is much harder, tho I'm sure there's a rich idiot somewhere who'd do it just for his own amusement.
>Correct, both don't help society at all.
Both are equally helpful if those people got paid.
>Finding someone willing to pay for digging holes
What is the government?
Money is a construct created by the government out of thin air and can be taken away or granted to people a the leisure of the government.
>Both are equally helpful if those people got paid.
How so? Is this yacht able to help cancer patients or provide food for hungry people or education or can be used to make clothes?
>Bombproof glass
If he were really rich he would buy a real warship
He even has bombproof tenders?
This guy must have saved his GBPs for fucking ages.
>Money is a construct created by the government
Money isn't printed by the government.
>can be taken away or granted to people a the leisure of the government.
>Is this yacht able to help cancer patients or provide food for hungry people or education or can be used to make clothes?
Yes. The people who did the job can use the money they got paid for any of those things.
It's also as ugly as homemade sin.
Why do the wealthy, specifically those from the second world, have such terrible taste?
Only one tender? I though this guy could afford a whole lot of tendies with a boat like that.
Which is why people prepare for economic colapse by buying essentiall items, or foreign currencies.
The government doesn't just devalue the currency for shits and giggles, seeing as they are equally dependent on that currency.
If 1.7in thick glass is bomb proof, that would explain why most Arabs are behind glass in gas stations
>Money isn't printed by the government.
Yes it is. Are you stupid?
Yes it can taken away. Remember taxes?
>Yes. The people who did the job can use the money they got paid for any of those things.
But the job is useless and the money is just a made up construct.
If I brainwashed 1000 people in believing "Krutonias" is the currency of the land and I ask them to build me a pyramid and they do so and after 5 years, I pay them each 100,000 Krutonias, how has this benefited anyone in society... except me who wanted the pyramid?
It doesn't really help. One BIED will sink the whole boat
why should it help society?
Is the swimming pool bombproof?
Even better, it's nuclear mine proof
Why does this bother you? It's his money.
Dunno, here is one I saw. It is a guy who loves Navy stuff and gets his boat to look like a warship to tell pirates to fuck off. Problem is that if he really ran into a warship or jet they would sink him in an instant
dude its sleek af, looks awesome
>Yes it is. Are you stupid?
No, it isn't. Money is printed by privately owned central banks and loaned to governments at an interest, resulting in an ever increasing debt which can never be repayed. It should be printed by governments, but it's not.
>Yes it can taken away. Remember taxes?
Tax doesn't mean the government can randomly pluck out as much as it wants out of your bank account. It's a common contribution by all citizens to provide the state with enough money to operate. If you don't like the taxes in your country, nothing is stopping you from moving.
>But the job is useless and the money is just a made up construct.
A made up construct that has value. That's the part that you conveniently seem to ignore.
The same money you used to pay for that yacht can be used by the workers to pay for whatever goods or services they need or desire.
Ask your fellow countrymen who work at Blohm & Voss what they think.
That specific ship created directly 37 moderate-to-high paying jobs.
Hundreds worked for 5 years in the construction. Let alone the guys who made the furnishings, the electronics and everything in between.
Captains, chefs, engineers and all-around deck workers have a decent jobs thanks to that ship.
By the way, that yacht is available for sale. 300-350M USD is the rumored price.
He is trying to flip it already?
M/Y Skat. Belongs to Charles Simonyi (early M$ employee).
>Is this yacht able to help cancer patients or provide food for hungry people or education or can be used to make clothes?
How sanctimonious and altruistic of you.
He established a bank at the age of 21. How the fuck?
That's the ugliest yacht i've ever seen/
>Problem is that if he really ran into a warship or jet they would sink him in an instant
What is radio contact?
Oh I forgot, the Americalorie ROI is strike first ask questions later.
How is rich people have big yachts not helping society? People create those items, rich people buy them, employing trademen.
He's got a bajillion dollars, I'm pretty sure he doesn't give two shits what you think.
>why should it help society?
Because all economic activity of a larger scale which requires a lot of people to be completed should increase the public good. This is why we created society in the first place, to help us all prosper.
There's a new one coming. Should be delivered in the following weeks.
142m sail-assisted yacht. It's even more extravagant than his previous yacht, but has some ground-breaking technologies onboard.
If someone is willing to throw that much money back into the economy for their boat you should be happy.
Honestly this is probably a thing in economics. Where people get super rich and suddenly dump obscene amounts of money on something.
>It's his money.
Money is fantasy. We as society create it as a means to trade more easily. Money represents a certain amount of labor. At 8 hour minimum wage, a 240 million yacht represents 30 million man hours of time. How can you waste 30 million man hours of time for one man's status symbol while others go hungry or have no education or no affordable housing?
There's many industries surrounding yachts though.
First of all he hires dozens of people on his yacht full time.
Then he pays millions every year for maintenance. Technicians and divers get paid. Decorators get paid. Even the people who clean or make new of the hundreds of carpets, pillows, drapes and other similars get paid.
And then he spends hundreds of thousands to park the thing in a marina (many of whom are leased by local gov'ts). Then he pays millions more for fuel, as well, most of which is tax.
My grandparents once rent their small apartment to an engineer who worked for a big yacht year-round. My parents had a small steady secondary income through this guy.
The only reason to hate what people do with their earned money is out of spite. There's no valid reasoning otherwise.
>to help us all prosper.
Is this bait, what's the point of having wealth if you don't spend it on stuff you want?
>Because all economic activity of a larger scale which requires a lot of people to be completed should increase the public good.
You still don't understand that it's exactly what's happening.
The yacht itself doesn't have value to the society, but it does have value to the individual who wants it built.
So that individual trades money (which the society does find valuable) for something that he finds valuable.
Are you this daft?
Now that is interesting. I wonder if they have automated the sailing process all together
Early 90s Russia. "Managed young businessmen' fortunes" so the history says.
"Don't ask how I made my first million".
the warship next to it is HMS Belfast, if anyone cares
>That specific ship created directly 37 moderate-to-high paying jobs.
>Hundreds worked for 5 years in the construction. Let alone the guys who made the furnishings, the electronics and everything in between.
And all for what? For something completely irrelevant for society. How wasn't the time and effort and resources all wasted for all those years? Those people who worked on it could have done lots of work that actually helped people.
>Those people who worked on it could have done lots of work that actually helped people.
>any rich person wants to be seen anywhere near that ugly piece of shit.
Literally looks like the least /comfy/ boat.
Why is every kraut on this board a total faggot?
Is it a museum ship?
>How is rich people have big yachts not helping society? People create those items, rich people buy them, employing trademen.
Let's assume 99% of all people worldwide would be working for the 1% creating these yachts. These 99% are paid minimum wage and live in huts and eat badly. The 1% get all these yachts.
Would this system make sense? What if I told you that this system actually already exists and that the 99% are basically keeping up the system for the 1%?
>Why is every kraut on this board a total faggot?
East German have a commie hard-on, the rest are Muslims.
>Those people who worked on it could have done lots of work that actually helped people.
And it was their choice not to. If they cared about it as much as you do, they would have picked a job which also helped their community. Obviously, they didn't, so they picked a job which payed them more.
You commies truly are retarded.
>What is the different for society
The hole diggers would build up muscle and gain health whereas the boat consumes fossil fuels and poisons people
Dude, you don't get paid minimum wage for putting something like that together.
How are the 1% earning all their money?
What is preventing someone from the 99% from doing the same thing?
It is really funny how people on a "political incorrect" board are so brainwashed by the elites and capitalism and corporatism these days, they cannot even reflect on what is going on in front of their eyes. You people will seriously defend wasteful behavior in our capitalist society while people die in Africa of HIV and malnutrition - and have so many kids, Africa and the world will have big problems in the past.
And then people say "uhhh, we can't make the world a better place, we don't have the resources! We need to make these yachts instead!"
>Let's assume 99% of all people worldwide would be working for the 1% creating these yachts. These 99% are paid minimum wage and live in huts and eat badly. The 1% get all these yachts.
Sounds like something I watched yesterday.
When you see yachts getting this big, then what happens?
Its beautiful, if you aren't cucked
Let's hope OP doesn't buy clothes and electronic gadgets at all.
I mean, it's 2016. Why would you buy something made by a 10-year old chinese?
How to spot that guy who watches videos on YouTube all day with words like "truth" and "proof" in the titles and takes it as fact.
Presented by you.
The guns are pointed at a motorway rest stop North of London.
Based pic, based man.
I don't mind working with african americans
It's the africans from africa, and haiti that are socialistic and have no interest here
>How are the 1% earning all their money?
They use capitalism, corruption and neoliberalism to extract money from society.
>What is preventing someone from the 99% from doing the same thing?
Capitalism, neoliberalism and corporatism. The 99.9% cannot be rich, the system is set up this way. America and Europe today are societies in which a poor person cannot survive decently through work. And in Africa and Asia people are dying of poverty as we speak thanks to capitalism.
>while people die in Africa of HIV and malnutrition
I don't give a fuck about them. They chose their own society and economic system, and they bear the results of that decision.
Also, they wouldn't be dying if they had capitalism.
What are you talking about?
>Enjoying materialism is politically correct now
>Same for not giving a shit continent known as Africa
See here's the problem, we can't make the world a better place because we can't make the world white, colonialism is bad after all. Being or not being able to afford extravagance was never part of the equation.
How dare you insinuate I would ever buy anything made in my own country by my own people. Filthy, yuck, gross!
No matter how much money you donate to those parts of the world it usually ends up in some Warlord's coffers.
>Let's hope OP doesn't buy clothes and electronic gadgets at all.
You do understand that clothes and electronic gadgets are mass produced items which increase the wealth of everyone in this world while these big yachts do not increase the wealth of everyone, but just the well being of the 0.0001%?
>The 99.9% cannot be rich, the system is set up this way
The system is set out equally for everyone. The same rules apply to all.
There's nothing preventing you from starting your own corporation and becoming rich, except for the fact that you're a lazy commie fuck who'd rather complain on the internet about how the "rich are keeping us down"
That yacht has value and as long as it floats will need a crew and maintenance.
Much better value to society than pushing around piles of dirt.
When you become a billionaire, you can help society whatever way you want by building schools making sure poo goes in loo.
The yacht helps decrease the price of yachts making them more affordable for the masses
>No matter how much money you donate to those parts of the world it usually ends up in some Warlord's coffers.
Who said donating money makes sense? Seriously, you guys really ARE brainwashed when your thought processes revolves around money all the time, you cannot even grasp that money is just "tokens", imaginary tokes we made up to trade better.
"Giving money" makes no sense. Making society better through producing the right goods and services is a completely different thing.
You seems confused about property ownership.
>How so? Is this yacht able to help cancer patients or provide food for hungry people or education or can be used to make clothes?
No, but the yacht will have all his rich friends be jelly of his little toy boat and want one, thus employing skilled labor.
The German has no concept of long term planing,
You do understand that we keep Africans out of Europe. That we do not allow people to go to private schools if they aren't rich.
Not to mention that reality is already proving you wrong, 99.9% are working to keep up the capitalist system in this world for the 0.1% elites - 870 million people are starving or malnurished, 80 million suffer from HIV, 300-500 million from constant Malaria, over 2 billion have no house or appartment or only tents, huts and desolate homes etc.
Are you seriously denying reality exists?
>There's nothing preventing you
try other rich people, gaylord
i fucked your wife on that boat , lolzers
>You seems confused about property ownership.
How so? I am completely fine with personal property ownership such as owning your car or your teddy bear or your apartment.
I am not ok with how our monetary system is set up which ends up having goods and services produced which help only a very small subset of society rather than the vast majority.
why don't you feed,teach and house them? oh.. you think others should do it..
>thinks money is a government thing
>unironically believes in altruism
>is german
>You do understand that we keep Africans out of Europe.
Except for the hordes pouring in every single day for the past few years.
Besides, why should they come here? What's stopping them from conducting the same business in Africa?
>870 million people are starving or malnurished
They wouldn't be starving if they got a job
>80 million suffer from HIV
Because there's no cure and they're too stupid to protect themselves?
>300-500 million from constant Malaria
How is this even related to the topic in any way?
>over 2 billion have no house or appartment or only tents, huts and desolate homes etc.
They could afford to buy a house if they found a job.
>try other rich people, gaylord
>Oh no, I actually have to put in some effort into being competitive! Help me government!!
Do you plan on growing up in the near future?
But its not build by retards making minimum wage
The rich dont hog finite resources
They just drive up the costs of luxury goods
>why don't you feed,teach and house them? oh.. you think others should do it..
Yes, I think we should all do it. We should help them get food, teach them and build the apartments in their countries. And then help them to get to a more prosperous society.
Why? Because that is a better investment than building yachts for Russian oligarchs.
That's all well and good but you seem to want to force people to do that.
>brainwashed by capitalism
Capitalism is human nature, you're brainwashed by contemporary Marxist garbage
>we don't have the resources
Is of course never the claim. Giving people shit doesn't fix their situation. In Africa's case it has made them worse off, by doing things like wrecking their farm sector
I dont give a shit about them.
>But its not build by retards making minimum wage
>The rich dont hog finite resources
>They just drive up the costs of luxury goods
Americans would be funny if they wouldn't be completely blind what bullshit they are promoting.
Again: if 99% of all people in this world would be building pyramids for 0.001% of the elites and those 99% would live in tents and die an early age because of the lack of healthcare and good food, would the world be a great place for society?
so, tell us what you produce to make society better.. or are you just full of shit?
They have their own countries and their own people, the other people around the world should take of their own needs.
It shouldn't be our duty to have to keep rescuing these people.
I dont give a shit about society
Only about 10% of this country is Anglo
how dare you own a car when people are starving.. you selfish bastard!!
>That's all well and good but you seem to want to force people to do that.
Where did I say I want to force anyone? I think we should make a democratic decision what is better - building yachts for oligarchs or making society a better place to live.
I am against using force to impose the opinion of a minority over that of a majority. But I am also against the brainwashing which capitalism has been employing for a long time now.... which results in morons on this thread actually defending the elites and the corporatist, capitalist, corrupt system as being superior to a system which would create useful goods and services.
>unironically arguing that custom goods inherently create less wealth than mass produced ones
You get dumber with every post I read
>Yes, I think we should all do it.
I think we should all save the planet by jumping off a cliff.. you go first.
That's precisely the point I was trying to make. The more we babysit 3rd world countries, the more babies they make and the more dependent they become on the rest of the world. Direct financial support never had any positive impact on such countries.
>I dont give a shit about them.
You also don't give a shit about people in your country or Europe or in your city. This is human nature. This is why we created society in the first place, to create a better community because on a stand-alone basis people only care about themselves and their immediate families.
>Capitalism is human nature
Yes, yes. Good goy. Remember to wake up early on Sunday, by the way, I need you to come to the office- I need a couple thousand bucks to take my kids out on a nice picnic next weekend. You need to stay all day, of course. Oh, and there's "optional" overtime, just like wanting to keep your job is "optional".
See you sunday. Say hi to your wife for me.
Kraut-boy shows ignorance of real economy.
Explains why Germany is psychically fucked beyond redemption.
Enjoys paying taxes to dig and fill holes and feed Muslims.
>he doesn't understand why that person used the word donate
Because if it's not profitable, it might as well be a donation, you stupid motherfucker