>Liberals are idiots
>Mass shootings statistically aren't a problem in America
>The American public cannot be disarmed
Is Gooby the second most hated member of the gay community?
>Liberals are idiots
>Mass shootings statistically aren't a problem in America
>The American public cannot be disarmed
Is Gooby the second most hated member of the gay community?
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Goobert pls. Go away.
Scooby is based
Scooby is an engineer so it's no wonder he holds those stances although I think he is more progressive on social issues since he is a gay man living in San Francisco.
wtf i love scooby even more now
I hope I look that good in my 50s tbqh
How are you limp wristed faggot liberals gonna take these guns?
he needs to keep his shirt on when he speaks truf so blood can leave my penis and go to my brain so I can think good
He is gay? Man, kinda sad that a prime example of men is gay. That blows. Pun intended.
Holy shit
I didn't know Scooby was big on guns too. I always thought he was neutral on political topics since I only follow him for fitness advice.
100% Illuminatty physique
he really realistic about every political topic. he's not radical in any way and any rational person will mostly agree with his views
top man
built a fucking plane on his own
>tfw scooby will never be president of usa
>tfw scooby will never make america great, truly.
Based fucking scooby
scooby pls
dat gyno
i meet Scooby a few weeks ago. ask me anything.
Scoobster is one hell of a guy. He might be gay, but he puts a decent example of how men should be.
Wow I love scooby now
>on social issues
who gives a fuck about those none issues anyway? they're fucking stupid.
you wish. the guy is a fitness junkie.
are you the bald guy who looks scared to be there
how thick was his cock when it was in your mouth?
That you to the right of him?
that's you on the right?
are you the one on the far right? Or the black guy?
his a happily together with someone else so i was not allowed to taste it
Fuck off, degenerate libertardian kike. Sup Forums is a Christian board.
>is Scooby the second most hated gay
Does anyone outside of /fit/ and a few other bodybuilding forums even know who he is?
holy fuck that thing in all black on the right
Could he understand what the fuck you were saying?
you're either:
>guy with hoodie on in the way back row
>sir giraffe with the adam's apple also in back row
>bald guy wearing backpack and faded greens
Tell me at least you're one of these people, please.
the fitness mafia hate him
You met him during on his trip through Sweden, huh?
Did he give you any fitness tips, Sven?
is scooby top or bottom
His physique is fucking garbage though. He isn't prime anything.
He is what happens when you roid for mass before attaining full range of motion over all muscle groups.
scooby is red pilled and browses Sup Forums
What's this nonsense that you have to be in the middle to be right about political issues. I hate this idea.
who the hell cares.
>This is modern style
Wtf I want scooby to fuck me hard now
me on the right
Anyone who treats their body as a temple you godless fucking faggot.
Eat a diet of lead.
because middle usually is right
t. Plato
>20 years added to sentence for possessing a gun during the crime.
Well he's completely wrong on that. The middle changes compared to where the left and the right are at a certain time
everyone in Sweden can speak English. its the second langues here.
try again
not much. we just talked about what our goals were and how we saw fitness in our lives. then he talked about his journey through fitness and asked us ideas for new videos. he also talked a bit of politics how america takes badly care of thier mentally ill and how society should not look badly at people if they not "good enough" for thier standards.
i told him i was from /fit/ and asked him to come back but he just laugh and said " i lurk".
Should I install?
WTF I love scoobs now.
WTF. Is the penis of the far right showing ?
You're the "Lumberjack nu-male" in the middle row, slightly left of scoob.
I can tell from the flag and having seen quite a few swedes in my time.
Haven't seen this guy since he left /fit/
It's astounding how you're so confidently throwing around terms you don't understand and accusations that aren't true.
Lemme guess, you've been working out for 3 months and think you know everything?
Can he put a shirt on sometimes please
I get really distracted with his nipples, they are staring at me. I just cant watch
who said i was ethnic swede?
If you're Stockholm shirt bro, looking joocy, even in a baggy shirt. Nice job!
he also asked why everyone in sweden was so lane and naturally fit. are you Americans really that fat over there?
I never knew he was a faggot
nobody assumes you are an ethnic swede
They all ran from your shit country
I'm not big on the whole gay topic, I find it degenerate. But in Scooby's case it's okay because he's not a little prissy faggot who flaunts his sexuality all over the place.
And, Yes. The meme typically isn't a joke as most people here in the US are either kind of chubby, or lanky. It's uncommon to find someone who's extremely fat or extremely fit.
Did you ask him anything politically related?
mass shootings are majorly committed by niggers and so are most crimes, if you removed niggers then american would jump down to the average crime rate for a white country, comparable to say, norway.
Gooby pls
I remember when someone on /fit/ doxxed him in 2013 and some people even threatened him over the phone. They found out he was living with a man and found pictures of him with said person on a pride parade.
>3 mins in
>quoting Huffington post as a reliable source of information
Really? Fuck off with this degenerate faggot kike.
why doesn't he workout his neck?
not really. i asked if he watched the golden one (fitness Swedish guy that speaks against immigration and a nationalist) but he just said "i have watched some of his videos. seems like a great man but i dont agree with him much on his political issues".
Oh ye of little faith. Someone link him the neck workout vid, I'm romanianposting from my phone.
>degeneracy is ok if you don't flaunt it
Fuck off poser. "crusaderkun" lmao whatever tripfag.
Sup Forums doxxed him not /fit/
Damn shame.
I didn't say it was okay.
Just don't shove it down everyone's fucking throat like you do with sheep cocks.
Huskyfat detected
Oh yeah, I remember something like that. Some tripcode user, right?
why does he wear the hat?
How is it possible that gays are generally pretty based and redpilled?
I sure hope Sup Forums remembered to do their skateboard squats today.
he is a gun grabber, admitting people can't be disarmed doesn't change the fact he's saying people should be disarmed, imprisoned etc etc
shall not be infringed, faggot
It's not and they aren't. People like Scooby and Milo are outliers.
did he show you skateboard push ups?
funny. i commented how his knees are bad and has a hard time working out his legs so i made a funny comment about his skateboard squads.
we all just laugh.
I love Scooby
Wasn't it 600 million guns?
Most aren´t, hence why it´s so emphasized and surprising when one is. Media tries to associate homosexuality with liberalism and most faggots buy right into it, giving the rest of us who just like dudes a bad name.
>Mass shootings statistically aren't a problem in America
> has highest firearm related death rate per 100 000 people in civilized countries
> top kek
>still have a lower crime rate than uk
>if you take out niggers we have a crime rate similar to Switzerland
Our homicide rate has been steadily declining for 30 years and mass shootings account for less than 1% of that.
I swear dutchfags are trying to take the stralia shitposting throne.
he is in his 50s. Look at other ppl in their 50s and see how horrible they look.
Not sure about crime rate, but the stat I hear yanks throw about is 'violent crime rate', and that's because Brits include common battery and assault as violent crimes, whereas in America they aren't classed as that (for whatever reason), which massively inflates/deflates the numbers accordingly.
If you want to argue about the price of freedom, etc., then argue that, don't quote bullshit numbers.
>pillow scream in every other video
Definitely a bottom, still love the fag
No you don't. UK has 45 times less gun related deaths en.wikipedia.org
No they don't en.wikipedia.org
Seriously, just google your claimes before being retarded on the internet
He even uploaded videos to some gay muscle fetish websight, how could you not know that he's a gay jew lol.